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Riley Gets Bought

Posted on Sun Oct 4th, 2015 @ 4:25pm by Robart & Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Suresh & Marabeth

Mission: Further Challenges

* OSN Kyllini *

Robart had pushed his ship hard during the trip to dump Fisher's cargo, maintaining warp nine point six for most of the trip. He'd also pushed his newest crewmembers, making sure they knew who their boss was and testing whether they'd be true to their word. Pash, in particular, he had tested. The Kazon's contacts had been useful - and resulted in profits for Robart and his original crew; Pash and the other three weren't eligible for a cut of the take, since they had been part of that theft.

Now, as they approached SB900 and Rekkar called the Control Tower for a dock assignment, Pash quietly asked Robart, "Why base yourself here? You do know that there are pirates' coves in this region? We'd be safer seeking harbor in one of those rather than here, on the Federation's doorstep."

Robart didn't glance in his direction but did answer, "I have my orders; you have yours. Cyllene is based here, therefore, we are, too. We are merely a merchant ship, Pash. If we have a cargo to take somewhere, we will. If we don't...," he shrugged, "you'll still get paid. Just be ready to leave on short notice. And take care that Cyllene is not harmed during your shift."

Rekkar snorted. He'd gotten their dock assignment and heard the last bit of Robart's statement. "This last notice was the shortest ever -twenny minutes! We left without one of our crew 'cause he was on Archadia." He turned a stink eyed look on Pash - it'd been his commander's fault the Kyllini's crew had had such short notice.

Pash simply stared back at Rekkar. In the days they'd been on this ship, he and the other Fisheries' crew members had been indoctrinated into the ship's primary mission: watch over Europa's daughter.

* Later *

"...yeah, Six and Reva went to Archadia for a few days," Patch informed the big green guy. "An' Riley... well, he hasn't been leavin' the Fleet areas of the Station. If he does..., me 'n Farco are going to get him, for Suresh. 'Cause a' what he did to Six."

"Are those Suresh's orders?" Robart frowned at the Cardassian, then flashed a smile at Shelly when she delivered another drink for Patch.

"Nah. He doesn't need to give such an order. Me 'n Farco, we know what he wants. He's not gonna let someone hurt his girl and just look the other way." Patch shook his head. "Nope. He's gonna want a piece o'Riley. Last time.... No, time before this, we took the guy's fishin' tackle right off an' delivered it to him. Surie, he gave it to his woman, as a goin' away present."

Robart's own tackle shrank inward a touch as he listened. "Where on Archadia?"

Patch shook his head. "Can't tell you, sorry, big guy. I know, you're looking out for the little Orion, but don't worry. Farco and Ed are down there; no one's getting near those girls."

* Later *

Three male Orions stood outside Riley Sukotav's door, waiting for him to answer the chime. Each was well-dressed in a grey pinstripe suit; Robart, flanked by Sedrick, who was carrying a silver briefcase, and Hidar, adjusted a cufflink then smiled when Riley answered the door. "Lt. Sukotav, good to see you again. You are well?"

“Hello Robart. I am, yes. Things seem to be looking up,” he glanced at the other two men, “or were. Would you like to come in?”

"Ah, no," Robart shook his head. "But I would appreciate you coming for a walk with me." He spoke as if Sedrick and Hidar weren't there.

“Oh, sure, let me get my shoes on.” Riley left the doors open and hurried into his bedroom where he put on some shoes and checked his hair. Good enough, he figured, and hurried back out. “So where are we going?”

"To see Suresh. Rekkar has eyes on him at Saturnalia," Robart told him. "How is Cyllene?"

That gave Riley pause. “Suresh? Is that really a good idea?” he asked. “As for her, the surgery to remove her collar was a success. She’s not bad. Afraid to be alone and still somewhat unsettled, but we’re moving along.” He locked the door behind him and turned back to Robart, sensing that it was useless to argue about seeing Suresh. It would have to be done sooner or later, might as well get it over with.

"Why are you not with her? I know she is on Archadia," Robart asked as he and Riley started walking toward the turbolift. "Also, her old quarters are no longer hers. Is she living with you now?"

“She went down there for a couple of days with ‘the girls’.” Riley smiled a moment. “Six proposed the idea and they thought it would be good for Desta and another friend too. I was back on duty this morning and am definitely not one of the girls.”

"No, you aren't." Robart agreed. "Do you know what fishing tackle is, Lt. Sukotav?" He thought of Patch's story and the intent Patch seemed to have for Riley's tackle.

“You mean like a fishing rod? I had a friend at the Academy who loved to fly fish. He said Montana had the best trout you could find anywhere.” He stopped and looked at Robart. “You don’t know what a trout is do you? And you weren’t talking about the sport either huh?” His face blushed a deep red.

“No, though I can guess a trout is a fish. That’s not the tackle Patch was talking about. It seems he and his friend, Farco, are experienced in removing men’s tackle and presenting it to Suresh.” Both Hidar and Sedrick grimaced. “We’re going to make certain that Suresh doesn’t receive yours as a trophy.”

“ Thanks. Is he really that angry? I can understand if he is but it’s not like I meant to do it after all.” Riley frowned, not liking the direction this conversation was taking.

“Suresh? I don’t know, but his men seem eager to prove their loyalty by retaliating. Patch said Suresh hadn’t issued the order - yet.” Robart shrugged. “From my discussions with him, Suresh seems like a reasonable business man. Most business people I know would prefer to have money rather than a dead body.” They had reached the turbolift, entered and Robart stated their destination.

“Money’s also not illegal and doesn’t cause problems like a dead body does,” Riley wisely observed. “Even so, I’ve seen how he is about Six and I can understand. I feel the same way about Fisher. Well...felt.”

“Yes, and you were able to kill him,” the Orion said. “So, we’ll make an offer and see if he accepts.”

* Saturnalia *

Suresh was just stepping back into the main bar from his meeting with Lazan. Out of habit, he scanned the crowd, looking for Six before he recalled she was at the house on Archadia. Already he missed her and had a momentary urge to transport down and tempt her to sneak out of the house. The thought made him smile as he crossed to his regular table. Shelly looked up as he passed and he nodded, indicating he wanted his usual. Once seated, he crooked a finger to a blonde a few tables over. Marabeth rose immediately and hurried to his side.

“Suresh! How have you been?” Marabeth smiled as she sat next to him and pressed against him closely. “I’ve missed you,” she kissed his cheek.

“Busy few days,” he answered and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close. “Six is on vacation for the weekend,” he whispered in her ear.

“Oh, good! Then I can have you all to myself!” She laughed. “Perhaps we could go back to your place for a while?” She wasn’t quiet about the request.

“There’s nothing I’d like better,” he answered. A few people at nearby tables glanced their way but then went back to their drinks, not surprised by his actions. “Call Seyla and clear your evening.”

“Anything for you, Suresh.” Marabeth tapped in a message on her wrist communicator and sent it. As she did, she glanced toward the door and saw the mysterious Orion enter. “Do you know him, Surie?”

Suresh tensed as the group entered, mainly because of Riley’s presence. “I do. He’s an associate of mine. I wonder why he’s brought Mr. Sukotav down here unless he wants him killed?” This last was said loud enough for others to overhear. “You may have to excuse us my darling.”

Huffing indignantly, Marabeth rose and flounced past Robart and his men (Hidar watched the way she flounced and smiled). “Suresh, I have an offer to make,” Robart said, approaching the man’s table. He pulled Riley forward a bit. “Everyone knows you want this one’s head for hurting your girl. Cyllene, daughter of Shodar Europa of the Orion Syndicate, claims him for her own. Harming him will bring the Syndicate’s power down on you.” The announcement caught the attention of several people nearby.

“Will it now….” Suresh smiled and motioned to the two empty chairs. “You two may sit.”

“Sit,” Robart ordered Riley then took his own seat. “It will. We are, of course, willing to pay restitution for the girl’s injuries. He motioned to Sedrick, who placed the briefcase he carried on the table and opened it. Latinum bricks gleamed in the light. “This should be sufficient. In return, no harm is to come to Lt. Sukotav at your hands or for your benefit,” Robart said.

Suresh looked over the latinum, doing a quick calculation in his head. The briefcase before him contained a fortune. He made a show of picking one up and examining it closely, then nodded his satisfaction.

“Very nice.” He turned his attention to Riley and looked him over, pointing at him with the brick. “This in exchange for your life?” He seemed to consider it for several seconds. “To be honest, I have no idea why the Syndicate thinks you are worth this much but it’s their choice. And Six is just an amusement, so there’s no real harm done.” Suresh hated the words even as he said them, but he had a part to play. “Very well, we are agreed on one condition.”

Robart frowned. “Depends upon the condition.”

“Keep out of the pit, Mr. Sukotav, for your own good,” Suresh growled. “You are a very tempting target for more than just me.”

“I have no problem with that,” Riley answered quickly. “I want to offer my sincerest apology. It wasn’t my own plan, as you must know. I never would have done anything to Six. She’s one of my best --”

Suresh held up a hand to cut him off. “Six belongs to me. Remember that and we’ll have no issue.” he turned his attention to Robart now. “Satisfied?”

Robart looked at Riley then Suresh. “If Cyllene wishes for him to accompany her here, then he will. He belongs to her now.”

“I suggest that she stay clear for her own protection. I agreed to watch out for her but even I am not here all the time.”

“You need not worry about her. Her crew will watch over her and hers,” Robart stood and motioned for Riley to stand up. “As for Lt. Sukotav, should anything untoward happen to him, I will come for your fishing tackle, Suresh.”

Suresh laughed aloud at that comment. “I see you’ve been talking to Patch.” He looked back to Riley. “As for you, we need to have a little conversation. A private one.”

“A private conversation?” Robart frowned again. “Lt. Sukotav, do you wish to speak to him alone? Do you trust him?”

Riley nodded. “I’ll speak with him. It’s alright.” He looked back at Suresh. “Now?”

“I have something to do first then we will meet in two hours. Your quarters will do fine.”

“Very well. I will be there.” Riley rose and prepared to leave.

“Cyllene will be pleased,” Robart commented and led his small entourage out of Saturnalia.

With Robart gone, Marabeth was quick to return. She didn’t necessarily care about returning to Suresh’s side: she wanted to touch the latinum. She’d never seen so much in one place. “Oh, Suresh! You could... wow! Think of what you could do with this! This is a fortune!”, she laughed giddily.

“It is.” He smiled and locked the case. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” Taking hold of the briefcase, he rose and carried it back to the private room.

From a table in a corner, a Romulan woman watched Suresh with interest. What she’d learned here would be useful in the coming days.


Lt. Riley Sukotav



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