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Coming In Loud And Clear

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2011 @ 1:02pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Turbolift, SB900
Timeline: Concurrent With 'Just Out Of Reach'

Eli left Chance behind and entered the turbolift that would carry him to the Promenade and the Nexus Club. Dinner had been wonderful and he'd give almost anything for it to be another night, not the Speaker's night out, so that he could have stayed in, enjoyed Chance's company. This whole deal with Chance was getting too good. Too comfortable to not be given some sort of name, or at least some understanding, but both ha thus far carefully avoided labeling the relationship.

Relationship? Eli's brow creased in confusion at how easy that word had slipped in. Even so, he had to face facts and admit that that is exactly what it was. What sort of relationship, he couldn't say and at this point, he didn't want to endanger it by examining it too closely.

The turbolift doors slid open and he stepped inside, letting his mind open up and wander as the doors closed and the lift began to move. The station 'felt' normal to him, the hum of conversations and random thoughts much as usual. At least till the first flash of pain speared through his mind. It was enough to take his breath away and force him to lean against the lift wall to keep his balance.

Close on its heels another came, far worse, that took him to his knees. He groaned softly, pressing his fists to his temples and pressing hard, willing it to go away. It didn't. Snatches of a conversation came to him.

What's this?...Ever since the male moved in, Oralia has been distracted...

Oralia? Chance's sister? The voice that spoke of her seemed alien somehow, then it was gone, replaced by something darker, more sinister.

Oh no... You're not leaving. We have something... Unfinished. Don't you agree my dear?

This last was directed at someone else, to...Li. The emotions with the voice were all wrong, bringing terrible images boiling into his brain. And then as suddenly as the episode had begin, it ended, leaving Eli alone in the turbolift with the brief echo of his own scream. The turbolift was still, the panel showing he'd ordered it to pause. He had no memory of having done so, but he was relieved all the same. Slowly he stood, brushed off his pants, straightened his jacket and tie.He had no idea what just happened, but he intended to seek out Lt. Commander Hawke once this evening was over and find out.

The doors finally opened to the promenade and Eli hurried out, none the worse for wear save a slight headache.

Eli Ziyad, Cadet 4th Class
Tuned In


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