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The Hand of Destiny

Posted on Sat Oct 31st, 2015 @ 6:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Robart & Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Cela Bonham & Desta

Mission: Further Challenges

* Raj’s Office *

“Raj?” Cela called in to him. “Desta will be here any minute now.”

“Gotcha. She can come straight in when she gets here. I’m just finishing up some notes.” Raj tapped the padd a few more times, then laid it aside and reached for another.

“Alrighty, and Riley is scheduled to see Robin today too. Six rescheduled and said she’d explain tomorrow.”

“Huh...alright,” Raj answered and reached for his coffee.

Right on time for her appointment, Desta arrived. "Hi, Cela," she greeted the woman and pointed to Raj's office. "Is he ready for me?"

“He sure is.” Cela smiled at Desta. “Go on in and I’ll see you when you’re done.” She waited for Desta to get to the inner office, then closed the door behind her.

Raj set his padd aside and raised his mug to Desta. “Hi Des, good to see you. Can I get you anything?”

"Hot tea, with lemon, please," she said and took the seat opposite his. "I had a very nice date last night. But, this morning, Lt. Gilroy came around, asking about the fellow I went out with, Crewman Slandala. He didn't show up for his shift this morning." She smiled in thanks as Raj brought her a mug.

Raj looked surprised, then pleased. “A date? That’s a big step but I'm proud of you. How did the evening go?” He held off asking about the crewman’s absenteeism for the moment.

Her brows knit together as she turned the warm mug in her hands. "Xavier was wonderful, as was dinner. But...," she hesitated, unsure how to say what she'd seen. "There were a few times that I thought... I thought I saw Pash. Once, when I was looking at the aquarium at Lao's, I looked through it and... I could have sworn he was on the other side, staring at me. Then, when Xavier took me for a walk on the Promenade, ...someone dropped a vase, and... I saw him again."

Raj frowned at that bit of news. “Are you sure? We saw their ship disintegrate. The scans showed nothing alive, nothing but wreckage.” He debated whether it might be her deep fear of the man making her see things or if there was more here than met the eye. “How close was he?”

"The second time... when the vase broke, I ...I got scared and huddled on the floor, expecting the worst. Pash broke things when was angry.... Xavier tried to comfort me. That's when I saw Pash just behind him. By the time Xavier looked, he was gone. But... maybe it was just some other Kazon. Xavier said they're common here."

“They are,” Raj agreed. Even so, as close as Desta had been to Pash for two years, she’d know the difference between him and any other Kazon. He made a note on his padd to speak to Gilroy. “What about the rest of the evening with Mr. Slandala?”

"After that, we went to his quarters and had ice cream and talked." She smiled with the memory. In Xavier's company and quarters, she had felt safe and like she hadn't needed to be on display. "I asked him if I could take him to dinner. He said yes."

Raj's smile returned. “That’s great! I’m glad you had a good time. I’m pleased with your progress, especially since, I gather, you two were alone?”

"Of course we were alone. Sort of," she laughed. "He has a roommate, but the roommate didn't come out of his room while I was there." Her brow furrowed slightly then smoothed quickly. "Why would being alone with him be a big deal? He was part of the rescue group - I met him on the Takei."

“I know but your situation is complex and things can arise unexpectedly.” For a moment, the morning he’d awakened with Desta curled up beside him flashed in his mind. He pushed it aside. “But things seem to be going well. I’m glad.” He paused to sip his coffee, then continued. “Now, Gilroy’s visit.”

Frowning, she nodded. "I'm worried. Lt. Gilroy wouldn't directly say Xavier is missing, but Gilroy, Jr., called him a liar when he hedged around that idea. What if I really did see Pash? Pash would kill anyone who touched me! I'll never forgive myself if something happened to Xavier because of me!" She was working herself up into a tizzy.

Raj set down his coffee and reached over to take her hand. “Calm down, Des. No need working yourself up for no reason. I’m sure they will find him.” His voice was low and soothing. “Did you tell Gilroy about Pash?”

She took several deep breaths before nodding. "Yes. Like you, he pointed out that Fisher's ship was destroyed. He said he'd check with Robart. He didn't sound like he didn't believe me about who I saw."

“Good. Until then, I want you to be careful when you’re out and about. Stay in populated areas, alright?”

"I will, Raj. Maybe I should have taken him back to Reva's instead of keeping her address secret."

“I don’t know if that would have --” He stopped as the door opened and Cela entered with a box topped with a large purple bow.

“Sorry to interrupt but this was just delivered for Desta. They said it took them some time to track her down, but that Sickbay suggested they try here.” Cela left the box on Raj’s desk and hurried out, closing the door behind her.

Desta stared at the box. "What is it?"

“Well, it’s what is generally called a present, a gift,” Raj answered. “People often send them for birthdays or a variety of reasons. It’s common to send them to those we care about too. Do you want to open it?”

"Open it?" She went over to his desk and curiously pulled the box closer. Carefully, she tugged at the bow. "This is just a delivery method, then? Oh," she commented as the bow unraveled and fell away. She lifted the lid of the box and stared, quietly gulping for air before gasping, "Ra....Ra.... Raj!"

"Des?” He immediately sensed her horror and panic. He jumped to his feet and hurried over. “What is it?”

She shook her head and backed away from the box. "I can't! It's too awful! Raj! Why? What sort of sick thing is this 'present'?"

He looked into the box and instantly regretted it. Inside it was a jar that contained a hand, floating in liquid tinged pink by blood. The tag attached to it said, “From Your Lover”.

“Oh shit!” He muttered, then turned her away from the box, hugging her tight. “Easy Des. Cela! Call security and get them here immediately!” he called out, then lowered his voice once more. “We’ll get this sorted out, I promise.” He stroked her back gently, even as he moved them away from the desk.

"That's Xavier's hand, isn't it?" She'd started crying as he led her away. "Gods, Raj, Pash is here. No one else would be so horrible. I have to go somewhere." She felt panicky and ready to flee. But where could she go?

“First, we’ll talk to Security, then I want to put you back in the safe room in Piper until this is sorted out. There I can keep a close eye on you and no one can get in unless I let them in. Then we’ll decide what to do from there.”

The door opened and Cela hurried in. “Security will be here in just a minute.” She moved over and grimaced at the jar, then packed it all away and put the lid back on the box.

"The safe room? Isn't Reva's safe enough? Only... oh...," she hesitated, remembering that Riley and Raj were no longer the only ones who knew where they lived. "Vic, Eli and Chance and Lt. Gilroy know where we live. So does Six."

“I don’t think any of them would share your location but if someone wanted to follow you they could.” Or Xavier, he thought. “I’d feel better having you close by. Is that okay with you?”

"You'll tell Reva where I am?" She hesitantly looked over at the box and shuddered.

“Yes. Do you need to get anything first?”

"I don't need anything, no, but I should check in on Gilroy, Jr.," she said as the door opened, admitting Lt. Gilroy and two officers.

"Lt. Amani, Desta," Gilroy approached them, glancing briefly at the box. "Are you all right, Desta?" She shook her head, eyes wide, but didn't speak, making Gilroy look at Raj. "Cela told us who brought the box; I have an officer tracking that down. We'll locate who did this. In the meantime, Desta, I can have an officer escort you home and stay posted outside your door."

“I can go with her,” Raj offered. “Then we can go directly to Piper. Any sign of Xavier yet?”

Gilroy nodded slowly. “An hour ago, he was found in guest quarters that had just been vacated by a Krenim diplomat. Slandala is in Piper now. I’ll comm the desk there so they’ll know to expect you.” He turned away to take a look at the box. He grimaced at the sight of the hand in the jar.

Desta whispered to Raj, “Let’s go, I’d like to get to Piper and see Xavier.”

Raj nodded. “Thank you Gilroy. I’ll send word once Desta’s safely in quarters there. I can have Cela rush the..package over to them. They might need it.”

“We’ll take it over, Lt. Amani,” Gilroy said. “We need more information from it and to maintain the chain of custody.” One of his officers put the lid back on and picked up the box. En mass, they headed out of Raj’s office, followed by Desta and Raj.

* Reva’s & Desta’s Quarters *

The trip to Desta’s had been uneventful, though Raj had been extra vigilant. Even so, he knew if someone really wanted to watch them, they could. Not that it would matter. He decided that being transported directly back to Piper was a good idea. He waited as Desta unlocked the door and stepped in.

“Lock it and wait here.” He hurried to check the other rooms.

She did so, though unhappily. “Well?”, she called out after a moment.

Who are you?, came Gilroy, Jr.’s question, aimed at Raj. You are not Riley. You do not belong here.

Desta was startled by the spider’s thoughts, “Is someone else here, Raj?”

“Just one of the spiders. I take it this is the one you wanted to check on?” Raj reappeared with Gilroy, Jr. in his hand. “She was on your bed.”

“Aww, hey there, Gilroy,” Desta smiled at the arachnid and took her from Raj’s hand. “Were you lonely?”

Yes. May I go with you when you leave again?

Desta shook her head as she walked towards Reva’s room, where Reva had set up Gilroy’s terrarium, “No, I need you to stay here and tell Reva that I’ve gone to Piper with Raj. Will you do that for me?”

Yes. Reva will be home shortly, the spider said, crawling off of Desta’s hand onto the loam of her habitat.

“Thanks,” Desta dropped a cricket into the terrarium and closed the lid. She returned to the main room and crossed to her own bedroom, where she grabbed a few things for the night. “Let’s go see Xavier, first, if they’ll let us.”

“Certainly.” Raj reached out to take her bag, then stepped in front of her to open the door. He wanted to check the corridor before she stepped out into it. Reaching out, he tapped the panel.

As the door opened, a large figure aggressively shoved Raj backward, knocking him into Desta. Stepping into the quarters fully, he grabbed Raj and tossed him towards a bulkhead before grabbing Desta's arm. "Shifter, you're mine," he growled.

Raj bellowed aloud and scrambled to his feet. “Hands off!” He ran at the man and bent down, plowing into him with his shoulder.

The blow hit Pash at waist level and nearly made the Kazon laugh. He did take a step back to keep his balance, but he recovered quickly and changed his grip on a small weapon. Jabbing it against Raj's neck, he discharged it, sending a jolt of energy through the man.

Raj went down as the jolt passed through him. He hit his comm badge but was unable to speak as everything went dark.

Desta screamed and wrenched her arm away from Pash. Years of indoctrination with Fisher and Pash, however, made her freeze. She stared at Pash but the familiar beep of Raj’s comm badge reached her. She knew she would pay dearly for this at Pash’s hands, but she screamed out loud. “Desta to...Security --” It was as far as she got before the back of Pash’s hand knocked her off balance.

“Dear Desta, you have so much to pay for...,” Pash growled, not caring that his words were being carried to someone else at the far side of the commlink. He grabbed Desta by her hair and started to haul her out into the corridor. “You are mine. Did you think I would ever let another man possess you?”

“He...he didn’t do anything, I swear to you!” she squealed as he yanked harder on her hair. “I thought you were dead…” A sob cut off her words as he dragged her with him down the corridor. “Please, let me go!”

“Shut up!”, he growled. Several paces down the corridor, he activated a device in his vest and transported them both to the OSN Kyllini.

* OSN Kyllini *

As they materialized in his quarters, Pash released his hold on Desta. She had nowhere to go and he knew it. But... his quarters weren’t the way he’d left them. Xavier was gone and the blood from his wounds was cleaned up.

Desta backed away from him, putting her back to the corner and watching him warily. “He didn’t do what you think he did,” she whispered. “I couldn’t….nor did Raj. No one has.” She knew he’d take that wrong, perhaps think that she was being true to him but if it kept her in one piece, it didn’t matter.

“I am surprised that you have forgotten your training already,” he said, pacing around the outer edge of the small room. “Speaking without permission, allowing someone else to touch you,” he looked her over, “Changing shape and wearing clothes. Strip.”

Fear gripped her so hard that for a few seconds she couldn’t move. She intended to do no such thing but was surprised to find that her hands were moving out of habit at his order. In moments, her clothes lay in a pile at her feet.

“They will find you,” she said, but without much conviction. She only hoped that somehow her call had gone through Raj’s comm badge. “Raj...did you kill him?”

Anger seared through him and he backhanded her. “What I did to him doesn’t matter. I’ve made certain that neither he nor your friend from the other night can touch you again. And when they find me, it won’t matter. You’re mine.”

The door opened behind Pash, admitting Robart. He looked from one to the other and settled on Pash. He frowned heavily. “Desta, get dressed please,” he said. He started to remove his suit jacket.

There was absolute terror in her eyes as she looked from one to the other. Seeing that Pash was not defying Robart yet, she reached blindly for her clothes and began to tug them on. With no idea at all what would happen now, she remained silent but not looking away. Pash was within reach and she didn’t want to enrage him further.

Handing his jacket to Desta and quietly asking her to try to not wrinkle it, Robart faced the Kazon and sneered, “You dumb Kazon. I gave you an opportunity but you have screwed that up in every way you could. First, you bring a Fleet officer onto my ship and maim the man; now, you bring a kidnapped woman aboard and treat her like a slave....”

“You promised I could have her!” Pash exploded at Robart and lunged at the man.

Robart, expecting this, easily knocked Pash’s attack aside and drove the man, face-first, into the deck plating. Holding him there with his greater weight, the Orion said, “I also told you that she is Cyllene’s friend and is off limits. That didn’t sink through your thick skull to your tiny brain, did it?”

Desta gasped aloud as the two men tangled and shrank farther back into the corner. “You really promised he could have me back?”

Grimacing, he glanced at Desta. “Could we discuss that in a few minutes? Do you want this waste of life to be taken in by Security or dealt with my way?”

“No!” Pash struggled with Robart and managed to get an eye on Desta, “Don’t let him kill me!”

“If you k-kill him, Security will take you,” she stammered. “If….if I kill him, it is self defense.”

Robart assessed her, clearly doubting that she could kill the Kazon, then answered, “Defense of others is a valid defense. I can kill him defense of you. Besides, you don’t need that on your conscience.”

“Desta!” Pash shouted.

She looked down at Pash and in an instant, the years suffering under his hand flashed back through her mind - all the pain, humiliation...fear.

“Kill him!” she whispered.

Robart nodded and stood, taking his weight off of Pash. As the Kazon attempted to get up, he caught him with a sharp kick to his ribs and a downward thrust of his elbow, breaking the man’s neck. Pash dropped to the floor, dead.

“You’ll never have trouble from him again,” he commented, straightening his shirt and taking the suit jacket from her.

Desta sunk down to the floor, covering her eyes as the tears began to flow. “He was supposed to be dead before,” she pointed out. “Why was he here?”

“We’re privateers, Desta. We have a need to reserve resources when and where we can. This particular resource had information regarding business contacts in this area,” he shrugged. “He was useful while he kept his crazy in check.” He paused then sighed and contritely added, “If I knew he was unstable enough that he’d go after you, I wouldn’t have allowed him free rein of the Station.”

“He would never have stopped,” she whispered. “Never. He...he took Xavier’s hand. He shot Raj. He…” She stopped to take a breath. “I can’t believe that you would….I have to get out of here. Now!”

“Wait,” he plucked at her sleeve, wanting to take hold of her but wary of doing so. “I’ll have Rekkar take you to Security. Or you can wait another few minutes. They’ve been summoned to come here. You said he shot Raj?” He looked down at Pash’s body and considered searching it for a weapon. He was loathe to do so, though. “We can wait on the bridge or on the dock.”

She snatched her arm away from him and covered her mouth with her hand. She had no idea what to do, other than she wanted to go somewhere safe and shut down. “How soon?”

“Ah...,” he opened the door and gestured for her to precede him through it. As he did so, he tapped his communicator, “Rekkar? Where’s Security on this matter?”

“Arriving now, Ro, I’ll bring ‘em to Pash’s quarters. The girl okay?”

“Yeah, as much as she can be,” the Orion said, joining Desta in the corridor. To her, he said, “Just a couple of minutes.”

Desta sagged against the wall, hugging herself tight once again and waited for Security. “You’ve made up for what you’ve done, Robart,” she said softly. “Tell me...Fisher really is dead isn’t he?”

“Lt. Sukotav killed Fisher. We left his body in the cargo bay when we destroyed his ship,” he answered. He could hear several people approaching and turned to greet them, partially blocking their sight of Desta. “His body is in there,” he said, pointing. “I killed him, defending the young woman.”

Lieutenant Carter gestured for two officers to go into the quarters then she tried to look past Robart. “Desta? Are you okay?”

“I need to get to Piper,” Desta answered. “Did you find Raj? Is he alright?” She had neatly sidestepped the officer’s question.

“He’s in Piper. He has a bad burn on his neck and some shakiness, but he’ll be okay. Let’s get you to Piper to see him,” she held out a hand to Desta. “Robart won’t mind,” she challenged the Orion to defy her, “He’ll be going with some of our officers to answer a few questions.”

He nodded, “Yes, I will.” If he could kill Pash again, he would.

“Good,” Carter led Desta back down the corridor. “We’ll transport there once we’re off this ship.”

“Thank you. Once I’ve seen him and Xavier, then I can answer whatever you need to ask me.” She looked back over her shoulder at Robart as Carter led her away. Thank you, she mouthed silently.


Lt. Raj Amani
Ensign Cela Bonham
Lt. Gilroy


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