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Posted on Fri Nov 13th, 2015 @ 11:47pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Vic

Mission: Further Challenges

* Chance & Eli’s Quarters *

Eli stood before the dresser and mirror in the bedroom, wearing only his tuxedo pants. He ran a brush through his hair, then followed the brush with his fingers, tousling his dark locks just a bit. He was back to performing for the early set and he was happy about that. Camille had informed him that Lt. Commander Rousseau had reservations for tonight too. She’d specifically said reservations, plural, and Eli wondered who he was bringing with him. The thought passed on by and he was reaching for his cologne when the front doors opened.


No response came for a moment then Chance groaned and came into the room. "I was going to jump out and be scary but... this link we have? I could feel you in here and knew you could tell it was me. That is just no fun, Eli!" He flopped onto the bed behind Eli and sprawled there.

“You are forgetting all the benefits,” Eli answered.” He smiled as he looked in the mirror and slipped into Chance’s thoughts, prodding his emotions gently and stirring him up. “See?”

"Keep that up and you'll have to shower and dress all over again," Chance warned him, smiling.

“Just a reminder.” Eli grinned and turned, leaning back against the dresser. “There’s something that’s been bothering me though. Not about you but about Seyla.”

"What about Seyla? You waste too much energy on her," Chance sat up.

“It’s what she said about Suresh. You know, that this one wasn’t the other one. What do you think she meant? How could he not be?” Eli asked.

"Don't you recall? The old Suresh was tossed in jail after the Admiral and Captain came back from that alternate universe. Then a new Suresh showed up, even as the old one was shipped off to Elba II. Then old Suresh escaped, Oz, Capt'n Hawke and Suresh went off to find him. Oz got hurt on that trip... is this ringing a bell?"

“Yeah but….” Eli paused and as it processed, he smacked his forehead. “Duh….but how does Seyla know. Wouldn’t it be some big secret?”

"Well... Yeah? I guess? Maybe he is the other universe Suresh but is living as though he's the old one because of the wealth and status the old one had here? Maybe if he didn't play that role, then life would be too dangerous for him? Maybe Seyla helps him with whatever it is he's supposed to know?" Chance was good at throwing out theories and thinking through possibilities. "Maybe that's why Darwin seems to always be around Suresh."

“Maybe but if so, someone needs to tell Seyla to zip her lips.” Eli paused as he watched his lover. “You don’t like her do you?”

"I don't. I've tried, but there's something about her that sets my teeth on edge." Chance reached out a hand to Eli and pulled him close. "I think Seyla told us because she assumed we knew more, like she does. She must think Oz goes around talking about work all the time."

“Maybe.” Eli settled on the bed and leaned in close to Chance. “I understand about Seyla. I know this may be hard to believe but she kept me sane when I thought you were dead. She’s someone different when she’s not on display, you know? Not that I see her much these days.”

Holding Eli close and rubbing his arm, Chance pondered that statement. "I'm glad she was there for you. It's a little weird, but... no more so than when she appeared in Piper to check on you. Later, Mom asked me how I know the Station's Madame so personally."

“Ouch. How did you explain that one?” Chance’s touch brought a slow, lazy smile and made him wish he didn’t have to leave so soon.

“I told Mom you were her client, of course. Before you met me, naturally, since after, you haven’t had much time for extracurricular activities,” Chance laughed as Eli batted at him, “Sure explains why you’re good with your hands.”

A faint blush crept into Eli’s cheeks. “You didn’t! Please tell me you didn’t?”

Kissing him, Chance laughed. “I just wanted to see you blush.” He knew Eli could read that he’d been kidding.

A soft laugh came from Eli and he pushed Chance down among the pillows. “I don’t think your mom would’ve found that as funny as I do.” He leaned down for another kiss. “You coming to the club tonight or staying in?”

“I don’t know yet,” Chance said. “It’s a little strange being without ...hey, where’s Ariadne?”

“Down in science with Ian. He’s doing weekly checks on them and is keeping her overnight. Which reminds me, have you seen Iggy in the last day or two?”

“No, I haven’t. I figured she was with Gilroy or Kahuna. Though... that logic sort of fails, doesn’t it, since she hasn’t been here when Ariadne has been.” Chance wasn’t too concerned about Iggy, though, until a very dark, awful thought hit him. “You don’t think she’d go off and have another egg sac, do you?”

“I think it’s too soon,” Eli answered. “Especially since Jerry is still in a terrarium in science. She’s probably with Jackson. I can ask him tonight when I get to work.” He gently stroked Chance’s cheek and smiled. “I thought I’d go down and talk to Seyla after work. Maybe a reminder not to go blabbing about Suresh is a good idea, you think?”

“Eh, maybe we could pass that information to Oz and have her warn Seyla? Or Darwin? Gilroy, even. I bet Gilroy would love that task,” Chance nodded, knowing how much Gilroy loved Orions in general.

Eli laughed once more. “Gilroy might cook us and eat us for dinner if we suggested he do that.” He looked at the time and grumbled. “I need to hurry and get dressed or I’ll be late.” He let one more kiss linger on Chance’s lips. “I’ll be home right after work then. I promise.”

“Wake me if I’m asleep,” he passed a thought to Eli, one that made him a bit warm, “And we’ll see about making that happen. It’s kinda nice not having spiders crawling the walls, watching.”

“Oh yeah…” Eli winked and slipped off the bed. Soon he was dressed and gone.

Chance stayed where he was for a while then undressed and put on a pair of loose shorts. He wandered through the apartment he and Eli shared and mused about being alone, for once. He settled on the couch and called up the Station’s news channel. Mostly, he ignored it - it was just background noise - till Gilroy’s name caught his attention. “Computer, replay the segment involving Lt. Gilroy.”

The computer complied and Chance watched the FNN reporter talk about a local criminal kidnapping three Station residents, Six, Darwin and Bajun Julisa. “Well... hell...,” Chance breathed.

* The Nexus Club *

“Great set.” Jackson clapped Eli on the back as he reached the main bar where Jackson was talking to Vic and having his usual lemonade.

“Thanks. Hey Vic, how’s it going?”

“Right as rain, as they say.” Vic smiled and passed Eli a glass of ice water.

“Thanks.” Eli perched on a stool by Jackson. “Nice crowd tonight. Oh hey, have you seen Iggy lately? She hasn’t been to our quarters so we thought she might be with Oz.”

Jackson shook his head. “No, now that you mention it, an’ Oz is off-station. I’ll check it out and see if I can’t track ‘er down.”

“Thanks.” Eli drained half the glass of water, then set it back on the bar.

“Hey there,” Chance approached from behind Eli, greeting the three men. He’d just overheard Jackson’s statement, “So Iggy’s not with you? Huh... wonder where she’s wandered off to. Oh, speaking of wandering off... it’s not really wandering, but I just heard on FNN that Darwin and Six have been kidnapped! How crazy is that? First Reva, now those two?”

“Three,” Vic spoke up, “A JAG officer, too: Bajun Julisa.” When Chance looked at him, he shrugged and said, “I saw the report earlier.”

“They’re gone? Who the hell took ‘em?” Jackson demanded. He shot a glance at Vic, knowing him well enough to know he knew more than he was saying. “What did the news say Chance?”

“A local criminal,” Chance replied, shrugging, “At least we know it isn’t Fisher. But they didn’t name who they meant. I assume it isn’t Suresh. But they were beamed off to a ship and then... there’s a Starfleet ship chasing them.”

“I don’t think Suresh would kidnap his own girlfriend.” Eli frowned as he puzzled over the news. “Wait, you said Darwin, Six, and Lt. Bajun? That’s an odd combination, isn’t it?”

“Good point.” Jackson nodded. “I’m not too sure how they are related, or how they’d even be in the same general area.”

Chance snapped his fingers, “Oh! I know! Niro - he was in the Brig for...,” he looked at Eli, “nearly killing you. That would explain the lieutenant and Darwin, but Six?” He shook his head then offered another idea: “Maybe Suresh really is the old one and right off his rocker and had Niro do something. Or something.”

Vic coughed to hide his laugh then frowned. “What do you mean about Suresh really being the old one?”

“Nothing, just some of Seyla’s ramblings is all.” Eli rubbed his forehead. “It could be any criminal. Not like we have a shortage of them.”

“You’re right about that. Just go down below and pick one.” Jackson smiled and passed his glass to Vic. “Another?”

Vic took the glass and started refilling it. “What did Seyla ramble about, Eli?”, he asked casually.

“We were down in Saturnalia a couple of nights ago,” Eli answered. “Seyla came by the table and got to talking about Suresh’s crazy ex-wife.”

“Sey said that Suresh wasn’t the old one, and that we’d know that because Oz is my sister,” Chance added.

“Huh. Weird, yeah?” Vic passed Jackson’s drink back to him.

“It is,” Jackson agreed. “I’ve seen him here with Six though, an’ I bet he’s goin’ crazy right about now.” He sipped his lemonade and looked at the two young men. “I wouldn’t put too much store in what Sey says. She’s never liked Suresh.”

“I gathered that,” Eli agreed. He sensed that both Vic and Jackson were being vague and changed the subject. “Speaking of going crazy, anyone seen Solis?”

“No,” Chance shook his head. “Oh... is Bajun Julisa the one Solis is dating? I’ve seen her. Wow, she’s hot. In a nerdy, attorney kind of way.”

Laughing, Vic nodded, “Yeah, you’re thinking of the right one. I’m sure Gilroy informed Solis, so he’s probably out of his head with worry. Just like you’d be, J.”

“I hope they find ‘em soon and get ‘em back home. Solis and Suresh aren’t two to have riled up for too long.” Jackson shook his head. “You stayin’ the rest of the night or gettin’ home Eli?”

“Home,” Eli replied. “Reva’s been cracking the whip in class and I have some research to finish up before tomorrow.”

“Good. She told me you two were in her class; I told her to ride you two hard,” Vic said, then laughed as Chance’s brows rose. “Need some ice for that libido, Chance?”

“Ah... no, but I think I will drag Eli here home,” the young man admitted. “Ready?”, he asked Eli.

“I am. SEe you two gents tomorrow.” Eli hopped off his stool and slipped his arm around Chance. As they departed, he leaned in to whisper in his ear.

Jackson watched them go, then turned back to Vic. “We have a problem.”

“Yeah. I have to have a talk with Seyla,” Vic agreed.

Jackson nodded. “If ya need to go find her, Sam can take over. Sooner may be better.”

Vic had been wiping the bar with a towel. He stopped and chuckled. “My response to that was almost that I’d rather have Darwin tell her,” he said, shaking his head. “Actually, I’ll have Edana talk to her. Less chance of Ed getting overwhelmed by Seyla’s pheromones.”

“Better her than us,” Jackson agreed. He drained his glass and stood. “Time for me to hit the stage. Jan’s off tonight so I’m taking the second set.”

“Okay; I’m going back to your office to put in a call to Ed,” Vic told him quietly then motioned to Sam to come take over.

Cadet JG Eli Zoyad
Looking Forward To A Night In

Cadet Chance Conradi
Looking Forward To A Night Without Eyes On The Wall

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Secret Keeper
The Nexus Club

Owner & Secret Agent Man
The Nexus Club


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