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Posted on Sun Oct 4th, 2015 @ 12:01pm by Lazan & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia - Private Office*

Suresh sat on the sofa, his feet propped on the coffee table, completely relaxed. Six was out and about at the moment. She’d made arrangements to go see Dae to give him the news and catch up on anything she’d missed while away on Archadia. With her occupied, he had called Lazan. It was time to update him as well and see what was stirring. Moments later, there was a knock at the door.

“Come!” he called out.

As the doors parted, Lazan was handing off a PADD to a young Cardassian man. “If there is any trouble at the docking bay, give them this, and then call me,” he instructed, sending the young man off with a wave of his hand before stepping through the portal. “Suresh,” he greeted his ‘employer.’ “I trust your vacation was enjoyable? You and your lady are well rested, free of the rigors involved in running a crime syndicate?” His tone was decidedly dry.

Suresh had to laugh. “You might say that, though a few things have already come to my notice and there is another that I had to take care of on my visit down there with Seyla. Have a seat.” He waved to the chair. “You are aware of the incarceration of Marat, Six’s former guard, in the brig? Did you know that he was actually down on Archadia instead of on his way to an Alpha Quadrant prison?”

Lazan scowled as he took a seat across from Suresh. "I was not," he had to admit. And he did not like not knowing things. Pressing two fingers to his lips, the underworld boss peered past the Romulan, considering that news. "Marat is neither smart nor well-connected enough to make that happen," he concluded.

“No he isn’t. I also was not aware of this development. Sey and I stopped in to see one of the houses and one of the employees mentioned the new man, Marat. When I questioned her, she admitted to assisting in hiding him out but she wasn’t involved in the attack or his escape. Given Owain’s part in it, she knew if Marat talked, things could go downhill fast.” He shrugged. “I have it from Marat’s lips that Niro engineered his escape as a favor to protect that crazy fucker Owain. To make a long story short? Marat will be an issue no longer. I took care of the situation as I should have done in the beginning.”

"That green-skinned bitch," Lazan sighed under his breath. Seyla had always been a problem, operating just far enough outside of their organization to play fast and loose however she pleased. Or, he supposed, just far enough inside of the old Suresh's pants.

But as frustrating as those thoughts were, a spark shone in Lazan's dark eyes as he looked at this new one after his admission of dealing with Marat. Lazan stood, straightening his jacket before walking to the bar where he poured two bourbons. He handed one to Suresh before reseating himself, offering a smirk as he raised the glass. "You may just replace him yet," was the closest thing he could offer as a toast before drinking deep of the amber liquid.

“Counting the notches in my disruptor are you?” Suresh sipped the bourbon and smiled. The details that Lazan didn’t know did not matter at the moment. “This brings up a new issue that we will need to deal with,” he continued. “Niro. Much of the recent trouble down here traces back in one way or another to him. Even Owain’s delivery of the young Orion to that slaver was done because of Owain’s obsession with Niro.Things were settling down well and now they are not. This can’t continue.”

“I’m inclined to agree,” Lazan said as he casually observed the glass in his hand, swirling the liquor within. “The question is how. He’s a telepath, we’re not very likely to get the jump on him with our usual muscle. Subtlety is not their strong suit.”

Suresh nodded. “That is the one big problem, yes. It may be easier to get to him through his associates, and Seyla’s charms. Owain is still in the brig so he may be persuaded to share what he knows as well. Six knows him through Reva but I’d rather she not get caught up in this. Reva’s association with him has not turned out well.”

“That’s an understatement,” Lazan replied. Slavers were a nasty bunch, even seedier than most of what the Syndicate involved itself with. “I can pay the young man a visit if you think he’ll be amenable to betrayal.”

“By all means.” Suresh smiled. “I’ll see Darwin later today and should have an update on Reva. I don’t know if she’ll ever set foot down here again, but the deal with her still holds. I don’t want anyone laying a finger on her. Niro didn’t take her directly, but associating with him was enough so I want him closely watched. Is there more I need to know about? If so tell me, and then I have some news for you.”

Lazan ran down the list of concerns he was currently seeing to in his mind, but ultimately shook his head no. Suresh, to his mind, needed only to be a figurehead, not a decision maker.

“Nothing of great import, no,” he finally said, smirking slightly at the corner of his mouth. “I have things well in hand for the moment. I will see to Seyla’s boy.” Lazan stood, moving his glass to the replicator for recycling.

“Good enough. As for the news, this will have to stay between us. While we were down on Archadia, Six and I were married. Darwin and Edana know, and now you. That’s as far as it goes down here.”

Lazan’s hand clenched, and he wished that the glass wasn’t gone. It would have been immensely satisfying to toss it against the wall.

“You did what?!” he demanded, spinning to face Suresh. “Are you out of your mind? I’ve told you already, Suresh does not love. He covets. He takes. He casts aside. To say nothing of her Fleet status…” He was flabbergasted. “What happens when you need to make a display of her for the sake of your deception? Will I be in sickbay again, making sure a corpse gets reanimated, wiping databanks and fabricating records?” This was turning into Isha all over again.

“Nothing changes for the sake of appearances,” Suresh answered. “She understands the situation and will do what’s needed. Besides, she has a better cover. She very publicly left the Fleet, and many think it’s because I ordered her to do it. Don’t worry.” He smiled finally. “The difference here is that I’m not insane like he was. So are we done here?”

Lazan opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after a moment, forcing himself to contain his rage. He exhaled and straightened his suit jacket. “Yes, I believe we are,” he said, his tone icy.

“Let me know how it goes with Owain, and thank you. For everything. Once Niro is dealt with, we can get back to normal, whatever that is.” Suresh rose and went to the door, knowing Lazan’s habit of leaving meetings last. “Oh, Six will be down on Archadia for the next couple of days, so I’ll be around Saturnalia with Marabeth. That should put your mind at ease.” He nodded and stepped through the door to return to the main bar.

Lazan sighed audibly as Suresh began to go. He was right about one thing, the visibility with Marabeth would be good for their cover. Reluctantly, he managed to mutter “Congratulations,” just loud enough to be heard over the din of the bar drifting in through the open door.

Getting Comfortable



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