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Robart Takes Action

Posted on Tue Aug 18th, 2015 @ 8:37pm by Suresh & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Seyla & Tog
Edited on on Tue Sep 22nd, 2015 @ 10:35pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Brig / The Cherry Pit / Iapetus

Kicked back in his expensive, antique Terran bovine leather chair, his feet up on his desk, Tog chuckled and squeezed the asscheek of his Second Secretary - whose sole job was to light his cigar and look pretty. Rub his ears, too, that was her most important task. He chewed on his cigar a moment, that one hand continuing to squeeze the woman's cheek, then suddenly continued his dictation, "Party of the Forty-First Part is to ensure that the Party of the... Ah, crap, which party is which?" He sat up and shifted notes around on his desk.

As he did so, he heard his First Secretary - the one who actually did most of his work - yell, "Hey! You can't just...!" and then a large, green Orion in an expensive suit strolled into Tog's office. Both males frowned at each other. Tog spoke first, "You don't have an appointment! That's an extra charge!"

The Orion lifted a single finger and slowly wagged it at Tog. "Shh," he shushed the little attorney. "I will pay you a fair amount, but you will not yell."

Tog narrowed his eyes at the Orion and assessed him in terms of whether the Orion could afford him. He hadn't met many people who could, lately. This one, though.... Expensive, tailored suit; plenty of gold-pressed latinum piercings; and... Tog's brow rose as he recognized a nearly hidden sigil on the man's lapel. He shooed his Second Secretary out then smiled and quietly asked, "So, Mister...?"


"Mr. Robart, what can I do for you?"

* JAG/Brig Office *

"Look, Julie, just... come on, set bail for him," Tog pleaded.

Julisa glared at the little Ferengi. "Lieutenant Bajun, Mr. Tog. The man has no ties to the Station and is the registered owner of a container that held seven people being shipped off to be slaves. Why would I set bail?"

Tog smiled, doing his best to flirt with the pretty brunette. "My client, who wishes anonymity at the moment, will vouch for him."

She frowned. "Would you vouch for him, Mr. Tog? Realize that it's on your head if he doesn't show."

"Ah... Well, yes, I will." It was a testament to how much the Orion was paying him that he'd take that risk.

"Fine," she nodded and named the bail amount. It was enough to make Tog choke. But, thirty minutes later, he was escorting one Hunter, of F&H Imports and Exports, out of the Brig offices.

"Man, someone likes you, Mr. Hunter," Tog shook his head.

Hunter looked down at the shorter Ferengi and smiled. “So it would seem. I told ‘em that I’d get out and be back in business soon. So who’s footing the bill for this? And where’s Fisher?”

"Who?" Tog looked at Hunter blankly. "I don't know a Fisher. And I'm not at liberty to name who's paying for this." He stopped, certain Hunter would stop with him. Holding out a slip of paper, he said, "You're to follow these instructions."

Hunter looked from Tog’s face to his hand, then took the paper. Reading over it, he frowned, then shrugged. “Seems simple enough. I suppose a thank you is in order. See you around, huh?”

"Yeah. If you skip, I'll have Suresh send someone to find you," Tog threatened; he was certain the man couldn't know he was bluffing. He hoped the Orion knew what he was doing.

That got a laugh from Hunter. “I’m shaking in my boots.” He gave Tog a mock salute. “Later, Big Ears.”

Hunter turned and started off, headed for the meeting place written in the note. His route took him through the Pit, to the deck above Saturnalia and down along a side corridor that he hadn’t traversed before. Rounding a corner, he arrived at a small alley that was dimly lit and held a service lift.

“Hello?” he called out.

From a shadow, Robart stepped out. "Hello, Hunter. I believe you've had an interest in a particular Orion female."

Hunter looked the male Orion up and down, then finally nodded. “That young one, yes, the Fleetie. I woulda had her too except for that asshole Suresh. What do you know about her?”

Casually approaching and circling around Hunter, Robart said, "I am more interested in what you know."

Hunter’s laugh was decidedly lewd. “Not nearly as much as I’d like to,” he admitted. He paused as the light finally dawned and he connected Robart with the note and Tog. “Wait, you’re the guy who bailed me out? Why?”

Surprisingly quick and agile despite his size, the Orion grabbed Hunter and jammed a hypospray to his neck. "I am. So I could kill you." He let go of the man's corpse and stepped over him, calmly straightening his suit jacket as he left the alley.


Suresh was relaxing at his usual table, a drink before him. He was in a wonderfully good mood, and why not? He’d proposed and Six had said yes. Granted, few would know of the marriage but that mattered little. What was important was that she was his and he was hers and nothing would change that. Up front, the door opened and a familiar figure stepped in, one that brought a quick smile to Suresh’s face. Tog. It seemed he really was settling in to this life.

"Surie!" Tog yelled the man's name, as if he needed fair warning that someone was approaching, and grinned. "What problem are you having? You must have one or are about to have one!" He took a seat across from his most ill-reputed client. Quietly now, he added, "You asshole. You come back, retake your businesses and don't even call me? I feel like a cheap whore."

“Things have been going smoothly, Tog, so I had no need of my favorite cheap whore.” Suresh grinned, his good mood apparent. “But I thought it was time we got together to catch up and deal with a few matters of business. I trust things are well with you?”

"They are. I can't discuss details, but I've recently done some very lucrative work," Tog sat back and looked smug. Suresh's good mood didn't phase him: he hadn't done anything for the man recently, so Suresh had no cause to hurt him. "I have some documents of yours, or of the other Suresh. There's rumors flying about you. Some people say you're an imposter; others are claiming you're our old Surie. I don't think you can name some of these documents, which means you're not Surie."

“You might be surprised, Tog,” Suresh answered. Mentally, he flipped back through all the business files he’d read on the computer in his quarters, including the information on Ivor. He suspected that there might be a copy of those floating around and Tog would be the reasonable choice.

Tog watched Suresh, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He pulled out a padd and entered an encryption key. Very quietly now, he said, "I like order over chaos, Suresh. And since you've been back, chaos is receding, on the whole. Which is why, just this once, I'm doing you a favor, gratis. Of course, should you think this really is gratis," he gave Suresh a sour look, "You're not as smart as you think." He slid the padd in front of Suresh. It wasn't business files Tog had. They were personal things: evidence of live birth, schooling records, odds and ends.

“And you’ve been receiving your retainer as usual,” Suresh answered as he took the padd and began to look it over. His expression remained neutral as he read them, giving the appearance that none of it was a surprise. A name jumped out at him from one document in particular - Xerena. He knew the name, very well, in fact, but not in the context it was used here. “I’m glad to have these back, Tog.”

"Interesting reading, isn't it? Like a stroll down memory lane."

Suresh nodded. “It is, and your point? Xerena and I parted ways a long time ago.” The version he knew had, in fact, ditched him for for a security officer on the other 900 because he had a ‘more stable job’ as she’d put it. They’d never married, however.

"You could put it that way. Legally, you're still her husband, of course. Don't you recall? She had that fling here and you sent her off to Romulus? Why, I bet the current admin here doesn't even know about that. It was way before Zeferino took over. Good thing, too, since you had the Security guy castrated."

"He deserved it, in my opinion.” Suresh smiled once more. “Are you expecting trouble from Xerena? If she concerns you, it’s a simple matter to dissolve the union. Of course, there are rumours of my death, you could produce a death certificate. Or I could send someone to remove her and be done with it. I don’t foresee an issue either way.”

"Oh, of course there's no issue. It's just good that you recall all of this, Suresh. You know, in case some of the Station's older residents ask about her." Smarmy as always, Tog grinned ingratiatingly. "After all, I'd hate to see chaos make a rebound."

“As would I. It’s why we went to such great lengths to send the imposter off in my place and regain control down here.” Suresh sipped his drink, then lowered it back to the table. "I’ve had to crush the hopes of a pair recently who sought to trespass on my territory. They were caught with a crate full of ‘sheep’, including some of Seyla’s pets. You’ve heard, I suppose? You tend to hear everything.”

Tog blanched a little. "Oh? The, ah... F and H Imports, that was, I think?" He realized he'd just sprung the H of that pair and let him loose on the Station. "I did hear about that, yeah."

“That would be the ones, yes. One of them is in the brig and I had a nice conversation with the other just a day or so ago. He thought he had gotten one over on me and he was surprised. When he starts swiping Sey’s girls, I draw the line.” He noticed Tog’s expression and narrowed his eyes. “Tell me what you know.”

"Ah... Well... Um, I know that the one in the brig - he's not in the brig anymore." He hopped, glanced at his padd and exclaimed, "Oh, look at that, I have to go meet a client. See you around!"

“He isn’t?” The smile returned to Suresh’s face, this one chilly. “That is just what I needed to hear. And Tog? Deal with Xerena. She won’t give you any trouble.”

"Deal with her?" Tog paused. "Legally, right? I mean... You already send her money, so either way, she'll cost you the same."

“Yes. Give her a settlement, a small one, and wrap it up. Let me know if you have issues and we’ll look into other means if necessary.” Suresh signaled the waiter for a refill. “We’ll talk next week.”

"Right," Tog nodded and turned, bumping into Farco's chest as he tried to make his escape. Rubbing his nose, he complained, "Ow...."

"Boss," Farco barely noticed Tog. "Security's gathering in Sector 85. Dead body. Looks like it's that slaver that tried something with Six."

Tog went pale.

Suresh chuckled and looked over at Tog. “I told you. I suppose I forgot to mention he was also trying to take my woman? He won’t make that mistake again will he?”

"You're claiming this one, Suresh?" Tog looked oddly hopeful.

Farco frowned, nearly pouting, at Suresh. "Aw, Boss!"

“I warned him at Saturnalia that night and he ignored me. His partner seems to think this man in the brig was untouchable. You two should stick around. I suspect his partner will show up soon and it might be an interesting show.”

"You said I could do the next one!" Farco stage-whispered at Suresh.

“I promise I'll make it up to you. If the other half of that team stays stupid, he’s all yours Farco.” Suresh looked past them and smiled. “And here he comes. Have a seat gentleman, this is going to be fun.”

Farco and Tog took a seat, one more happily and willingly than the other. Fisher stalked right up to Suresh's table. "You ass. You had him killed."

Suresh turned a placid expression on Fisher. “You seemed to think your partner was untouchable just because he was in the brig and you needed to learn a lesson about how things run around here. I decided to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Perhaps now, you’ll believe what I tell you.”

As the importer blustered at Suresh, Tog noticed his other client step into Iapetus and take a seat in the corner. He wanted to sink down and disappear. He did slide down in his seat.

"You also cost me a shipment," Fisher leaned in slightly. "For that, I'll take the Orion and then we'll be done."

“You seem to be more thick-headed than I thought. Your friend thought he’d run off with my Borg and you see how he ended up. Do you really want to follow him?” Suresh’s tone was menacing. “If I can get to him where he was, I can get to you anywhere. You’re in my world, Fisher, and you have no idea who all answers to me. Touch the Orion and it will be the last thing you do.”

"You've already said you don't give a damn about the Orion." Fisher smirked. "We'll see who gets the better of the other." He turned and walked back out of the bar.

Suresh laughed as Fisher walked out. “Keep an eye on him, Farco. Just watch unless he decides to do something stupid. Go.”

Farco went after the importer, grumbling because his assignment was just to watch.

Tog, recovering slightly, also stood and said, "Well... always fun to see you, Suresh. I was on my way out, though. Bye!" He, too, followed the way the importer had gone, nodding at Robart as he passed him.

Suresh was watching Tog and noticed the nod. Tog didn’t acknowledge just anyone unless they paid him, as a general rule, so the man drew Suresh’s attention. He recognized the face and its piercings from Saturnalia. Marabeth had mentioned him too, on one of her ‘cover’ visits. He was something of a mystery, and Tog added to that. Suresh signaled to the man, an invitation.

Robart debated ignoring the Romulan. They had no business with each other. But, after a moment, he smoothly stood and crossed the room to him. "Ordinarily, people come to me," he said, "But you claim this as your territory, so I will make an exception. Why do you summon me?"

“Good ears. Have a seat.” Suresh motioned to the empty chair across from him. “You have a lot of people curious about you lately, including a prostitute who could wake the dead.”

The Orion sat, unbuttoning his suit jacket as he did so. It fell open slightly, revealing a small disruptor in a holster. "Curiosity need not be answered and I am not here for leisure pursuits, Suresh."

Suresh nodded. “I tend to hold to those ideas myself. So why are you here?”

"That is no business of yours," the Orion declined to answer the question. "Rest assured, my business will not interfere with yours. Unless you cause it to."

“As long as it’s not along the lines of the fellow who just left, we’ll have no issues,” Suresh replied. “He’s refused to understand the house rules and thus has worn out his welcome.”

"As I said, it is no business of yours." He frowned and shifted slightly. "I have done nothing to wear your patience thin."

Suresh studied the Orion before him and nodded. “You’re right and as such, welcome to 900.” He noticed Robart’s lapel pin and smiled. “I see we have some mutual friends.”

"Do we? If you recognize the sigil, can you name the Shodar to whom I belong?"

Suresh’s smile widened. “I can. Tell me, how often are you in contact with Europa?”

A fierce look crossed Robart's face. "Enough to know my duties. How do you know her?"

"It’s complicated, like most of her relationships.” Suresh reached for his drink and took a sip. “The last time I saw her was far away from here.” That was the truth, actually, but he couldn’t tell Robart that ‘far away’ meant an alternate universe. “She is ...unforgettable.”

"Yes, she is. Recently, she discovered her only daughter, Cyllene, was attacked and brutally beaten. This angers her; I am here to ensure the persons responsible pay for that," he said, far more forthcoming now that they had established a connection.

“Cyllene is here?” Suresh frowned. “How is it that I’ve not come across her yet?” Robart’s words set off a suspicion in his head however. Beating….Orion...Reva. “Wait...don’t tell me…..”

He nodded, "You know her as the Ensign Reva Madhava, the name her Betazoid grandmother forced on her. Her true name is Cyllene, daughter of Shodar Europa. I arrived a few days after her attack." He watched Suresh balefully for a moment. "In that matter, your business is mine, since rumor has it that you ordered the assault."

Suresh began to laugh at the news. “I’ll be damned,” he managed to say. “I’ve been running around fending off slavers who keep trying to snatch her because the young woman I keep is attached to her and now I find out I have an even better reason to keep her in one piece.” He laughed some more before finally settling down. “You shouldn’t believe everything you hear. Someone did attack her and while they wanted it to appear to be me, it wasn’t. I have a little idea who did do it though.”

"Who?" Robart hadn't expected the resident Boss to be so ...cooperative.

“His name is Owain, but so far, I have no proof. Just a few little things here and there that have made me wonder.” Suresh shrugged. “I’ll have what I need soon enough, but I expect him to avoid me for a few days. I had to remind him yesterday who Six belongs to, and it isn’t him.”

"I am aware of that. I have been here, waiting and watching, while Cyllene was confined to quarters. Who is this Niro? The first night she is no longer on confinement, and she was in Saturnalia with him." He didn't mention that he knew the couple had gone to another establishment and then to the Enaran's ship.

“Enaran. I don’t know a lot about him other than that his brother is Starfleet. He’s been here for a little while and seems to be close with Seyla too. What I do hear of him is mixed, but I will say that no one seems inclined to give her any trouble while he’s with her. Six says he seems quite attached to Cyllene from what she has seen. I suppose the short answer is, I am reserving judgment at this point,” Suresh answered. “But I think he bears watching.”

"Then he will be watched," Robart said. "And the man who was just here? Partner to Hunter? He intends her harm, doesn't he?"

“Yes.” Suresh nodded. “I’ve warned him off more than once, from both Cyllene and Six. He’s just stubborn. Now, however, he doesn’t have his partner to back him up, and Security is breathing down his neck for attempting to ship out some of Seyla’s women in a livestock container. I doubt his freedom will last long.”

"More than likely, you are correct," the Orion nodded. "Do not tell Cyllene I am here. Now that she has free run of the Station again, I wish to observe her associations." He was determined to weed out the harmful ones. Of course, what an Orion might deem 'harmful' might differ from Starfleet's definition.

“Deal.” Suresh smiled once more. “Don’t worry, despite the steps I’ve taken to protect her, it irritates her that I do and she pretty much despises me. So your secret is safe with me.”

"Good. If you'll excuse me, I have a ship to check on," he stood and buttoned his jacket. "I'll be around."

“Later.” Suresh watched him go and began to laugh once more.

Smarmy Attorney

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Deal Maker

Career Cut Short

All In A Day’s Work

Disappointed, Again

Wading in Dangerous Waters

No Longer an Unknown


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