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Posted on Fri Dec 11th, 2015 @ 3:19am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Federation Transport Endaro / Starbase 900

* Federation Transport Endaro *

Three weeks.

It had been three weeks since she had fled Cardassia with the help of Amoja Paz. It wasn't his real name and Nyyar knew that. You didn't live with a member of the Obsidian Order, then the CIB, without learning how to make use of his resources. When she'd first met Paz she had looked him up, only to find that no such Bajoran existed on Cardassia. It didn't matter, really. He'd taken her away from her life and Zikar as he had promised. He'd gotten her safely away and to Bajor. There, another kind soul who had no reason to help someone like her had slipped her onto a transport bound for Starbase 900 in the Delta Quadrant. None had asked for anything in return.

Thanks to them, she'd had two weeks on this transport relaxing, secure in knowing that for now at least, she was safe. She slept in, stayed up late, spent time in the lounge being social. She'd walked the corridors, sat in the observation lounge, danced with whoever had asked. This last was significant. She was certain Zikar would be enraged if he knew. That didn't matter either. None of them was of interest to her.

What did matter was that she was free. It was a glorious, luxurious feeling. It was also extremely overwhelming. She had no idea what she wanted to do once she arrived on the station. Well, there was one thing. First, she had to get to the diplomatic staff and make an official request for asylum. Once that was done, no one could touch her - not without starting an incident that might have far-reaching implications, especially for a Cardassian.

She stretched her legs out on the window seat and turned to look through the portal at a planet visible down below. According to the computer, it was called Archadia III. Starbase 900 was in orbit around it, which meant they would be docking soon. It looked lovely. Maybe she'd go down there, find a small house, get lost among the locals. It was a Federation protectorate and Zikar would be foolish to cause trouble there.

The thought of Zikar brought with it a piercing sadness. She'd spent the past three weeks running and had expected at any moment for him to appear. She knew he was likely in pursuit, scanning every vessel they passed, looking for Bajoran life signs. In the quiet moments, late at night, she missed him so much it was a physical ache. She was lonely. There had been many times she had wavered, so tempted to call him, tell him where she was and beg him to come get her. She has always resisted and the moments soon passed.

She had no idea how far behind he was but suspected it was only a matter of hours. She would have to move fast once they docked. Rising from the window seat she crossed to the closet. She had used the few replicator rations given her to add a few more items of clothing since she'd left with so little. As she began to pack her bag, her nervousness surged into a rising tide. What she sought now was sanctuary. She only hoped that those with the power to help her would do so.

* SB900 *

The debarking area was crowded and it had taken a good twenty minutes to get checked in after the transport docked. Once she reached the desk, there had been some confusion over her obviously Bajoran appearance and her Cardassian citizenship. All her documents were in order, however, and the young man had assigned her quarters in the civilian section. He'd been nice enough to convert her credits and put them in the 900 system and now she was on her way. It was only now that she was arriving at the CDO's office that she realized how sheltered her life had been. Zikar had always taken care of such things whenever they traveled. She shook her head to get him out of it. She was on her own now.

Stepping into the outer office, she was greeted by a Vulcan woman. When Nyyar asked for the Chief Diplomat, the woman had motioned her to a seat. She waited only a few minutes until she was ushered into the CDO's office. Whatever she had expected, it was not a CDO who was part Klingon. She forced herself to take the hand the woman offered.

"Welcome to Starbase 900." Kh'ali could see the woman's surprise and it amused her. "I am Lt. Commander Kh'ali. Please, have a seat."

"Thank you." Nyyar settled her bag on the floor and sat before the desk. Now that she was here, she had no idea where to start.

Kh'ali noted the bag and the uncertain look in the woman's eyes. It didn't take a telepath to see that she was frightened and overwhelmed.

"What may I do for you?" Kh'ali kept her voice soft. "You've just arrived yes?" When the woman across from her nodded, she continued. "What is your name? Let's start there."

"Indra Nyyar. That's my maiden name. I'm...married. But I left. I've come a long way to get away and...." She pulled out the isolinear chip with all her information on it. "Here."

Kh'ali's internal alarm went off immediately at Nyyar's words. Her tone was that of a woman on the run. The signs were unmistakable. She reached for the chip, then plugged it into her terminal. The screen lit up with Nyyar's image and all her particulars. As Kh'ali read, she was grateful for what Dobry called her poker face. The woman before her was listed as a Cardassian citizen, husband's name Zikar. The name was well-known in Starfleet circles from the latter years of the Occupation. The years since had done little to soften the man's reputation for cruelty to any who ran afoul of the Cardassian government. Apparently, Kh'ali's quiet morning had just gone radioactive.

"Welcome, Indra." She noticed the woman looking at the time and glancing back at the office door. Finally Kh'ali decided to cut to the chase. "Who is after you?"

Nyyar was silent for several seconds and a tear spilled over, running down her cheek. "My husband," she whispered.

Kh'ali decided that her morning had gone from radioactive to supernova. "I see. I take it he's not far behind?"

Nyyar nodded miserably. She'd held it together very well for the past three weeks and now that she was here, sitting before someone who seemed somewhat sympathetic, her control was shot. She dropped her head, not wanting Kh'ali to see her cry.

"Very well. It's clear you have no desire to see him. I'm not usually directly involved in domestic matters. That more Security's area. Your situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that you're a Cardassian citizen and not Federation." The panic that appeared on Nyyar's face unsettled Kh'ali. But she recalled who they were dealing with and it made perfect sense. "That doesn't make help impossible. You are a Cardassian citizen, yes, but a Bajoran by birth, which helps. What exactly is it that you want?"

"Freedom," Nyyar whispered. "I want asylum. I am making an official request of the Federation, and of Starfleet as its representative here in the Delta Quadrant." There. She'd said it and she was a little in shock that she'd actually gone through with it. "I know it will take some time but I am requesting protection now. Immediately."

Kh'ali nodded. As it was now an official request, she could put the process in motion. It also meant that given her position as the wife of a high-ranking government leader, she could (and had) requested protection. Kh'ali made a note of the assigned quarters and opened a channel to Dobry. Briefly explaining the situation, she ordered him to escort Nyyar to her quarters and remain there until Security arrived. Finally, she turned back to Nyyar.

"That will keep you under wraps for the time being while I get to work on this. I know it's a difficult time but try not to worry. Lt. Dobry will be with you until your security detail arrives. Otherwise, you can call me anytime, whatever the hour." She smiled and moved around the desk to help Nyyar to her feet. The doors opened and Dobry stood waiting. "I'll check on you in a couple of hours."

Nyyar nodded and managed a smile. "Thank you. You've done more than you may know." She turned and departed with Dobry.

"Oh, I do know, Nyyar," Kh'ali muttered. She returned to her chair, called Security, then opened a channel to Admiral Wegener.

Indra Nyyar
Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Joining Forces


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