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Owain's Fallout

Posted on Sat Aug 29th, 2015 @ 7:56pm by Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin & Seyla & Owain & Niro & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana
Edited on on Sun Nov 22nd, 2020 @ 3:39am

Mission: Further Challenges

Entering Ed’s quarters in the civilian area called the Pit, Darwin called her name, “Ed? You won’t believe what Oz did!” He didn’t sound happy.

She stepped from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and running a brush through her wet hair. “Oz?” She moved over to kiss him and soothe his ruffled feathers. “Catch me up here.”

“Oz, my boss, you know, Oralia Zeferino?” He took her towel and used it to rub what wasn’t yet dry. “Madhava is missing; I sent her a request to go after her in a runabout. She denied it! She said to send Ensign Carter instead.” He got a little rough with the towel.

“Perhaps she thinks you may be getting too involved?” Ed asked. “Easy there.”

Easing up, he hooked the towel around her and pulled her in for a kiss. "More likely she doesn't want me or Gilroy off-station while she is. Carter's capable enough." He shrugged.

“Makes sense.” Edana draped her arms around Darwin’s neck and stole one more kiss. “So come tell me about Reva while I get dressed. What about Niro? You think he’s involved?” She took his hand and led the way back to the bedroom.

"Surprisingly, no, I don't think he is. Reva's off-station; it looks like she was put on Fisher's ship, which is now heading for Dendrian Space. Carter has a team chasing the ship." As he followed her lead, he thought about the younger Orion.

“So the question,” her voice was muffled as she pulled a shirt over her head, “is how did he get her and why wasn’t she with Niro? They seem to me tied together lately.” She pulled on a short skirt, then went back to the closet for shoes.

He watched her dress, the realization that they weren't about to have sex sinking in slowly. "Owain led her away and brought her commbadge back to Niro's ship. I've got officers looking for Owain."

She fluffed her hair that was already drying in loose ringlets. “Alright, let’s go. Have you seen Seyla yet?”

"I haven't. How 'bout we head there first? Have you ever dealt with her before?"

“Only in passing. Like most, she thinks I’m just one more denizen of the pit.” Edana smiled and, as if reading Darwin’s mind added, “We’ll play later. I want to find Owain. I could use a new footstool.”

"If Niro finds him first, that's likely all he'll be," Darwin said, pulling her close, "You'll owe me later. Come on."

* Seyla's *

"Good girl, Bella," Seyla praised Bella for having ventured out and seeing her client, Sven, again. Bella beamed under the praise then jumped when the door chime sounded. At Seyla's gesture, she answered the door.

"Darwin!" Bella sounded genuinely pleased to see him. "And... you, an Orion," she didn't sound so pleased to see Edana.

"Her name's Edana, Bell," Darwin told as he and Ed entered Seyla's abode.

Edana smiled at Bella as she entered, then looked over to Seyla. “Good evening, Seyla.” She glanced back at Darwin, leaving it to him to deliver the news.

Seyla looked Edana over, frowning, as she approached Darwin. "What brings you by, dearest Darwin?" Her pheromones swirled on the air currents. She leaned against him, making him dip his head so she could kiss him.

"Ah...," he blinked then smiled, holding Seyla close to him. "We're... um....," he cleared his throat, "Reva. We're here because of Reva, again. She's missing."

"Have you checked Niro's bed?" Seyla laughed.

Edana rolled her eyes. “Cut it out Seyla, this is not the time.” Her tone was firm. “Reva was taken off the station and is now on her way towards Dendrian space, likely in a cage. Where is Niro?”

Seyla looked up at Darwin, who nodded, then at Edana. "I don't know where Niro is. I'm not his keeper! And how could Reva get off-station? Darwin?"

He stepped back from Seyla and ushered Bella to the door, quietly telling her to go sit with Jonah for a bit. He turned back to Seyla, "Actually, do you know where Owain is?"

Seyla went to her console then answered, "He's with a client. Why?"

"He led Reva astray, Sey," Darwin told her.

“How soon will he be done?” Edana asked. “You might want to get him back here before Niro finds him.”

"Based on this client? It could be an hour, it could be five minutes. Depends upon what he wants tonight," Seyla shrugged, "I'll send him a message to come here as soon as possible." She turned to look at Darwin, "But... if he really did help someone leave with Reva, I'd be just as happy to hand him over to Niro."

“Something we agree on.” Edana nodded. “But I’d hate to deny Darwin his fun.”

Darwin frowned and was about to say something when the door chime sounded. He answered it, grunting a greeting, "Niro, lovely to see you again."

“Darwin.” Niro hurried in, glared at Edana, then turned his attention to Seyla. “I take it you’ve heard the news?”

"I have," she hissed at him, showing her anger, "You were supposed to be watching out for her!"

“She is a grown woman, Seyla, and does do things on her own in case you forgot. She has enough people telling her what she can and can’t do, she didn’t want that from me.” Niro’s voice was harsh. “Besides, you should keep a closer eye on those you hire. Owain’s the one responsible. I hope you won’t miss him too much.”

"Hey! Quit the bickering!", Darwin ordered. "Gods. You two sound like you're married." He went to Seyla's console and leaned over her shoulder, catching her hand before she could blank out the screen. He called his officers, directed them to the client's location and to pick up Owain. "He'll be in a holding cell in a few minutes," he told the room.

Just as Darwin's officers called back and said Owain wasn't at that location, Seyla's door opened and the man walked in, stopping short when he saw those assembled inside. "Hey!" He smiled.

Niro glanced to Darwin, sending a silent message, then smiled at Owain. “Hey O.” He crossed to the doors and slipped his arms around Owain. “How was the night? You’re just in time. We’ve had some unexpected company.”

"Have we?" Owain looked at the others and, out of self-preservation, read Niro's mind. He frowned. "I had nothing to do with it!"

Darwin's brows went up and Gilroy's phrase 'he doth protest too much' came to mind. Here, he doth protest too soon. "What did Fisher promise?"

"Nothing, since I didn't do anything!" Owain claimed.

Niro pressed Owain back against the doors with his body and blocked him in with his arms. The position looked almost intimate. He leaned in close, his lips brushing Owain’s ear. Anger boiled within him but he clamped it down, keeping his voice soft. “Tell them, my darling...tell them what you did.”

Edana watched, fascinated, then shuddered and shot a glance to Darwin.

Having seen Niro's brother at work, Darwin knew Niro was pushing Owain to confess. Was he also planting the memories, though? "Niro! Lay off!" He grabbed the man's shoulder and pulled away from Owain.

Owain slid down the door and sat against it. "I met him in the grotto and told him I'd drug her, bring her to him," he said.

Darwin looked at Niro. "Planted memories? Or are these his own?"

“All his, Darwin,” Niro answered. His voice was husky. “You want to know why? Tell them Owain. All of it.”

Owain looked at Niro. "You're mine but you told her I meant nothing. You wanted her to be your Drusilla! Live happily ever after, as if you're some sort of prince charming." He glared at Darwin, "So I made sure that slaver could take her as far from here as possible."

"Shit," Darwin cursed, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck.

Moving like lightning, Niro reached Owain once more and wrapped his hand around Owain’s throat. “You…..” words seemed to fail him as his hand began to tighten.

"Woah! Nope," Darwin grabbed Niro and pulled him away from Owain. "No killing the man, not with me in the room," he said. He glanced at Ed and Seyla.

“Then leave Darwin,” Niro answered. “Then you won’t have to see it and can’t swear who did it.”

"No, I'll take Owain with me. Ed, you want to stay here or go with me?" Darwin let go of Niro and reached for Owain, standing him up.

“I’ll go, there’s something I need to do.” She had nothing pressing but anything would be better than hanging out with Niro. “See you soon, Seyla.” She gave Niro a brief look, then opened the doors.

Niro regarded Owain for several seconds and shook his head. So much for loyalty. “Get him out of my sight.”

"But, Niro! I love you!" Owain shouted, trying to look over or around Darwin.

“Funny way of showing it,” Niro answered.

"Come on," Darwin pushed Owain out the door and let it close behind him.

As the three left, Seyla strode up to Niro and slapped him, hard. "You caused this! An Orion wasn't enough? You had to have a man, too? And now Reva, our investment, is gone!"

Niro grabbed Seyla’s wrist and pulled her close. “I did this to save your man’s ass. That attack on Six? Owain. They had his partner in the brig and he was about to tell them everything, including who helped him. Owain would’ve been hanging in the breeze, Sey!” He paused, breathing heavy. “As for Reva, is that all she is to you? An investment?”

"Ugh, is she more than that to you?" She twisted away from him and stalked to her bar, pouring a drink for herself. "Is Owain right, that you were thinking of Reva as your own?"

Niro ran his hand through his hair and sighed aloud. “Yes. No. I don’t know...In the beginning, I set out to do what you wanted. But somewhere along the way….I….yeah. Before you go there, it wasn’t the pheromones. She’s a person, Seyla. A lovely one who deserves better than she’s gotten at our hands.”

"You've grown a conscience?" Seyla sneered at him. "That's a liability."

“Let’s not get crazy,” he snapped back. “If Darwin hadn’t been here, Owain would have been history. I can still get to him, once they leave him in the brig if Darwin doesn’t decide to hover. Would that make you happy?”

"I don't give a damn about Owain! He's only done one extracurricular job for me and I ...," she stopped herself then smiled, "Well, I don't need to worry about that one job coming back to haunt me. What I do worry about is my business and what Reva could have made for me!"

“I know about that job,” Niro growled. “At least his part in it. He crossed to the bar and pressed Seyla back against it. “The question is what now? There’s a big green Orion on a ship chasing them down as we speak. I offered mine but Darwin insisted that it’s a Fleet issue, so I’m letting them handle it. She’ll want to know why I didn’t come.”

"Big green Orion? Who are you talking about? The dumb one that turned down Marabeth?" She frowned at him.

“Yes.” He smiled down at Seyla. “So, between the two of them, they will get her home, then we can figure out what to do then. Especially since her precious Riley has been released.” His voice had softened as he spoke and he leaned down, brushing a kiss to her forehead.

"After what he did?" She shook her head and moved away from him. "This place is crazy."

“It was in Darwin’s head. Seems someone programmed his mind to do it and therefore he wasn’t responsible.” Niro laughed, watching her. “Now who is developing a conscience?”

"That's not a conscience, that's just... concern. The man tried to kill someone. But you, you're reneging on our agreement," she accused.

“Oh? Because I got attached to her? One does not preclude the other but in her case? Maybe it’s time you face reality. Her life is far too complicated to just add her to the stable.”

"Her life was nearly clear: Riley was out of her life, she was on the edge with the Fleet. But now she's off with a slave trader. The Fleet will rescue her and she'll be traumatized into going back to her safe, boring life."

Niro leaned back against the bar and shook his head. “You’re wrong, Sey. He’s not out of her life. She tried hard to hide it but you should know that she loves him. Seriously.”

"So?" Seyla shook her head. "If Owain hadn't helped this trader shuffle her off the Station, she would still be following you around, wanting the life she sees down here."

“Maybe, but I’m not so sure,” he admitted. “You seem to be forgetting she’s half Betazoid and that’s a strong conflict with the Orion side.”

"Again, so? I have Betazoids on my roster." She sighed. "Are you really trying to convince me to stop turning Reva's head?"

“Those Betazoids are used to this life and chose it.” Niro dropped down onto the sofa with a grumble. “I don’t know. Personally? I want her in my bed and no one else’s. I want Riley out of her heart and her life. I’m selfish, I admit it.”

"Now you're being honest," she said. "Not that that helps me, Niro." Her plans were done, for now, with Reva stolen away from her. She sat in the armchair, looking glum, an odd expression for Seyla. "At least she has pheromones."

“We hope.” Niro’s expression darkened. “We aren’t sure how long that will last but I hope to hell she does. It may be the only thing that saves her until the Fleet or that Orion catches up.” The thought of Fisher laying a finger on Reva hit hard and Niro growled.

Seyla looked at him sharply. "Tell me about this Orion."

Niro shrugged. “He’s been haunting the Pit for the past couple of weeks. Never says anything, though yesterday in Saturnalia, he was sitting with Six and Edana and was there for a while. It’s the first time I’ve seen him approach or talk to anyone.”

"None of mine have gotten him to talk, either. I'm curious why he's here. And how do you know he's chasing the trader?"

“He appeared at my ship after I called Darwin to alert him that Reva was missing. He went with Darwin to the dress shop where she was last seen. I offered my ship but Darwin insisted station security would handle it. The Orion left and it was clear where he was going. I'm still tempted to hit the road and go too, but an Orion ship will get there faster.”

"Why is the Orion doing that? Orions don't do anything for charity. Is he just going to turn around and turn her into a slave?"

Niro laughed. “Her mother sent him.”

"What? Europa?" Seyla was up and pacing. "He's Syndicate?" It was one thing to call the Syndicate and ask for things - those could be paid for; it was another to have the Syndicate there, on the Station. "Oh, that's bad."

Niro shrugged. “He has no issue with me so I don’t care. If he can get Reva back, even better.” He thought the possibility very likely, as a matter of fact. “Once he does, then I have to figure how to remove Riley from this picture and life will be good.”

She shook her head. "The girl must have some potent pheromones," she muttered. "Go on, go back to your ship and mope there."

“You need to get home to your dear doctor?” Niro smiled finally.

"No. I have work to do and I don't need a depressing jerk hanging around."

He laughed once more and rose. “You didn’t think I was a jerk last time I was here. It’s alright, I have something to do. I’ll call if there’s any news.” He turned and strolled out, leaving Seyla alone finally.

Locking him, and everyone else, out of her quarters, she sat and pondered on the whole situation - from Reva and Riley to Niro and the Syndicate Orion.

The Ever More-Tangled Web


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