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There's a Light at the End of the Tunnel

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2015 @ 1:11am by Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Raj Amani

Mission: Further Challenges

Lounging on the cell's padded floor, Riley reviewed his life up to this point. It had been good. He'd had his rank, which was nothing to sneeze at, and his research. He had friends.... He frowned. Had had friends - an attempt to kill one just might lose him the others. And he'd had a girlfriend. One he'd liked; loved, really, when he came right down to it. But that was over - the whole life, not just the girlfriend. He'd been unable to fight the programming in his head and he'd tried to kill Six. He bounced his head on the padding.

“Is that wise?” The voice that addressed him wasn’t Gilroy’s. It belonged, in fact to a pleasant-looking man whose black eyes marked him as a Betazoid.

"What does it matter? It's padded. Not like I can hurt myself." Riley didn't get up, though he did stop bouncing his head.

“True but it won’t help either,” the man reasoned. “I’m Counselor Raj Amani, by the way. How are you feeling now that the Improvaline has worn off?”

"Hello, Counselor Raj Amani. I'm sure you know I'm Riley Sukotav. The man who tried to kill his good friend, Six of Ten. How do you think I feel, Counselor?"

Raj nodded. “I was speaking physically. You were quite distraught yesterday but I’m glad to see you’re more calm today. I don’t want you having to be sedated unless it’s absolutely necessary, for your own sake.” Raj paused a moment. “May I come in?”

"Sure, have a seat on the bunk," Riley waved carelessly in that direction. He then chuckled ruefully, "Calm, am I? I was thinking I was just despondent, wishing for death. Physical feelings, mental feelings, they're all the same."

Raj nodded to the security officer who was present as part of Riley’s suicide watch. The man turned off the force field until Raj was inside, then restored it.

“Thank you, Chief. As this constitutes a confidential session, leave us. I’ll call when we finish up.” Once the man was gone, Raj took a seat on the bunk as Riley had suggested. “I need to ask you some questions so I can determine where we go from here, Riley. I know you’ve likely done nothing but answer questions but what I’m interested in is just a little different. Commander Nicolao’s report indicates that you may have been coerced and that’s what I need to explore.”

"I doubt you can ask me anything that hasn't already been asked, but go ahead." Riley stared at the ceiling, which, he now noticed, was padded as well. Did the designers think folks would jump that high to beat their heads on the ceiling if it weren't padded? He blew out a breath. "Yeah, I was programmed. They called each other brother. I was to break up with Reva, then see Six and kill her, then go find Julian Crane and kill him."

Raj nodded. “That I read in the reports, and they seem to think it had to do with the slab you and Six were translating.” Raj paused a moment before he continued. “I spoke to Six this morning. She asked about you. She’s worried and wanted me to tell you.”

"Worried that I'll come find her and finish the job?" Riley's pessimism had a thorough grip on him.

“No,” Raj’s voice was calm. “Concerned for her friend. Which brings up my first question. Think back to the Arboretum,” he instructed. “When you saw Six and stepped from the bushes. Describe for me what was happening in your mind. You mentioned that it was as if you were watching yourself. Tell me about that.” He held up the padd in his hand. “And if you don’t mind, I’d like to record this so we have it in your words. It’s much better than my scribbled notes.”

"Whatever. Record or not. It doesn't matter." He thought, again, about that moment. He had thought about it hundreds of times since it had happened. "I was hiding, I didn't know why until I saw her and then... I had no control. I saw what I was doing, like a third party observer, like I was having a dream, a nightmare. I attacked her and there was nothing I could do to stop myself."

Raj made a quick note on the padd as he listened. “Did that feeling change once you struck? Before Lt. Kendrick tackled you?” Raj watched Riley closely as he asked the question.

"No. She wasn't dead," he explained, shaking his head and speaking dispassionately. "I struggled with him, but I was also struggling against what was in my head. And things went black."

“Alright. Then you woke up here. Do you recall what you were feeling then? Was the compulsion still there?” Raj’s voice was soft as he continued to question Riley, doing his best to remain unobtrusive as the man before him on the floor returned to the critical moments.

"Oh Gods," Riley groaned unhappily. "Waking up. I wish I hadn't. It would have been better if Bryce had just killed me." He covered his eyes with a hand. "I wouldn't say the compulsion was gone, but I could ignore it. And I could see the whole plan: Reva, Six, Julian Crane. I don't even know Dr. Crane."

“His involvement is something of a mystery,” agreed Raj. “But what you’ve said is cause for hope Riley. I won’t promise you it will be an easy road back to your life but it is possible. There is plenty of precedent concerning those who are victims of mental coercion and make no mistake, you are a victim here as well. I want to help you get back to that life but it will take us some time and effort.”

"Why bother? No offense, Counselor, but why? Everything that matters is gone."

“Are you sure?” Raj asked gently. “Your position and rank are intact and you can rebuild your life. Nothing is ever carved in stone, Riley, even when it seems to be. You can do this and it will be difficult, but not impossible. Deep down, if anything were possible, what do you want?”

"Reva." He said her name without thinking.

“Very well. If you want her, then don’t let her go without giving it your best shot. In order to do that, you have to take some risks. What about the rest?”

"What rest?" He sat up and moved to lean his back against the wall. He then realized the disadvantage of this position: he was facing Raj. "Do you really think Starfleet would remove this from my record? Or that Six would ever be friends with me again, knowing I tried to kill her? And Bryce - he was a friend, too! And now? People don't forgive something like this."

“The ones who matter do, when they know the truth. The rest will in time. As for Six, I think that she will definitely understand what it’s like being taken over, having your life and your free will stripped away from you, don’t you think?” Raj smiled for a moment as he watched Riley.

Riley chuckled, leaning his head back and looking at a point above Raj's head. "I suppose she would, Counselor. If she could...," he shrugged.

“If she could what?” Raj prompted.

"Be friends with me again," he cut off a sob and pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Easy, Riley.” Rag rested a reassuring hand on his arm. “We’ll do everything we can, alright?”

He nodded, working to keep his feelings in check. "Right."

“Very well.” Approaching voices reached them. “Shall I come see you tomorrow?”

"You know where to find me," Riley said. He knew the voices approaching were coming to see him.

At the door, a female voice spoke up, "Counselor Amani? Lt. Bajun, JAG. Sorry to interrupt but I'd like to talk with Lt. Sukotav. Do you want to remain?"

"Lt. Bajun.” Raj turned back. “Riley? Do you want me to stay?”

Riley looked Raj. "Do you think she'll try to program me?" He grinned, lopsidedly, showing he was joking.

“Doubtful,” Raj smiled for a moment. “She’s likely here about the charges and how things will proceed. I’ll be happy to stay if you want.”

Shaking his head, Riley said, "I'm fine, you don't have to stay."

“Very well, I’ll see you tomorrow, but call if you need anything before then.” The officer that accompanied Julisa lowered the force field to let Raj out of the cell. “I should have a summary for you shortly,” he said to Julisa.

"Thanks. Would there be any issue with me taking a look in his head?", she asked Raj.

Raj shook his head. “Not as long as he agrees, and given the question at hand, it would be to his advantage. He won’t argue the point.”

"Yes, only with his consent, don't worry," she said, stepping around him to enter Riley's cell. "We'll talk soon, Counselor."

Once she was in the cell, the officer outside put the forcefield up. "Lt. Sukotav," she addressed Riley, "I'm Bajun Julisa. Your file was given to me for prosecution."

Riley nodded. “I was wondering when one of you would show up. Everyone else has been here.” He motioned to the bunk. “Have a seat.”

She settled on the bunk. "Lieutenant... May I call you Riley?" 'Lt. Sukotav' seemed like mouthful.

“Sure,” Riley answered. “I’m not really standing on formality here. I’m in a padded cell, so it seems a little much to use my rank. What can I do for you?”

"Let me read you. I'm part Betazoid; my telepathy is strongest when I touch someone."

Riley looked her up and down and finally nodded. “My head is a popular place today it seems.” His voice then changed, losing the forced humor. “Raj seems to think it will help so go ahead.”

She slid off the bunk and sat cross-legged next to him. Taking hold of his arm, she looked into his eyes and then past them into his memories and thoughts. The recent ones, she winced as she read them. No wonder the padded cell was necessary. She went deeper and saw what she needed. Withdrawing, she patted his arm. "Okay. I don't think anyone else will need to do that, Riley."

He gave a slow nod. “What did you see?”

"Enough to know that you're not someone we should prosecute. This isn't something you did willingly." She looked at him kindly. "You've been abused and left to hang. Going forward with a prosecution wouldn't serve any purpose, except to let those who did this to you claim another victim."

The relief hit Riley so suddenly and so strong that he sagged against the wall and dropped his head into his hands. “I...I don’t know what to say.” The sob he’d swallowed down when Raj was there finally escaped, followed by several more. “What….happens now?”

"Ah...," she was uncomfortable with his emotions; she wasn't, after all, someone who could or should comfort him. She knew he wanted an Orion there. "Now... Well, Psych will need to clear you before Security can release you. You're their responsibility till someone says you don't need four padded walls." She shrugged apologetically. "Psych will set appointments for you to help undo any lingering issues with the programming and its fallout. Once your counselor okays it, you'll be back to work."

“Thank you,” he whispered, still overcome. “Raj….will be here tomorrow to deal with all this, I guess.” He paused and looked up to Julisa. “But tonight, can you get a message to Lt. Rutheridge? It’s important.”

"I can ask Raj to come back today, if you want," she offered. "What's the message for Rutheridge?"

“It’s about that damned Iconian slab. Someone went to a lot of trouble to do all this because of it. Tess needs to make sure that thing is secured and not left on my lab table where it has been all along.” He nodded then. “And if you would call Raj, I would appreciate it very much.” He wiped his eyes and managed a smile. “He said there was hope, maybe he is right.”

"Not everything is as bleak as it might seem. I'll make sure Rutheridge - and Security - know about the slab. Lt. Gilroy has been questioning Rutheridge about it. Or, maybe it was Darwin. Either way, they know that's involved." She patted his arm again then gathered herself and stood.

“Thank you again.” Riley felt he should stand but he didn’t think his legs would cooperate. “Do I need to see you for anything once I am out of here?”

"Only if you want to," she said, "But there's no need for you to sign anything. See you around, Lieutenant." She smiled slightly and signalled the officer to let her out. He did and she stepped out and down the hallway.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Another Victim

Lt. Raj Amani
A Ray of Hope

Lt. Bajun Julisa
Not a Prosecutor, This Time


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