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Gentlemen's Agreement

Posted on Tue Oct 6th, 2015 @ 1:15pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Riley's Quarters

* Riley’s Quarters *

Having hurriedly stashed the bricks of latinum in his safe in his quarters and then made sure that news of the arrangements for Riley was well-known amongst his men, Suresh arrived at Riley's quarters just shortly after the two hours he'd told Riley. Now, he stared at the drink Riley had just handed him. "Strange, that Reva would have her man buy you for her, considering her stance on owning people."

Riley looked more than a little sheepish. “Well, she doesn’t exactly know,” he answered. “It was all Robart’s idea.” He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “I went along with it as it seemed a good way to save face, shall we say?”

“We shall say that,” Suresh said, laughing. “That was a good piece of theater. It was Robart’s idea, though? He doesn’t know about me, does he? I mean... that ...what do you know about me?”

Riley shook his head. “All he knows is that Reva wants me and therefore, what Reva wants she will get. So he came up with a way to appeal to Suresh the businessman that kept what Reva wanted in one piece. They are all sure you intended to kill me.”

“I’m sure the old Suresh would have. Fortunately, you have the new and improved Suresh. That was a handy way to resolve the issue of my needing to do something. Where the hell did Robart get that much latinum, though?”

Riley shook his head. “I don’t know and I doubt he’d tell us if we asked. It was a neat resolution, however and keeps me alive and you out of the brig.”

“How is Reva, anyway? I talked with Fisher, briefly, and warned him about messing with her,” Suresh said, shaking his head. “Too bad we didn’t know more about Owain.”

“That’s my regret too. I mean I knew of him but had no idea. Reva is….better than I expected under the circumstances. She’s still afraid to be alone and there’s a few other things that concern me but it will just take time. Please don’t tell her how much I’m telling you. She doesn’t know about you so….yeah.”

“I don’t talk to her, so don’t worry about me telling her anything,” Suresh waved away Riley’s concerns. “Robart’s crew will be watching out for her, as will Patch and my men. It’s likely Jonah’s group is, too. Six told me that you read her thoughts about our marriage. I worry about other telepaths reading either of us and getting more than they should know.”

“About that….” Riley rubbed his forehead a moment. “Most telepaths who are decent don’t actively read people. Six and I go pretty far back and she never minded so it’s habit. I shouldn’t have I guess but it’s done. You don’t need to worry, though, your secret is safe with me. Six is an empath, so it’s possible I can teach her a few ways to block thoughts if you like.”

“Will Reva stay quiet about it?” That’s what worried Suresh - that Reva would tell someone and the whole scenario would come tumbling down around them.

“I’ll make sure she understands - for Six’s safety if nothing else.” Riley rose to refill their drinks. “Though to be honest, after what Reva survived, there’s a lot she’s not telling anyone. She’s a lot more...closed? And I hate what it took to make her that way.”

“She’s learned lessons in the hardest way possible. Maybe the silver lining is that she’ll be more cautious and stay out of places when she’s told not to go there,” he said, sipping the whiskey.

“I don’t think she’ll be in a hurry to go back to the Pit,” Riley replied. “I don’t blame her.” He sipped his own whiskey and frowned. “There’s something you need to know, though, since you and your men are looking out for her. I have some concerns about Niro. He was wrapped up with Owain and was the reason Owain went off the deep end. He was a little obsessed with her. He was with her the night she came to visit me in the brig.” His voice hitched as he said it. “He came to see her in sickbay after her surgery.”

“Falasin was staying with us because he targeted her. He’s a bad apple and we’re watching out for the damage he’s causing. Lately, it seems that everything bad in the Pit is leading back to him.” He paused and looked around the room; he spied the image of Riley with Reva behind the couch. “Tell me about what happened. Darwin’s given us some information, but nothing complete, particularly not about you. Huh... there’s someone who will be very happy about Robart’s intervention.”

Riley smiled. “Yes, he will. With Niro you mean? From what I got, Owain was seriously obsessed with Niro and saw Reva as the big obstacle standing in his way. He took her down to this dress shop and they drugged her and he hauled her to Fisher’s ship. They took off and I’m sure you can imagine what that trip was like.”

Suresh nodded. "Six said she had a pain collar on. Terrible things." He knew what damage those were capable of - and that the damage was merely incidental to the collar's primary function. "I'm sorry, Riley, I was asking about you, what happened with you when you attacked Six." He couldn't lie: he had a good deal of anger toward Riley for that. He'd nearly lost the woman he loved because of this man's actions. But, he reminded himself, Riley had been under someone else's control.

Riley sighed and rubbed his eyes, allowing his thoughts to travel back to that terrible day. “Would you like me to show you?”

"You can do that?" He frowned. "Then...," he started to accept then declined, "No. I can't watch Six getting hurt."

“I understand.” Riley licked his lips and sighed. “I remember meeting her and Bryce on the Promenade. I was weird because it’s like I was there and also watching myself all the way through. I know Bryce thought I was being strange because I….I touched her a few times and was a little more familiar than usual. I heard them mention the Arboretum and I went there.” His voice had become a monotone. “They were walking and she got ahead of him and there was this voice, telling me to do it, to kill her and I could hear it and couldn’t stop myself.” He covered his mouth but couldn’t stop the sob that slipped out. “I tried to pull back but it was like I was far away, if that makes any sense. Then Bryce knocked me out. The next days were hell, Suresh.”

For everyone involved, Suresh thought. "Reva went to you in the Brig as soon as she heard; she didn't see Six till a day later. I suppose you knew that though," he told him, swirling his whiskey by shaking the glass gently.

“She did and it wasn’t our finest hour. It seemed that we’d hit rock bottom and I’d lost her to….him.” Riley shook his head. “Then Julisa came to release me and Niro actually reported her missing. Robart showed up at my door and dragged me and Raj off to rescue her.”

"A whirlwind. I hope such things never happen to Six and me," he toasted Riley slightly. "I'm not sure we'd fare as well. I'm just glad Six hasn't caught Niro's attention."

“Can I ask about Six? She’s my closest friend besides Reva and I know people don’t really understand you two. Do you love her or is she just….you know…”

"Just a plaything?" Suresh made a disgusted face. "No, she isn't. I'm in love with her. I'd do anything to make her safe and happy, just as I think you would for Reva."

“Good.” Riley finally smiled. “I had to ask. For some reason I can’t read anything from you right now, not even emotions. I’m glad to hear it though. Six is a special woman and I know she loves you very much.”

"Does she? Sometimes I wonder, especially when she goes off and disappears to see Vic. What's his story anyway?"

Riley took a moment to consider his answer. “I know he cares for her a lot. They went out once during her first week on the station and then nothing. She met you and you totally swept her off her feet. Later, Vic finally got off his backside and admitted his feelings. She had to make a choice and she did. She even left the Fleet for you. There’s never been anyone else but you, if you get my drift? She’s Halanan, Suresh. Now that she’s chosen you, there never will be another either.”

"The same can be said for me, Riley," he sighed. "I've chosen her and that's it, no other will do."

“Then stop worrying.” He smiled back at Suresh. “Just keep her safe and you’ll be fine. Which means, I’d keep an eye on Niro. He’s on a fast boil, or he was when he left sickbay.”

"Is Reva done with him or do you still have to put up with that? I don't know how you put up with it at all." Had it been Six..., his frown deepened as he considered that.

“No, she gave him his walking papers for good, which is part of his problem now.” Riley smiled. “But he has no idea where her quarters are now unless he follows her and that will get noticed. Sucks to be him.”

Suresh looked around a little more pointedly. "She's not living here, though. But that's good. Just don't let Seyla know, either, otherwise Niro will know, too."

“Seyla’s influence is what really started all this, unfortunately,” Riley answered. “Let’s hope that’s at an end also.” He rose and carried his glass off to the small kitchen. “We want to get this all settled down, Suresh, as soon as possible.”

"Are you going to marry her?" Perhaps because his married status was so new, the phrase 'settled down' made him wonder - plus, he was at the point where he believed everyone should marry.

Riley returned from the kitchen and dropped back onto the sofa. “I’d like nothing better but it’s going to take some time. She has a lot to figure out and the counselor’s still working on me too.”

"Good luck with that," Suresh said then stood and brushed his pant legs with one hand. "I should go. You'll have no problems from me or my men."

“Thank you.” Riley crossed to shake his hand. “I know it was a show but you had a lot riding on it.”

Regarding Riley's hand for just a moment, Suresh accepted it and shook his hand. "We both did. It looks like Robart will be a good addition here."

Riley laughed and shook his head. “It’s an interesting little family we’ve put together. Take care Suresh and I’ll see you soon.”

"Not too soon, though," Suresh said, wondering about the word family. "Goodbye, Riley," he headed out the door, still turning the word over. It was true: through Six and Reva, they were bound almost like brothers at law.

Riley stepped out and locked the door behind him. With Reva off-station, he decided to take himself out to lunch.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
A Tie That Binds



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