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One Decision, At Least

Posted on Sat Sep 5th, 2015 @ 8:28pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Senior Chief Petty Officer Edana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Promenade / Suresh & Six's Quarters

"So what are you going to do?"

Edana and Six sat at a table in Java overlooking the Promenade following Six's dinner with Vic. Edana was enjoying her coffee while Six toyed with her mug and had taken only one sip.

"That's a good question. Are you going to tell Suresh what I did tonight if he asks?" The light from above caught the gems in her bracelet, the sparkle reflecting off her cup.

Edana's eyes were drawn to it as she considered the question. "Brenari sight stones. Interesting choice, though I suppose it makes sense for Vic." She then shook her head. "No. That's Intel department business as far as I'm concerned."

"Thank you." Six's smile was brief. "I keep thinking that the fact I haven't rushed headlong into what Vic's offered should tell me what I need to know. Maybe. See the problem?" She shrugged and pushed her cup aside. "I want to get home. Suresh will be back anytime now."

"Sure." Edana rose as Six did and they began to walk towards the lift. "I don't envy your position, kiddo. Your life is tough enough as it is and this isn't helping."

Six only nodded as they stepped into the turbolift.

* * *

Once she arrived home, Six insisted that with the doors locked she'd be fine and shooed Edana on her way to go find Darwin. For a moment, she envied their uncluttered ties, but as she entered the bedroom to change, it occurred to her that things for them might be complicated as well. Things sure had turned convoluted for Riley and Reva, though Six had thought they were happy. You never knew, she supposed.

Since she was in for the night, she pulled out a pair of shorts and a cut-off tank top and slipped them on. The dress from dinner she put away and left the bracelet on the dresser. When she reached the bedroom door, she turned back and slipped it into her jewelry box with the rest. It wouldn't do, right now, for Suresh to pick it up and get a mind full of her dinner with Vic. The thought brought a pang of guilt and she sighed. Suresh deserved better and Vic didn't need the uncertainty. It all rested with her and the pressure was beginning to get to her.

Her next stop was the kitchen and a mug of hot chocolate. While she'd been in sickbay, Solis had brought her some that was laced with caramel. It was quite possibly the most delicious thing she'd ever tasted. She replicated a large mug and had only taken two sips when the door alarm beeped softly and Suresh entered. The instant happiness that rose within pleased her.

"Welcome home."

Suresh looked to the entryway that led to the kitchen and, seeing her, smiled immediately. She set the mug aside as he moved in and swept her into his arms. She started to speak, to ask him about his evening, but his kiss silenced her. The heat it brought could melt her bones, she was sure.

"So glad to be here. It Seyla and I settled a few things, visited some of the houses, stopped for dinner. How about you?"

"Dinner up on the promenade, coffee with Ed. I sent her on home once we got here since I knew you'd be home within a few minutes. I was right." She checked the time and smiled. "Ten minutes."

That got a laugh from Suresh. "Am I that predictable?"

"No," Six answered. "That's when you told me you'd be in before you left."

He laughed once more. "So I did." His hands settled around her bare waist and the feel of her skin sent fire racing through him. He pressed closer, moving her back against the wall. "It was an interesting evening but all I wanted was to get home to you."

A slow smile spread over Six's face as she reached out to untuck his shirt. "So? You're home. What do you intend to do about it?"

She knew exactly how to get to him and he loved that about her. "This." He lifted her easily and began to move to the bedroom. "We'll talk after."

Sometime later, Suresh lay stretched out with Six curled at his side dozing. His fingers were buried in her hair and his senses were full of the perfume she always wore. Seyla's pheromones were potent but Six always managed to stir him in ways even the pheromones couldn't. The discussion with Seyla about Vic had contributed, he knew. The idea of Six changing her mind worried him and he'd needed to get home to her, to be with her and ease his mind.

His words to Seyla on Archadia came back to him. It would be a great place for a honeymoon but it was also ideal just for getting away for a couple of days so he could have Six all to himself. It would be just the two of them, no bodyguards, no business, no possible threats to her....just time to enjoy being together with no intrusions. And no Vic. Perfect.

Beside him Six stirred and he turned his head to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Hey you," she murmured. The emotions radiating from him made her smile. "Feeling all possessive are you?"

"I am." He smiled back at her. "Can't blame me. I mean look who I have to come home to."

"Good point," she teased him. "I am pretty awesome." They laughed together for a moment. "And I have you coming home to me."

Suresh nodded. "Despite the Suresh reputation, it will only be you." He paused and kissed her once more. "I had an idea while you were sleeping. Given all that's happened, and all you've been through recently, let's get off the station and go down to Archadia. Just for two or three days. No business, no danger, no 'Suresh and concubine' act, no Darwin or Ed. Just us. We could both use a little fun and relaxation."

Six's smiled reappeared and she nodded. "I think that would be wonderful." He was right, it was what they both needed, especially her. It would be time with Suresh, the man she fell in love with, not the Suresh he had to be in the Pit. Suddenly she couldn't wait to go. "How soon? Tomorrow morning?"

He nodded. "Yes. I'll need to led Darwin know, and Seyla and Lazan so they can look after things, but that won't take long. We could get dressed and go tonight if you like."

Six considered it and then nodded. "Tonight." She sat up and brushed back her hair. "I'll need to call Dae and make sure it's alright. Give me five minutes." She slipped out of bed and started out to the living room.

"Six?" Suresh smiled as he stopped her. "If you're calling Dae, you may want to put something on."

"Oh my goodness, yes." She pulled her shorts and shirt back on, bent to kiss Suresh, then hurried out.

Suresh rose and stretched. He could hear Six speaking with Dae at the terminal as he moved over to the closet. A few minutes later, she returned, all smiles.

"Dae's fine with it. He said he could certainly understand needing a break. Most of the crew at least gets a weekend off and I live this job round the clock. So I am all yours."

Suresh slipped his arm around her and led her to the bathroom. "Yes, you are. Let's hit the shower, then get the hell out of here."

Engisn Six Of Ten
Hoping For A Sign

SCPO Edana

Making A Move


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