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Dodgeball - Part I

Posted on Wed Sep 30th, 2015 @ 11:06pm by Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Lieutenant Dara Sahli & Solaana

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia - The Palace

* Archadia III - The Palace *

Will had stayed in Sickbay several more hours to do a followup check on Eli. He was satisfied and now, exhaustion had overtaken him. He beamed directly down to the palace from the Piper transporter and finally wandered his way to Solaana’s private residence. The guards waved him on in and he closed the door behind him and leaned against it. The quiet was merciful after the chaos of sickbay, and he stood, eyes closed and enjoying it.

"Lovely that you've joined us," Solaana's Second Consort, Parker, frowned as Will entered the room. "Perhaps you should send word down that you're going to be here so that I don't have to spend time getting ready for Solaana, only to find that you're here."

“It was unexpected,” Will answered. “I’ve been at work almost completely since I left here, save about 3 hours, trying to keep a 21 year old from being an early widower.” He let out a slow, deep breath. “Where is Solaana?”

"She'll be along soon. A state dinner ran late and she sent me up to wait for her while the women discuss business." Parker looked Will up and down. "If you can keep from whining and get cleaned up before they're done, she might appreciate that you're here. Of course, if you can't, I'm happy to make sure she doesn't miss you."

Will decided the best course was to kill him with kindness. “Thank you so much.” His tone was sincere as he addressed Parker. It was also time to politely exercise his rank. “I will be ready when she arrives home. I’ll make sure she knows how helpful you’ve been.” Will pushed away from the door and moved past Parker towards the massive bathroom.

Frowning still, Parker watched Will go into the bathroom. He stayed where he was, partly hoping Solaana would be home before the older man was ready. He couldn't believe that she'd given the Human First Consort ranking. While waiting, he lifted a weight, flexing his biceps till they shook.

His hope that Solaana would be home before Will was ready almost came true: Solaana entered just as Will emerged from the bathroom. She crowed with delight; Parker rolled his eyes.

"Will! I wasn't expecting you! How wonderful!" Solaana crossed the room to him and kissed him.

Will smiled as she reached him, then gave in to her kiss, holding her tight. “I am so glad to be here. It’s been a long few days. I’ve missed you.” He glanced past her to Parker, then raised his eyebrow.

Parker sneered and shot Will an obscene Archadian gesture. "Solaana, my darling, do you wish us both to be here tonight?"

Considering the idea, Solaana hedged, "Let me think on that a few minutes, Parker." Stepping around Will and goosing him as she went, she went into the bathroom.

Will jumped and laughed aloud. “Sassy,” he murmured. “I always liked that about her. Did she ever tell you about the time we were on Cardassia about ten years ago?” He laughed again and shook his head. “Never mind, old story.”

Parker didn't take kindly to Will's humor. "Perhaps, but that was before her Prime Minister days." He stood, and just why Solaana might have him as a companion in her bed was obvious. He was well-built and maintained himself well. "It doesn't matter what you did on Cardassia ten years ago, old man," he whispered at Will.

Will laughed once more and shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong. It’s exactly what matters and might answer your question as to what she sees in me. I know I am a curiosity and none of you really understand her choice. A lot goes into such a complex relationship.”

Parker was about to reply but instead smiled at Solaana as she came into the room. She easily sensed the tension between the two men and did nothing to ease it. "Perhaps I should have you two wrestle for me," she laughed.

“Any other time, I’d be happy to, but I’ve been on duty so long I don’t recall when I got there. We saved one of the cadets, so it was worth it.” Will smiled back at Solaana. “Adrenaline is a wonderful thing.”

Rolling his eyes again, Parker said, "Sola, clearly the doctor is grievously tired from his day. Let's let him sleep tonight."

Amused by their posturing, Solaana looked from one to the other. "Parker, dear, go on to bed. Tonight, William will keep me company." Sex wasn't on her mind; she looked forward to the conversation Will provided; it was the one thing Parker just wasn't very good at.

"As you wish, dear Sola," Parker bowed and left the room.

Will looked down at the towel he wore still and smiled. “Thank you. I was hoping to have you to myself tonight.” Now that Parker was gone, he let his submissive act drop. Reaching out, he caught her around the waist and pulled her to him. “And now, I do have you.” His lips brushed her throat. “I’m not that tired.”

"I had the feeling you weren't. After all, if you were, you wouldn't have beamed down." She tilted her head back and moaned as his teeth lightly raked her skin. "Take me, Will, do as you wish," she urged him, pulling her robe open.

“I intend to,” he growled. In one smooth motion, he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her through to her bedroom.

* Later *

Will sighed with satisfaction and stretched. Solaana’s foot slid up his leg and the sigh turned into a moan. “Keep that up and I may never leave.”

Solaana chuckled, "Of course you will. You love your medical practice far too much to give it up for any woman. So you saved a boy?"

“Earl and I, yes, one of the Academy cadets. Someone introduced a poison into his system, and in almost no time, it had nearly destroyed the telepathic area of his brain. He’s Enaran,” Will explained. “That led to a general system breakdown. We saved him with the help of another station resident and he will be fine. You want to hear something funny?”

"Yes." She nodded.

“We had him in stasis while we tried to find a way to heal him. I had finally gone to sleep and 2 hours later, I had a dream. You were in it and this dream gave me the idea on how to help this young man. We were dancing…..” Will snuggled her in closer. “It worked. So...thank you.”

She laughed lightly. "As if I did anything, Will. Perhaps we should sleep. Must you return to 900 in the morning? Could we have a leisurely breakfast?" For her, that meant a breakfast taken at Court.

“I’m not going back until the day after tomorrow. Solis said he’d do the follow up and release. Earl is taking a little time off too. Last I saw him, he had golf clubs in hand and there was a little Earl-shaped cloud of dust leaving sickbay.” Will grinned back at Solaana. “Does that satisfy you? For now?”

"Yes, it does. Oh, this means I have you for more than one night!" She smiled. "I'm thrilled, though I know I'll need to soothe Parker's bruised ego once you head back."

“Parker’s young, he’ll get over it.” Will smiled. “But I don’t want to talk about him. I’m here for you.” He rolled her beneath him and leaned down to nip at her shoulder. “We’ll sleep in a bit.”

* Morning *

Darwin, who had long ago lost a bet to Oralia and Li requiring that he take Gilroy's next turn of duty on Archadia, glared at his reflection. "Last time you play poker with those two," he muttered at himself and fussed with the shirt he had on. Because he was assigned to a shift at the Archadian Prime Minister's Court, he had to wear the same sort of attire that all the men at Court wore: tight breeches and a low-cut shirt. He felt ridiculous, though he did have to admit that he didn't look bad in the outfit.

Leaving the changing room, Darwin strolled out to the Courtyard and avoided the grasping hands of an octogenarian seated by the door. Gilroy had forewarned him about that one: apparently she'd had a hold of Gilroy for the entirety of one of his shifts on Archadia. He nodded at a few women who gave him appreciative looks as he took a walk around those gathered. One sight made him come to a stop: Will Harding, in Court attire that was more elaborate than his own. He watched Will for a moment before approaching him. "Doc, g'morning."

“Lt. Darwin, good morning. Nice to have you with us, though it’s something of a surprise.” A server approached with a glass holding a bright orange liquid and offered it to Will with a slight bow. “Thank you.” Will took the glass and turned back to Darwin. “The surprise being that you’re dressed a little differently than I usually see you.”

"As are you, Doctor Harding," Darwin smirked. He saw the Prime Minister looking their way and then it clicked. "You're the First Consort. I knew that. Aren't you also ...," he bobbled his side to side, "Seyla?"

“That’s complicated,” Will replied. “Extremely. In fact, it would make a Gordian Knot look simple.” He’d kept his voice low to answer, then spoke once more at a normal tone. “How long have you been down here? Have you heard the news on Eli?”

"Eli? Cadet Ziyad? Is he okay?" Darwin knew the kid was sick, but hadn't heard the latest.

“He is going to be perfectly fine,” Will answered. “Solis is releasing him today if everything looks normal. We had a little help that was just what he needed.”

"A little help? What help?" Darwin smiled at a passing woman.

“Six made a small donation which repaired all the damage and neutralized the poison.” Will took a sip from his glass. “You really should try one of these, Darwin. Anyway, I had intended to call your department about this so you all are aware. It puts Eli in the same danger zone as Six if it gets out and someone decides he could be a good source for nanoprobes.”

Frowning, Darwin considered that news. "What's stopping them from turning him into a Borg?"

“The same thing that keeps Six normal - the programming,” Will answered. “Except in Eli’s case we reprogrammed them and shut them down once they had finished their work. It was that or lose him. We left the decision to Chance and Jan, but there was little else to do.”

"Huh. Not an easy decision for Jan, I'd guess, all things considered." He scanned the room. "I heard Ensign Madhava is back, too. With a new friend."

Will nodded. “A young woman they found on the ship with the Ensign.” A frown passed over Will’s face. “It will take those two some time but hopefully they’ll eventually get back to normal.” He caught Solaana’s eye once again and smiled. “Have you met the prime minister yet, Darwin?”

"I haven't had the pleasure," Darwin said, watching the PM come towards them. In a low, appreciative voice, he added, "Seyla and this one? Doc, gotta hand it to you." He smiled.

"Dear William, who is your friend?" Solaana put a hand on Will that left no question about whether he was hers. Her gaze touched on Darwin in a way that made him wonder whether his clothes were see-through.

"Prime Minister Solaana, may I introduce Lt. Michael Darwin, SB900 Security. Michael, the Prime Minister.” Will smiled at Solaana, a slow secret one. “He’s here for the day, yes Michael?”

"Yes, I am. A pleasure to meet you, Solaana," Darwin bowed, observing the Court protocol. "You are a delight for the eye."

Quirking a brow upward, Solaana smiled and turned an amused look on Will. "I believe that's supposed to be my line, Michael." She laughed as she realized she'd made the man blush.

Will laughed along with her. “It’s nice to have you down here. I hope you enjoy it.” He nodded to a woman several feet away whose gaze was riveted on Darwin. “And that you don’t have to work too late.”

"Well, here's work and then there's work," Darwin nodded at the woman, smiling. "Though I'm not used to being the one getting ...ah ...ogled."

"Mmm, you do have good reason for getting eyed," Solaana said.

“Welcome to Archadia.” Will laughed once more, then turned to Solaana. “Is there anything I can get for my darling?”

"Yes, an orange drink, please." She watched him go then asked Darwin, "I take it that you're filling in for the big Klingon? He's popular here."

"I don't doubt that. I suppose the ladies here are disappointed that he has a significant other on 900."

"Does he? I'm not sure we knew that," Solaana said.

As Darwin and Solaana continued their conversation, Will moved over to the bar at the edge of the courtyard. He ordered Solaana’s drink and turned back to watch them as he waited. He was finally relaxed and glad to be away from the station. He actually enjoyed court life with it’s different rhythms and slower pace, and of course, Solaana. He turned his face up to the sun, eyes closed, to let it warm him.

A well-dressed older man with a cane came up to the bar alongside William and ordered a drink. His was simple and the bar back handed him the bottle while the bartender made the Prime Minister's drink. Seemingly inadvertently, the older man jabbed William with his cane as he turned and walked away from the bar.

“Watch out --” Will began, then stopped. The effect took a moment to kick in, but when it did, it happened fast.

His thigh, where the cane had poked him, was numb and it was spreading rapidly. “What the hell?” His heart rate was rising and was suddenly too irregular. He touched his fingers to his wrist to check his pulse and began counting, but couldn’t seem to maintain his concentration. One moment, the bartender was handing Will the Prime Minister's drink, the next Will was on the ground.

“Solaana!” he cried out, hoping she’d hear, but his voice sounded indistinct to his own ears.

A woman near him raised the alarm, which drew Darwin's attention and then Solaana's. Moving into the crowd quickly, Darwin edged past two women and saw it was Harding on the ground. "Doc!", he shouted, surprised. Quickly, he went to his side and tapped his commbadge, calling for a site-to-site Sickbay transport. "Hold on," he told Harding as the transporter caught them. Within seconds, Solaana was ordering her own transport.

To Be Continued...

Lt. Commander William Harding, M.D.
Lt. Michael Darwin


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