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Niro & Owain Play Scientists

Posted on Sun Aug 16th, 2015 @ 12:40pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Niro & Seyla

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Java - The Promenade

Pouting, Owain sat across from Niro. He let the man know that he'd really rather be back in Seyla's quarters, doing depraved things in her bed. But, no, Niro had dragged him here, to Java, where Riley Sukotav could often be seen getting coffee and reading stuff. Owain figured the scientist was likely reading dull, dry science-type stuff; he had the feeling that Riley was a boring lover, too. All science-y and technical. Riley wasn't, however, here right now. "Maybe he's avoiding this place, thinking that Reva might find him here and pester him into taking her back." Yes, Owain was in a pissy mood. It didn't help that Niro had been thinking of the girl while in bed with him.

“He seems to be a creature of habit, he’ll be here,” Niro assured Owain. He pulled his gaze from the other tables and focused on the man beside him. Owain’s mood registered loud and clear and Niro was in no mood for his attitude. If he was honest, he didn’t really want to be here waiting for Riley either but his curiosity was piqued and he wanted to know what had finally made Riley draw the line. He smiled gently at Owain and reached out to take his hand.

“It won’t be long. Don’t tell me you are jealous of Reva and me? You needn’t worry, you know what my interest there is. I made a promise to Seyla and I intend to deliver.”

"Hmph. Of course you get to eTagy her while you're delivering." He gave Niro a sour look. "Don't you think you were the final straw for Riley? That is why you showed up there that morning. You know Seyla had planned to have Marcus there the next day? Just in case."

Niro laughed at that bit of news. “I’m glad to see that reinforcements weren’t necessary. So, the first step is done - cut her out of the herd and leave all of us as the ones she’ll turn to in her time of distress. I’m seeing her tomorrow to help take her mind off things. Better me than having her run off to her little friend the Borg, who might talk sense to her.”

"How much sense does that one have, though? She quit the Fleet to decorate Suresh's arm. That'll be a short-lived career choice," Owain shook his head slightly. "Where are you going to take the Orion tomorrow or will that be tonight, after her shift?"

“She said tomorrow but I think I’ll show early, whisk her away to keep her from having to face the long, lonely night alone.” Niro’s voice dripped sarcasm. “I don’t foresee any problems.” He considered what Owain had said about Suresh. “A Romulan and a Borg...interesting mix. Do you think she might be useful in our project with Reva?”

Owain paused to think about that. "You're already working on the jealousy angle, right? Six has that new bodyguard - another female Orion. Plus she gets to sleep in and do whatever she wants all day instead of reporting to a job. I don't see Six convincing Reva to leave the Fleet, though, not directly."

‘Perhaps using her as an example might do it,” Niro mused. “Suresh spends a lot of time at Saturnalia, which means she’ll be there too. Seeing her friend’s life of leisure in action would be a big help in fanning the flames of rebellion. Excellent.” Niro looked past Owain as movement caught his eye. It was Riley, just settling in at a table. “Show time,” he murmured.

Casting a quick glance over his shoulder, Owain couldn't miss seeing Riley. "At least Reva has good taste in men."

Niro nodded. “He’s a curiosity though. From what I’ve read in her, he’s faithful and loyal and all that...sounds like a pet. But he’s managed to keep her interest which means there’s something there, it’s just well hidden from the public. He was found drugged and hungover in a brothel on Archadia, and that doesn’t fit. Strange, isn’t it?”

"Considering his girlfriend was playing brothel all by herself? Maybe he was just evening the score." Owain sat quietly a moment then added, "He does have a black hole, as Reva called it. Oh, and a bit of an interesting... Well, no wonder he liked your uninhibited Orion." He chuckled.

A smile spread over Niro’s face. “They always say it’s the quiet ones you have to watch out for. I’ll be right back.” He squeezed Owain’s hand, stood, then crossed to Riley’s table. “Good afternoon, Lt. Sukotav.”

Riley looked up and seeing Niro, his expression darkened. “What can I do for you?”

Niro shrugged. “I was with Reva earlier and she told me you two had parted ways. That’s a shame. You seemed so attached to her.”

Riley slowly set down his coffee cup as he regarded Niro. “You don’t seem too broken up about it. And if Reva ran crying to you, apparently she isn’t either. So it seems there’s no harm done, is there?” His tone was even but Niro easily read the sarcasm behind the words. “She wants to play the field, so I’ve stepped out of the way. I didn’t see why I should be kept waiting while she had her fun elsewhere. That includes you. You just brought the issue home, so to speak.”

Niro resisted a laugh at Riley’s words. He looked the man up and down and as he did, took a moment to slip into his thoughts and probe a bit. The black hole Reva had spoken of was there but he could see it was a block. A little deeper probing brought something to light that concerned him.

“Glad to be of service, Riley,” he joked. “But be serious, you weren’t happy with things as they were. I’ll take what you just said as a thanks and just’re welcome. I’ll tell her tonight that we spoke and you’re doing well. Enjoy the coffee.”

Riley chose not to respond to the taunt. “Go. Now.”

“See you around.” Niro turned and crossed back to Owain, a smile on his face. “Well, that was fun.”

Grinning broadly, Owain nodded. "Good show. So it isn't an absence of memory? What's under there?"

“Something that makes no sense,” Niro responded absently. He shuffled the thought aside, hiding it from Owain, and glanced at the time. “It’s about time for your first client this evening, O.”

The man checked his time and nodded. "Yup, gotta go." He stood and brushed his fingers against Niro's neck. "I'll see you later, then." He left the cafe, leaving Niro to stew in his own thoughts.

Niro sat, lost in thought as he considered the situation. He had to admit he was concerned and while there was very little that gave Niro pause, he had stumbled upon something that was. Several options presented themselves but what needed doing was something he thought he’d never do. With one last look at Riley, he rose and left Java. A few minutes later, he was standing at a public terminal. He pressed the panel and sent a message to Lt. Darwin, Security.

Facing A Dilemma

Enjoying being a Voyeur

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Even More Of A Puzzle


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