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Ships And Stories

Posted on Thu Aug 20th, 2015 @ 6:51pm by Captain Li Hawke & Admiral Ricky Wegener
Edited on on Thu Aug 20th, 2015 @ 6:57pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Holodeck 1 / Piper Medical Center

* * * Deck 21 - Holodeck 1 * * *

Rick stood in the corridor at the access panel to the holodeck. “Computer, run program Wegener-22.”

After a few acknowledgment chirps from the computer it announced, Program is running. Enter when ready.

Standing in front of the doors, the opened revealing his old ready room aboard the USS Oppenheimer, his former command. It was a prototype Sovereign II class ship and, to him, it was the most beautiful and most capable ship he’d ever commanded.

He walked around the room to remember it as it was before he’d left for Alpha Fleet. Statues, knick-knacks and other decorations for the room he’d long forgotten and hadn’t been able to make the different moves with him from Alpha Fleet and then on to 900.

Walking out onto the bridge he was greeted by many of his former bridge crew. They paid no mind as he walked from position to position checking on their current status. “Location, Lieutenant?” he asked.

“Sector 209. Still 14 hours from the Paklor quasar.”

Rick nodded. “Understood. I’ll be roaming the ship if you need me. You have the bridge.”

“Aye, sir.”

Ducking into the turbolift he made his way to a random deck. He wasn’t there to simulate any missions or to ‘play’ at his old position. He simply missed his old ship and wanted to visit, even if it wasn’t real.

He wound up on Deck 11 near Stellar Cartography and Hydroponics.

“Sir,” several of the crew said as they passed. He would nod and greet them, some of their names he could remember and some, likely inserted by the computer to fill positions, he could not. He’d always prided himself of being able to remember his crew’s names, mainly because of his eidetic memory, but he always thought that gave a more personal touch to his command style. People of all races liked the fact that their commanding officer actually remembered their names instead of just calling them by their ranks all the time.

Just down the way, standing beneath the lights of Hydroponics, was Li. When she’d asked the computer to locate Rick, the answer had brought a smile and she had hurried to enter the program. Rick would end up here eventually and now, she was examining a row of orchids in various colors. Like Rick, she sometimes missed life on a ship. As she turned one of the flowers to stop it from growing one-sided to the light, the doors opened and the man himself stepped in.

“Took you long enough to get here,” she teased.

Rick stopped and had to look at the rank pips on her collar to make sure she wasn’t the Li from the Oppenheimer. Four rank pips. He smiled. “Checking up on me?” he asked. “I haven’t revisited here in a while. Thought I’d come back for a bit.” He looked around the room and smiled at some of the more alien plants. “I miss this ship, Li. I really do.”

“I know, so do I. It’s made me consider something I want to run by you.” She adjusted another of the flowers, then stepped around the metal shelves to stand by Rick. “Care to continue your stroll? We have a lot to talk about.”

“Sure,” he said. They walked back out into the corridor toward Stellar Cartography. “So, what’s up?” he asked, then acknowledged a few more crewmembers as they passed.

“First, the idea that this ship has brought to mind. El’Shar will be gone another two weeks or so, yes? If so, I think it’s time that the Director of Delta Quadrant Operations goes to see his new colony, and I am going with you. It will satisfy our ship nostalgia and give us a chance to look around, see how things are coming along. Sakkath is home now to handle things.”

Rick grunted. “Good idea. When do we head out?”

“Soon as you’d like to go. I have one meeting that can’t be put off, with that attorney Tog over a small matter, but that can be done first thing tomorrow,” Li answered. “Dad’s down on Archadia for a few days, so Kai could assist Sakkath while we are gone and help keep him sane.”

“Sounds good.” They entered Stellar Cartography. It was empty so he tapped at the controls and pulled up their current position relative to the quasar. “It sounded like you had something else to discuss?”

“Several somethings. Let’s do the good stuff first, shall we?” She leaned her hip against the panel, looking at Rick as he studied the map. “Some staff updates. Lt. Commander Nicolao has been cleared for duty and is already at work assisting Security on a new case, which I’ll get to in a moment. We also have two vacancies to fill.”

“Good for Nicolao,” Rick replied. “And what vacancies are there?”

“Assistant Chiefs for Intel and Medical.” Li watched the screen as Rick magnified the quasar and smiled. “There’s a small one with a similar make-up we can detour to on the way to Charu if you want to see it.”

“No. I’ve seen plenty.” He turned to face her directly. “Any suggestions for those positions?”

“Medical is easy. Lt. Commander Crane is staying and he will make a good, if slightly unorthodox, one. Will agreed on that too. In Intel? Nico is the ranking officer but since he’s just returned to duty, and made it clear at the time that overseeing a department wasn’t his thing, he is out of the picture for now.”

“Any promotable officers? If not, it’s not too unorthodox to have a lower ranking officer taking the position and possibly being promoted later on. Like Lt. Leto, for example. If I’m not mistaken, she’s been a full lieutenant for a while now and she seems very capable. What are your thoughts on that?”

Li nodded. “She and Lt. Marcinko would be the next in line and I think they both might prefer that she take the position. Dae certainly would and it keeps Nick free to travel a bit more as needed.”

Rick thought on it a moment. “They’re both highly qualified, but if I’m not mistaken, Nick just moved up to Lieutenant from enlisted. Not enough time in service at that level. Promote Leto. And you’re right,” he said with a chuckle, “I don’t think Nick would want it anyway. He’d much prefer to be unencumbered with the extra paperwork.”

“Very well. If she works out there, Dae can promote her rank when he sees fit. I’ll notify Will and he can meet with Dr. Crane.” Li crossed to the door and opened it. “Shall we continue?”


They departed Stellar Cartography and moved along the corridor at a leisurely pace. “Next I have some updates on recent activity. The meeting with Tog concerns the death of a civilian. The man is the owner of record of a crate that was confiscated and found to contain a number of women, three of whom are employed by Seyla, held against their will and intended for shipment out to be sold. Tog arranged bail for the man on behalf of a client and an hour later, the man was found dead down in the Pit.”

“Does security have any suspects?” he asked as they walked. “Do you think Seyla is involved?”

Li shook her head. “No on both counts. She’s far too visible and tracking her moves is simple. There is nothing to tie her to the man either. He, on the other hand, is well known, and the subject of some reports passed up from Suresh. The man’s partner is still on the station but under watch - he was involved in an incident regarding Ensign Madhava and an attempt to remove her from a bar in the Pit. I’ll know more soon enough.”

Rick sighed heavily. “People being treated as chattel, random killings…” He looked to Li and then back down the corridor. “Computer, exit.”

The large arch appeared in front of them with the doors opening. They stepped out into 900’s corridor and continued walking. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes. The short version. You saw the report on Lt. Sukotav being among those affected by the rifts and his recovery. Earlier today, he jumped out of the bushes in the Arboretum, stabbed Ensign Six and was taken down by Lt. Kendrick. He’s in the brig under sedation, according to Gilroy. Six is recovering but it was touch and go from what I understand. This matter is, obviously, taking priority.”

Rick stopped. “Stabbed by--?” He turned around and walked back to a turbolift they had passed. Once they were both on board he announced, “Deck 365,” and turned to Li. “This shit is getting out of control, Li. If it’s not the civilians on board it’s my own people. Have medical found anything wrong with Lt. Sukotav? Some...some illness or something?”

“The report mentions a mental irregularity and Nico is assisting Gilroy. That’s what I know right now but it hinted that they think it was the result of outside interference. They noted a mental block that was discovered after he was found on Archadia. We should know more once Gil’s had time to question him.” She sighed aloud as she looked up at Rick. “Gut instinct? It’s all related to his disappearance.”

The doors whooshed open and Rick strode out into Piper Medical Center’s intensive care unit. He stopped before he got too far in. “Li, I need to check on her. Mostly because she’s new here but just because of who she is. The only former Borg on board, possibly feeling a bit alone--Li, has she made any friends other than Kendrick? I don’t want her to actually feel like she’s alone.”

“Well, there is Ensign Madhava, and of course Suresh. The Intel staff and….believe it or not? Riley is one of her closest friends. They served together before they both arrived here.” Li frowned. “I suspect you’ll find Suresh here. I just got in a request from Six yesterday actually, for you. She asked if you’d perform a wedding ceremony for them.”

Rick sneered. “Suresh.” They walked further and found where Six was recovering. “I’ll have to think on that one. But Sukotav and Six are close and he still attacked her? That has to imply some sort of mind control, or something akin to that.”

“Agreed.” They looked through the small window in the door and could see Six in the biobed and Suresh seated beside her. “I’ll wait for you here and….cut him some slack, okay?”

“No promises.” He stood in the doorway a moment before opening it and finally stepping in. Suresh turned but Rick ignored him and moved to stand beside the bed. He gently slid his hand onto hers. “Six? Are you holding up okay?”

She blinked her eyes open and it took a moment for her to focus on his face, then another for recognition to sink in. “Admiral?” She was still hoarse but there was obvious surprise in her voice. “Is something wrong?”

He smiled. “Yes, Six. You’re here in sickbay for all the wrong reasons.” He patted her hand. “How are you feeling? I hope they have you on some decent pain meds.”

“Can’t feel anything...including my lips so if I sound funny, I apologize. I know it’s serious.” She shifted her gaze to Suresh a moment. “Even though he’s afraid to say so.”

“We tend to do that sort of thing for those we love,” Rick said, glancing at Suresh. “But I’m assured that you’ll be right as rain in no time. Besides, all of your Borg-y things are probably in there working overtime to fix you up.”

Suresh nodded. “Dr. Harding went so far as to say that her nanites were a blessing in this case.” He managed a smile, though he looked exhausted. “But so far so good.”

“I’ll be here another few days,” Six added. “They had to redo my lung, more or less.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’re recovering and that you weren’t in worse shape when you arrived here.” He truly was happy to see her doing so well. Being an ‘alien’ himself, he was aware that others could be harsh towards a new race that they didn’t understand, but Six was a different creature altogether. So he was sympathetic to how she may have felt when she first arrived. But she seemed to be doing well for herself with friends and now with Suresh.

“I won’t linger much more,” he said, looking between Suresh and Six both, “but I’m told by Captain Hawke that you had a request to make?” He wasn’t going to let on that he already knew.

Six looked to Suresh and nodded, so he turned to Rick. “I’ve asked Six to marry me and she was hoping that you would agree to perform the ceremony. It will be small and given our current operation, kept secret for everyone’s sake. But it would mean a both of us.”

Rick frowned suddenly and the look of concern on Suresh’s face was immediate. Turning back to Six he took her hand again. “I tell you what, young lady...if you make a full recovery and are able to return to your assigned duties, I’ll perform the ceremony.”

He’d hoped that might provide a bit of a morale boost for her and to make her work hard on regaining her strength.

“Understood, sir.” She smiled and so did Suresh.

“Thank you, Admiral.” Suresh looked relieved. “Dr. Solis said she should be home in a few days, then we’ll see where we are.”

Rick turned back to Six. “You get better. I’ll come by again and check up on you in a day or so.” With a look to Suresh he motioned for him to meet him outside the room.

“I’m going to be completely honest with you,” Rick started. “My dealings with your counterpart from here left a bad taste in my mouth for you and, I have to admit, that it wasn’t fair of me to judge you on his actions. From what I’m told you’re quite the opposite of the other Suresh and, well,” he exhaled sharply, “I feel it necessary to apologize for the way I judged you.”

“I appreciate that Admiral.” Suresh’s tension eased just a little. “I went through a lot for Li and Oz and Darwin, but I’d do it again in a second if needed.” He looked down the corridor to where Li spoke with Ophelia. “She likely told you all about it. As for Six, I’ve done everything possible to keep her safe but she and Vic told me something and I find it hard to believe. Is it true that Riley did this?”

Rick nodded. “It is. I’m told that medical staff are looking into any sort of factors that may explain why he acted that way. It could be any number of things, but I don’t believe he would have done it while in his right mind. Captain Hawke tells me that he and Six were good friends. It wouldn’t make sense for him to turn like that.”

“No, it wouldn’t.” Suresh shook his head. “They are very close. It’s a little hard to believe. You never think you need protection from your closest friends, you know? At least not in her world.”

“Mmm,” Rick said in response. “I don’t know your feelings for the man, but I would encourage you to not bear too much ill will toward him until we can find out why he acted this way. If it were something against his own control then he really wouldn’t be at fault, even though he held the knife. Just something to keep in mind.”

Suresh nodded. “It’s hard not to be angry but it’s not my place to act like the old Suresh and start planning revenge. However, even if it turns out he was forced, it will be some time before I trust him again.”

‘Sounds reasonable.” Changing the topic back to Six, Rick added, “I need to go but if her condition worsens have someone contact me.”

“I will, and thank you for coming.” Suresh offered his hand. “I think it did a lot to lift her spirits.”

After a brief shake Rick went off to find Li.

“What’s the word?” she asked him. “How’s Six? And how is Suresh doing?”

“Groggy but awake. She seemed to be doing well, despite what happened. Suresh and I spoke as well. I urged him not to be quick to fully blame Riley until we found out whether he acted on his own or otherwise.”

Li nodded. I’ll stop in and see them before we leave tomorrow. And I hope that this situation is resolved soon, for everyone’s sake. It’s ugly and I don’t like it.”

“Agreed.” They started out of Piper. “So, any other news you need to spring on me? You’ve been a bucket of laughs today, you know.”

That did make her laugh. “Sorry about that. Shall we do something fun? I’m going to spring on Oz that she has to take over the XO’s office for a few days, that should be good for a laugh.”

“That actually sounds like some fun. Let’s go,” he said with a large smile.

Captain Li Hawke
A Bucket Of Laughs

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Being Nostalgic


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