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X Marks Her Spot

Posted on Sun Oct 18th, 2015 @ 4:57pm by Ensign Reva Madhava & Suresh

Mission: Further Challenges

* Iapetus *

With Six off to the Promenade, Suresh found himself with a little time to wander through the small bazaar that had sprung up in the Pit. Much of it was junk for tourists but now and then, you could get lucky. He’d found a lovely bracelet that he was sure Six would like. Now, with the box in his pocket, he settled in at a table and ordered a drink. According to Patch, Niro was not in the Pit so that business could wait till later. He needed to see Seyla too but that could wait as well. He was simply enjoying a rare moment alone in the quiet of Iapetus. His whiskey arrived and he had a sip, then sat watching the scattered patrons.

Suresh’ serenity didn’t last long: Xerena swept in and took a seat beside him before he could object. “Hello, love,” she said, smiling at him. “I am surprised to see you without your little Borg leech attached.”

“Apparently my other leech has found me though,” he muttered. “She’s meeting a who helps keep a close watch over her so she doesn’t have trouble from people like you.”

“Me? Oh, she won’t have trouble from me,” she lied, “Now, you... there’s a certain kind of trouble I’d like to give you.” She touched his hand lightly. “I’m sure you recall just how good we were at that.”

“I thought we discussed this already, Xerena.” Suresh pulled his hand away from her. “I don’t have any use for someone who cheats, and with a human no less. Tog has already made a most generous offer. Take it and go.”

“No,” she refused, “I wish to have my place back, Surie. You’ve had your fun as well, now let us simply forget what we’ve each done.” Her hand dropped to his thigh and, as she expected, he pushed it away.

He growled at her but then cut it off at a wave from up by the bar. Patch was there, waving him over. “I’ll be back.” He rose and hurried over to the bar to speak to the Cardassian.

“Yes, you will be,” she whispered. While he was in close conversation with Patch, she swirled his whiskey and took a sip of it. Grimacing, she set it down again; unseen by anyone who mattered, she opened an ampule and emptied its contents into the glass. The liquid shone on the whiskey’s surface like an oil slick. Xerena swirled it again to stir it in.

Suresh finished his conversation and came back to the table. “So where were we? Ah yes, I was wondering what horrid thing I’d done to be cursed with you once again.” He lifted the glass and sipped from it. “You are so curious about Six, has it occurred to you that part of her appeal is that she isn’t insane?”

“Nor am I. Though you’ve done your best to drive me there, what with taking off Victor’s manhood and having it boxed as a gift. You bastard,” she chuckled, as if she now found that memory humorous.

“They eventually found the rest of him...well, most of the rest of him. Patch reported that they gave up after two weeks of hunting the rest.” He drained the glass and set it aside. “Mess with Six and perhaps they won’t find you either.”

Smiling, she eyed the glass. “I suppose I should be afraid, shouldn’t I? But I know you, Surie. Women are like a drug for you. Too much of any one woman, though, and you overdose and grow too possessive.” She checked her watch.

“Expecting someone?” he asked. “Or am I boring you? If so, feel free to move along.” He smiled suddenly, liking the relaxing effect the whiskey was having. He hadn’t thought about it but the stress of his position was heavy. A quiet afternoon was just what he needed. “Besides, what’s wrong with a little over-possessiveness?”

“The over-possessiveness is what’s wrong with it. You get all growly about anyone who touches them or looks their way.” She laughed, “It’s funny. But unbecoming of a Pit boss. Perhaps we should go somewhere and discuss this more?”

“Like where, X?” He smiled over at her. “No one else finds it unbecoming, they just learn not to touch my precious Six and everyone is happy.”

“Sure, keep believing that. Let’s go to your place,” she hadn’t spoken softly and now she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“It’s true,” he insisted. “Everyone knows.” He paused as she kissed his cheek. “My place? I take it we’re not through with this conversation?” He draped an arm around her shoulders as she leaned in to him.

“No, we aren’t done with this conversation,” she smiled and flashed the smile around the room. “Your place, Suresh, because you love me.” She lifted his arm from her shoulders and stood, holding onto his hand. “Let’s go.”

He got to his feet and rested his hand on the table as he swayed a little. “Damn fine whiskey,” he mumbled. He tightened his hold on her hand as she led him slowly out of Iapetus. “Later Patch,” he called out, leaving one very confused Cardassian at the bar.

* Suresh’s Quarters *

They reached his door and after two attempts, he managed to enter his code and the doors opened. “Ladies first, but you might as well go on in anyway.” He laughed uproariously.

“C’mere,” she laughed, though she didn’t find it funny. “Take me to bed, Surie,” she said it, glancing down the hallway and noting that there was a pair of women within earshot. She was sure news of this little affair would be all over the Pit in a matter of minutes.

Once inside the quarters, Xerena laughed and bumped into a side table, knocking over a framed picture of Six and Suresh. “Oops. We’ll fix that later.”

“Fix later,” he slurred. “I like that picture a lot. Better than the picture of Isha…” He stumbled and grabbed onto Xerena to steady himself. “Good whiskey.” His weight and speed pushed them against the wall. “Oops.”

Again, she laughed, “It’s okay.” She pushed his jacket off and let it fall to the floor. “Kiss me, like you used to.”

“Certainly, since you asked so nicely.” He slipped his arms around her and leaned forward. And kept leaning. Too late to stop, he became dead weight as he passed out against Xerena. Moments later, they were on the floor.

“Dammit...,” Xerena cursed from under Suresh. She’d miscalculated the dose - apparently he’d lost weight since she’d last been close enough to know his weight. She pushed him off of her and rose, surveying the living room. She removed her light sweater and dropped it near Suresh’s jacket, then considered her next move.

“Okay, dear, let’s get you to the bedroom,” she muttered.

* * *

A short time later, Xerena, nearly naked, lay beside a completely naked Suresh. She had dozed off after her earlier exertions but woke when she thought she heard the front door open. Smiling slyly, she quickly checked Suresh - he was sleeping and still had her lipstick on his lips and neck (as well as on a lower appendage). Now, she simply had to wait for his mistress to arrive.

Getting Man-handled

Manhandling the Goods


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