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Cabin In The Woods

Posted on Sat Sep 12th, 2015 @ 1:27am by Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Niall Sala Ph.D.

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia

* Archadia *

Niall and Robin’s whirlwind trip around Archadia had been fascinating for them both. Not only had they seen breathtaking buildings and vistas but some of the cuisine they had eaten was as close to being nectar from the gods as they could imagine. They’d stayed in lavish hotels, some of what could be considered a bed and breakfast (kinda’), and now they were down to their last four days of the two-week trip out in the woods enjoying the nature.

The cabin they were in was rough and rustic but had many of the station’s amenities providing them with the choice of finding their own meals in the woods or having the replicator make something for them. The back deck of the cabin had a long dock that led to a lake and walking out the front of the cabin provided a breathtaking view of the forests of Archadia Prime, and the wildlife to go along with it.

Two days prior they had hiked a mountain three miles from the cabin and spent the night in a large cave. It was a little cool and damp but some of the ‘tools’ they brought along included a firestarter that made short work of the somewhat moist wood around them.

Today, however, was a long fishing trip on the lake. They caught several fish and were now cooking them over the open fireplace along with some fresh vegetables Niall had purchased from a nearby farm.

“This is going to spoil me I fear,” Niall commented as they cooked dinner. “No schedules, no deadlines or frantic last minute changes, no one watching my every move. As much as I adore my assistants, they are a curious bunch. It’s been bliss. Glad you talked me into it,” he joked.

Robin laughed. “Well it has definitely been good for both of us. I haven’t felt so free in ages.” He carefully flipped the fish to cook the other side. “And I haven’t eaten this good in so long. It’s real work but sometimes that’s the best type of food to eat, something you’ve labored over.”

“It is. Are you friends with a chef on 900 whose arm we could twist?” Niall grinned at Robin. “You hit the nail on the head though. Free is the perfect word for it. If I didn’t love my work so much, I could be convinced to stay.”

“Oh, in a heartbeat,” Robin replied quickly. “Well, maybe not on Archadia, but someplace very much like this.”

“True, but this place would be wonderful for weekend escapes don’t you think?” Niall pulled the pan back and examined the veggies. “Perfect. I’ll get these served up.” He rose, rested his hand on Robin’s shoulder a moment, then moved over to the small kitchen area.

Robin dashed a little seasoning on the fillets. “The fish are almost done.” He left them a few moments and retrieved a large bottle of Moscato from the refrigerator and two glasses from the cupboard to begin setting the table. “If I haven’t said it yet, Niall, I really am glad that you came along. It would have been fun but with you here it’s been pretty amazing.”

Niall paused at Robin’s words and smiled. “That’s a very good assessment.” He paused and then shook his head, laughing. “And that was business Niall talking.” He carried the vegetable-laden plates to the table, set them down, then slipped his arms around Robin. “What I meant was, it’s been an incredible two weeks.”

Robin leaned back into Niall’s embrace. He had come to enjoy feeling and being so close to him during their trip. Turning to face him, Robin kissed him, then stopped as his stomach grumbled. “It’s a good thing dinner's almost ready. I’m apparently starving.”

“Me too, and it smells delicious. I’ll pour the wine if you want to get the fish over here.” Niall reached for the bottle. “I hadn’t realized you were so talented with a rod and reel. It will make for a good story, but I’ll be merciful and not tell them about your fishing hat.” He laughed once more as he began to twist the corkscrew into the bottle’s cork.

Robin stopped and turned, his face blank. “What’s wrong with my hat?”

“With all the flies on it? Does Dru know you wear that thing?” Niall grinned at Robin.

Gathering up the fish and placing them on a platter, Robin walked to the table and muttered. “I like that hat.”

Once the fish were on the table, Niall took hold of Robin’s shoulders gently. “And I am teasing you.” The corners of his mouth twitched as he tried not to laugh again. “You look every inch the sportsman in it.” He leaned in and kissed Robin gently. “Now, let’s eat. And after, maybe a stroll out by the lake?”

“We can watch the sunset on the deck, if you’d like. That would be nice.”

“Certainly.” Niall sat down and lifted one of the fillets to his plate. “The sunset, the….I can’t think of a better ending to the day.”

“I think some gelato could round that out,” Robin said with a grin. “But even without it, I don’t think I could ask for a better day, or vacation, than this one.”

“And given that you haven’t killed me in my sleep, I count that as a success,” Niall laughed and dug into his dinner. The vacation had certainly proved their compatibility and it both relieved him and made him happy. “Once I get through with all this dinner, you can roll me out to the deck.”

Robin rolled his eyes. “Just because I can end my signature with M.D. doesn’t mean I’m going to be wheeling you around like some mental patient, my dear Niall.” He laughed as he took a bite of the vegetables. “You know, I have no idea what these are but they’re really good.”

“Something local, akin to squash and onions, or close enough. The lady at the market said it would put some color in my cheeks and a spring in my step. At least that’s what I understood. No translator on me at the time and my Archadian is a little rough with the rurals.”

Robin couldn’t help but laugh. “So what you’re saying is this could actually be their version of trash but we’re eating it with crazy grins on our faces.”

“More or less,” Niall answered. “Hey, at least one of us is a doctor. You know...just in case?”

“I don’t want to be using any of my training on you, if that’s what you’re referring to,” Robin said, taking a serious tone. “Or any of those I’m close to. I think that’s why I went into psychiatry instead of medicine.” He finally tried the fish and was surprised. His serious face broke into an impressed grin. “Oh, now that’s just lovely.”

“It is, you do good work, I must say. After all the great cooking you’ve done, I may have to keep you.” Niall reached for his wine glass and had a sip.

They ate and laughed, laughed more, drank quite a bit and even had gelato from the replicator to round out the meal. And now that the sun was beginning to set on such a beautiful part of the planet, Robin and Niall found themselves seated on the back deck, overlooking the lake, and waiting for the sun to sink beyond the horizon.

Niall realized that the wine had affected him more than he thought. He decided it was better to be sitting here than out walking and the thought made him laugh. He realized also that it had loosened his tongue in a big way and so he was being somewhat careful as he spoke. Robin’s touches at dinner had brought his thoughts into the mix and now, it seemed a natural thing.

“What do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked.

As they both sat and watched the sun sink, sipping on their wine, Robin said nothing. He was caught up in the moment.

“Any idea at all?” Niall prompted.

Still not answering, Robin slid his hand into Niall’s. “Shhhh. Tomorrow is tomorrow. I want to enjoy right now with you and that view.”

Niall smiled back at Robin. “There’s a lot I want to enjoy with you and that view,” Niall answered, his voice grown husky with emotion. “Right now.”

“It’ll be kinda’ difficult to enjoy the view, you know,” Robin teased.

“Now you’re getting the idea.” Niall smiled and raised Robin’s hand to his lips.

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Enjoying Niall More than the Sunset

Niall Sala, Ph.D.
What Sunset?


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