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Random Strike, Part 1

Posted on Sat Sep 19th, 2015 @ 10:37pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Niro & Falasin

Mission: Further Challenges

* EFS Korenna *

Niro stood in the door of his bedroom, watching Falasin as she dozed. The orders from Enara were running through him mind and his discovery that Fal was friends with the two cadets was a sweet stroke of luck indeed. Another, darker thought haunted him too - that Riley had ridden off to Reva’s rescue. That would be problematic once they returned home, as would Falasin. But Niro had discovered long ago he thrived on complication. He’d also learned a long time ago to have a plan B at all times. As much as he enjoyed Reva, she might have to be an acceptable loss. Besides, the current occupant of his bed was far more malleable and there was a lot to be said for that.

He crossed the room and leaned down to kiss Falasin. “Wakey, wakey.”

“Hmm?” She was kissing him back before she was even all the way awake. “I’m awake.” She smiled. “And so are you.”

“I am.” He smiled and stroked her cheek gently. “How would you like to go out tonight? Maybe invite some friends?”

She squealed loudly and flung her hands out before grabbing him in a huge hug. “Oh!! That’ll be some much fun! I can invite the girls. We all love reasons to get dressed up and go out. Where will we go?”

He laughed and wrapped his arms around her as well. “Kaleidoscope? You seemed to enjoy it so much the last time. What about Eli and Chance? I know you are friends with them. We’ll make a big evening of it.”

“Oh! Good plan!” She pulled away from him and headed for the console. “I’ll call them, tell them to meet us there. Say in a couple of hours? We can have dinner and met them.”

“Certainly. That will give you time to replicate something festive to wear too.” He sat on the bed and smiled as she hurried out to the console. It was almost too easy. Once again, Reva danced through his thoughts, that wicked smile he knew so well on her face. Right behind her came Riley. Niro rose and moved over to the closet to get dressed. Plan B might have to be slightly revised.

* Kaleidoscope *

Eli smiled and pulled Chance close as they weaved their way through the crowd. The place was packed, the music was loud, and the colored spotlights flashed over the crowd. It was just what he needed.

“This is...awesome!” he shouted at Chance’s ear, then gave up. I’m glad Fal called. I could use some random dancing.

Random is right, Chance laughed, looking around at some of the other dancers. It’s strange she’d call, though. Usually, we just meet up here. You know, randomly. He grinned, laughing at himself.

Eli laughed too. She said she had a date with her. Niro if you can believe it. How’s that for an unlikely pair?

I don’t think I’ve met Niro, have I? Chance thought on that, something which actually helped his dancing skills since he wasn’t thinking so hard about how to move, he simply moved. Yeah, I haven’t.

Nico’s twin brother. I’ve heard that he’s sorta the evil twin? Eli continued to dance, watching Chance with a smile. He was a decent dancer when he wasn’t thinking too hard. His thoughts left Falasin and shifted to his appreciation of Chance’s gyrations.

“Woo!” A vision in blacklit glow in the dark neon bounced up to Eli and hugged him, shouting, “Oh! I’m so glad to see you, Eli!” She glanced over her shoulder at Chance, “And him!”

Eli laughed aloud as she hugged Chance too. “Looks like the party is here.” He noted a tall man behind her that made him do a double take. The man was a carbon copy of Nico. He stopped dancing long enough to hold out his hand. “Eli!” he shouted above the music.

Niro shook his hand and smiled. “Niro!”

Smiling and slowing his dancing, Chance took a moment to appreciate Falasin’s hug and the breasts pressed against him. He cupped her bottom and shouted, “Nice to see you, too, Falasin!”

She batted at him even as he turned half of his attention toward Niro. “Niro!” He shouted a greeting at him then pointed at himself, “Chance!”

Niro stepped back off the edge of the dance floor and beckoned them to follow. He led the way to a table where the noise level was a little less deafening. He now offered his hand to Chance. “It’s nice to meet you. Both of you,” he said. “Falasin loves this place and she mentioned she’d been here with you so I suggested a night out. How about I get us some drinks while you all catch up?”

“Yay!” Falasin was overly excited about Niro getting them drinks. She kissed his cheek as he left them at the table. “So? ...okay, can we use telepathy? ‘Cause shouting can be fun, but it’s hell on my throat!”

As you wish. Eli grinned at her excitement. So when did you two become a thing, huh? Granted, We were gone for a while so…

Oh, just a... I think it was a day or so ago. She giggled. Time with him seems to flash by! Where were you two?

Chance answered, Enara Prime, running through catacombs for our lives! He was okay with joking about it now, since they were safe. His thoughts went to Eric, who’d already gone back to Enara to rescue Eli’s parents.

Long story, Fal, but we made it home safe. He laughed as well. At least I got to spend six days on a shuttle with Chance. He ran his foot up Chance’s leg beneath the table.

And then a day and a half in our quarters, Chance told on them.

A day and a half! What were you...? Her cheeks colored a deeper blue as she understood just what they’d been doing for that long, alone, together. Well, that’s stamina, she cleared her throat and laughed.

And then some, Eli answered. He looked up ad Niro returned, loaded down with drinks.

“Here we go. I got us all that bright-colored drink Falasin had last time.” He set the four glasses in the middle of the table, then moved one in front of Chance and Falasin, then one to Eli. The drink tipped a little as Eli reached for it and Niro grabbed Eli’s hand and drink in both of his to steady it. “Sorry about that. Drink up.” He sat down, wrapped one arm around Falasin and reached for his drink with the other.

Thanks, Niro! Chance took a sip and blinked. Wow, that’s some sugar in there!

Falasin cozied up to Niro, smiling as she nuzzled his neck. Indeed! Sugar gives you a rush for the dancing. The more you have, the better off you are. ‘Cause once you stop, the sugar crash will come in and drag you down.

You think so? Niro looked curious. Makes some sense, and the sweet likely makes you thirsty so you want more. It’s a good racket. He took a drink from his own glass, and shook his head. Sweet enough to send you into orbit.

Yeah. Wooo! Chance toasted the group. Drink up! I’ll go for the second round when we’re done with these! And then more dancing!

More random dancing. Eli laughed and reached for his glass. As he lifted it from the table, his hand seemed to freeze and the glass slipped through his fingers, the bottom smacking back on the table. The noise around him seemed to recede and then the table tilted. Or did it? The faces around him blurred and he suddenly felt panic. He tried to speak, only to discover his throat was rapidly closing up and he couldn’t breathe. He leaned forward against the table, but there was no strength in his arms. Chance? Something’s…... He didn’t even realize he’d slipped from his chair until he felt the cold floor against his cheek.


Cadet JG Chance Conradi
Cadet JG Eli Ziyad


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