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With Earl Comes Great Responsibility

Posted on Sat Aug 22nd, 2015 @ 3:34pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

Stifling a yawn, Earl hunch over slightly and carefully assessed his line of attack. He shifted his feet, made sure his balance was right and then applied just the right amount of force and waited. He straightened up and cursed a blue streak as the stupid white ball stopped an inch shy of the hole. He shook a fist at the ceiling, as if blaming it for his error in the force necessary to get the ball in the hole.

Calming down, Earl chose another little white ball and repeated his performance, this time sending the ball skipping over the hole. In the middle of his blue streak, he looked over to see Will standing in his doorway. "Ah.... Commander Harding. How's it going?" He leaned on his putter casually.

“Better than it is for you, Earl.” Will smiled at his fellow doctor, highly amused. “You’re choking up with your left hand. Relax your wrist.”

Earl very nearly told the old geezer that he'd been playing this game since before the man's mother was a glimmer in her father's eye, but didn't. That wouldn't be entirely wise. "Yeah, yeah. You know what free advice is worth, right?" He smiled. "What brings you by?"

“You actually. We have a few things to go over.” Will eyed the putter in Earl’s hand. “Have a few minutes to sit down and give that thing a break? Ophelia said her ears were beginning to burn.”

"She's too sensitive sometimes," Earl said, but he set the putter aside and moved behind his desk. "Have a seat, Will. Coffee? Anything?"

“Coffee, yes. What day is it?” Will sat heavily in the chair next to Earl’s desk with a sigh. “Solis is gone so that means it’s early morning, right?”

"Think so. Either that or Jules crooked a finger at him and he dashed off to fulfill..., erm... Nevermind," Earl coughed lightly. "As for days, I stopped tracking those, you know. Now I'm just counting bad thing number 1, bad thing number 2,..." He handed Will a mug of coffee.

“Thanks.” Will held up the mug and inhaled, then took a sip. “Better. I might live. I went down to the brig earlier….today I guess it was….to see Lt. Sukotav. Bad thing number 2 by your list. They said Counselor Amani was due in this morning, so we should have his report before long.”

Earl sighed. "What is it with short-lived species? It's as if the less life you're given, the less its valued." He rubbed his face with a hand.

“I don’t know, Earl. But something’s going on and I don’t like it.” Will shook his head. “The sooner it gets figured out the better. I just hope we don’t lose some officers, or your son again, in the process.”

"Yes, though some are, or were, on a self-destruct course, whether of their own making or not. The Orion and this Borg, and now it seems Lt. Sukotav." Earl paused and regarded Will quietly for a moment. "But they aren't why you're here, are they?"

“Not entirely, that was just an update. I wanted to tell you how pleased I am with yours and Solis’ performance in the OR yesterday. Stellar work and I appreciate doctors who can keep the mood light when things look grim.”

"Doctors' humor. I'm afraid that if our patients or non-medical friends ever heard what we think of as funny, they'd think we're psychopaths," Earl smiled. "It's the best way to handle what we see, though."

Will chuckled. “Are you sure we aren’t?” he asked. He took another sip of the coffee and nodded. “Laughing in the face of death gets us through somehow,” he agreed. “This does, in a roundabout way, get us to my next subject.”

"It does? Who's dying?" Earl's brows went up.

“No one today I hope, but that depends on your point of view I suppose. I have a proposal for you.” Will leaned back in his chair and sipped more of his coffee.

"I'm already married, darling," Earl grinned. "We'll simply have to keep up our affair."

“Well, damn,” Will muttered with good humour. “I hope Ehl doesn’t mind. But fair warning, I insist on leading.” He paused and lowered his cup. “My other proposal concerns this department. We’ve been without an assistant chief for some time and I am moving you to that position permanently. Unless you have some objection?”

"No wonder you wanted me to set aside my putter," Earl frowned at Will. "Doesn't it make you wonder, Commander, why I'm a Lieutenant Commander? Despite being several ...days... your senior?"

“You have had a long and rather varied career, Earl. I am a believer in the idea that rank does not equal experience. There was this ensign once, years ago that…..never mind. You get the idea.” Will rose, took their mugs and moved over to refill them.

"Yes, I do. I've been a Commander, a cee-em-o, an a-cee-em-o, and everything else. I rather like the life of an LC! No extra paperwork, just come in, see to the patients, dictate a report on them and go home." Earl's grumpy, crotchety side was showing. "You want me here permanently? You're sure?"

“I do. You have the patience to deal with it and the long years of wisdom to believe in the old saying that ‘this too shall pass’ when things get hairy. Our head nurse adores you, and that’s worth a lot in my book. If she likes you, her staff will too.” Will shrugged. “Pretty simple choice.”

"Of course they adore me! What's not to love?" Earl grinned before getting slightly more serious again. "Okay, I'll take the position, but make sure that old Admiral knows that I won't replace you. CMO is one position I can no longer contort myself into."

Will nodded. “Very good. I don’t plan to go anywhere anytime soon, unless it’s down to Archadia. In that case, an agreement was reached that won’t prevent my presence here, but you’re safe for a while.”

"Good. You know what they say, 'too much responsibility makes an Earl go grey'." No one had actually ever said that and, for Earl, it was already too late: his hair was grey already.

Will looked at Earl and tilted his head. “Seriously Earl?” Then he began to laugh. “Anyhow, I’ll note it in my log and make the necessary changes in the computer.”

"And everything will continue on the same, except I get more paperwork to do!" Earl nodded. "Lovely! Go on now, I have a putt shot to perfect." He stood and shooed Will out.

Will stopped at the door and watched as Earl took his putting stance once more. “You spent some time on Earth, ever play Augusta National?”

"Many times. Challenging, but after the thirty-fifth game on it, it starts getting less so." Earl commented. "Now, the Klingon adaptation of the game?" He shuddered, "That's challenging. Even the damned ball is a hazard, what with its teeth and legs. They didn't quite grasp the concept when they developed their version."

“They still claim Shakespeare too. Don’t ever get Kh’ali started on that one,” Will commented. “We should week after all the craziness subsides. Assuming it does.”

"Wednesday? Maybe by then, this craziness will have abated and the end-of-week insanity won't have started."

Will nodded. “Sounds good. Now take your putter and go home. Mi will be in shortly to relieve you and one of us needs to get some sleep.”

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Earl grabbed the club and trotted out just ahead of Will. "See you tomorrow!"

Lt. Commander William Harding

Lt.Commander Earl D. Crane


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