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Color Me Blue

Posted on Sun Dec 13th, 2015 @ 2:21pm by Lieutenant Raj Amani & Ensign Six of Ten & Suresh & Lieutenant Commander Michael Darwin

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical Center

* Piper Medical Center - Room S26 *

Six sat on the bed hugging her knees to her chest. Directly across from her, and the object of her scrutiny, stood a vase overflowing with brightly colored blossoms that surrounded a Betazoid chameleon rose. The arrangement was beautiful and she couldn’t take her eyes off it. The card that came attached to the vase was now in her hand and it read:

My darling Six, I can’t begin to express how much I missed you while you were gone or how happy I am to have you back safe at home. I’m not sure what happened but whatever it is, we’ll fix it. I’ll be here waiting whenever you want to see me. I love you, Suresh.

She had read the card a dozen times, each time growing more confused. What had happened? Her request to see Niro certainly hadn’t happened since he was in the brig, according to Ophelia - locked away for snatching her, Julisa, and Darwin away from the station. She thought over the time on Bajor in the past, Julisa’s rescue, shooting the Cardassians. Well that part had actually been fun. Darwin had survived a disruptor blast, Julisa was safe (both versions of her), and they’d made it home. Her worry about being lost in the past aside, she had enjoyed the trip. Niro had been wonderful, watching out for her and making plans for their future.

That thought prodded at her uncomfortably. She couldn’t exactly recall when they had made those plans or where they were supposed to go. Everytime she tried to puzzle it out, her thoughts fuzzed, as if she were getting interference over a channel. She wondered briefly if there was an issue with her neural transmitter. Starfleet medical had hoped to remove it when she was recovered but since it had been implanted at such a young age, there was no way to take it out without severe damage to her brain. It was inactive, of course, but maybe it needed a check. She decided to mention it to Ophelia, so that nice Dr. Crane could look into it.

She looked down at the card once more, focusing on Suresh’s name. She tried to pull up some happy memory of him, of their time together, but the only things that came were vague half-memories that faded away far too quickly. The harder she tried to recall them, the faster they scattered, slipping just out of reach. Something was wrong in her head, she was certain of that now.

She had sensed the worry in Ophelia, the displeasure in Gilroy when he’d been outside the room giving the orders to keep everyone out. That anger, she was certain, had been directed at Niro, not her. She had felt Suresh’s longing and panic earlier when the nurse wouldn’t let him in. Six had refused to see Suresh, partly because she was still having trouble separating what had happened before she left from what she recalled, and couldn’t recall. She didn’t want him to see her fear, didn’t want him to know about Niro. What about Niro? The memories of him, of their closeness, were so vivid, but they seemed somehow out of place.

She could hear Suresh’s voice out in the corridor, checking on her. She was glad she had insisted the curtains over the large window be closed so she wouldn’t have to face him. Something in his voice, however, tugged at her, brought with it a longing to open the door, throw herself into his arms. As soon as the feeling came, it vanished in a haze that clouded her thoughts. She lowered her head to her knees and growled aloud in frustration. The door did slid open, the sound masked by her noises.

“That a sign you’re going to bite?” Raj teased her. It was an old joke they had shared since her first visit to him.

Six looked up and smiled. Finally, someone she did want to see. “Counselor Amani! It’s good to see you. Did you hear what happened?”

Raj crossed the room and pulled the chair over next to the bed and settled in it. “I did. Hell of a trip, kiddo. We were all very worried about you three.”

“Four,” Six corrected. “Four of us. Niro, remember?”

“Yes, of course.” Raj resisted a frown. He’d been advised of Six’s demands to see Niro, and her refusal to see Suresh. “So, given that you four were yanked back into the past, we have a few concerns as to possible side effects, especially on you. Your technological parts might be affected in unusual ways, given the time shift, that the others didn’t experience.”

Six studied him a moment, then nodded. “That explains my being sequestered. They are afraid that if something goes wrong, I might not be in control. To be honest, I’m having some memory issues, Raj. It’s like...interference… channel static.”

That was not what he wanted to hear and now he did frown. “Alright, I’ll have them run diagnostics on your implants. I have a few questions I need to ask you regarding the memory issues, since Darwin mentioned them as well. I know this might sound strange, but I asked Security to send up Lt. Imal. She’s Betazoid. She can help us figure out what’s happening and maybe why.”

“I see.” She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment. “You think Niro did something to me. I can sense the suspicion in you Raj. He’s not like that but if it will settle the question, then I’ll agree. I do need to get to my alcove soon, however. I recharged as much as I could from the Korenna but it’s not exactly the same.”

“So noted. Where is your alcove now? Did you move it to Suresh’s place too?”

“No, it’s in Intel. Edana should be around soon, just let her know.” Six frowned suddenly. Suresh's place. Home. As soon as the image came, it grew hazy like all the other memories associated with Suresh. She turned her attention back to the flowers. “About Suresh. You saw him outside, I know. How is he?”

“Honestly, Six? Not well. He’s been worried sick about you. Now, you’re home and he’s been told nothing about your condition, he can’t get in to see you...I’m sure you can see where this is going. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, but I think it’s important that you know the truth.”

She nodded slowly. “It is. Thank you. Will you tell the nurses that they can at least give him updates? Let him know I’m not injured or in any physical danger? Tell him what you told me, that you’re concerned about side effects. It won’t settle him completely but it might help.”

“I will and I think it’s a good idea.” He looked over to the vase and smiled. “Lovely flowers. From him?”

“Yes. That chameleon rose is fascinating but I’ve not touched it yet. I'm not so sure I want to know what it picks up from me.”

“Whenever you’re ready,” Raj assured her. The door opened once more and he turned to see a female Security officer enter. “Welcome. Lt. Imal, this is Six.”

The woman in gold entered and nodded slightly at Six. “Good to meet you, Six. Please call me Mettel. I’ve been asked to take a look in your mind; is that okay?”, she asked, her voice a surprisingly soft one.

Six glanced back to Raj, then nodded. “Raj is afraid that something’s gone wrong in there. What I told him is that I’m getting static, if that makes sense? Things I try to remember come but then they get fuzzy and disappear when I really try to see them.”

“Let’s take a look,” Mettel sat across from Six and took her hands in hers. “Think of a memory that gets fuzzy and just try to keep it in mind.”

Six closed her eyes and tried to focus on one thought she knew would fly away….Suresh. She brought his face to mind and that was fine. When she thought about his quarters, home, the images wavered and turned to snow. She growled once more as frustration overtook her.

“Ahh, no worries Mettel, she won’t bite.” Raj grinned at them.

Mettel had pulled back slightly but looked up at Raj and smiled in thanks for his reassurance. “There’s a definite... film, if you will, over that memory, Six.” Her brow furrowed as she delved deeper. “This one,” she touched on a memory of Six’s, activating it for both of them. It was one of Niro, infused with positive feelings, “is all wrong. It isn’t a memory. It’s ...fake.”

“Fake?” Both Raj and Six said at once.

“Are you sure?” Six continued. “If you are still in there….check this one.” She brought up the strongest of the Niro memories, the most intimate one. Instantly, the emotions washed over Six, desire rising in her at the thought of him.

Lt. Imal’s cheeks burned with the passion of that memory. She probed the memory several times in several ways from several angles. With distaste, she saw what the memory was: a construct stuck into Six’s head. “You’ve been around an Enaran, correct? They can alter memories, implant them, erase them. It’s obvious Niro did a number on you.” Turning toward Raj, she added, “I can’t do anything about them - we need an Enaran to reverse these. Nico is off-Station. Perhaps Eli Ziyad? He’s just a cadet but...,” she shrugged.

Raj considered that for a moment, then looked to Six. “It’s your call, Six.”

Her eyes widened and she looked from Raj to Lt. Imal. “Exactly how much did he change? How far back? I have to know.” Suddenly she was the one verging on panic. “Tell me!”

“It’s difficult to tell, Six,” Imal said quietly, so quietly it forced Six’s panic to let up. She stared at Six as if reading something on the wall through her head. “Memories of Suresh seem to be the ones he targeted the most; they’re covered over with a layer of either false memory or a fuzziness that redirects your thoughts to something else. That’s the ‘static’ you’re getting.”

Six sat silent, trying to digest the information. Suddenly, the desire brought on by the false memory was shoved aside, replaced by rage, part of it directed at herself. “I should have known! He swore he would get even and then….I was such an easy target!” She grabbed the pillow from the bed and flung it at the drapes covering the window. “How could I be so stupid??”

Raj was on his feet in an instant, moving in to wrap his arms around her, restraining her as best he could. Her strength surprised him and he tightened his grip.

“Easy, Six. We’ll take care of this.”

“From what I know of Niro, this is a standard modus operandi. If he had time and the opportunity to touch you, then he could have started small, erased your wariness of him and then built from there. It’ll be messy and difficult to right what he put wrong. It might be best to be exposed to Suresh and work through the memories with him. Keep a journal of the memories and thoughts that are ‘off’ from what they should be. Once Nico is back, or if Cadet Ziyad is willing, perhaps one or the other could ease some of the damage,” Mettel said.

“I agree,” Raj replied. He eased his grip on Six just slightly, testing to see if she would start flailing again. When she was still, he relaxed a little. “What do you think?”

“I think I want to kill him,” she answered. “Niro that is. Oh, Raj...what am I going to tell Suresh? He will lose it over this. It’s all my fault, how could I not see?” She buried her face in Raj’s shoulder and began to sob.

“He might surprise you,” Raj said quietly. He looked then to Imal. “Will you enter this in the official report regarding Niro?”

“Yes,” she stood. “If you need me again, just call,” she said and hurried for the door.

Raj gave her the unlock code and once she was gone, he pulled back from Six and rested his hands on her shoulders. “Talk to him. He’ll understand. Do you want me to stay while you do? I think it would be better that I do not but if you want me to…”

She took a deep breath and shook her head. “No. I need to buck up and deal with this. But...maybe not too far away?”

“Very well.” He rose and moved to the door. “Call if you need me. I’m going to send him in.”

Six nodded and slipped back on the bed till her back was to the wall. “Alright.”

The door opened and Raj stepped through. A few minutes later the door opened again and Suresh entered.

“Hi.” Six gave him a weak smile. “Come in.”

Showing a degree of restraint, Suresh smiled and hurried to her bedside. Emotions warred within him: joy and love versus misery and hate; the latter aimed at Niro and his machinations. “Six,” he said, “I’ve been so worried about you.” He desperately wanted to throw his arms around her and hold her tight. This was not the homecoming he’d envisioned.

She read all the emotions in an instant, understanding them, sharing the ones directed at Niro especially. With them came the first hints of longing, soon followed by the strange vagueness that was a result of Niro’s touch. She patted the bed beside her.


He did, happy for the invitation. “I’ll kill him for what he’s done to you,” he said quietly. He reached for her hand, hesitantly and watching for any sign that she wouldn’t let him touch her.

As his hand tightened around hers, Niro’s face popped into her thoughts. She shoved it away and another rose, the image of Xerena. This one also felt forced and ‘off’ and she tried to think past it, to focus on Suresh himself.

“What did Raj tell you?”

“Not much. From him and Darwin, I get that Niro altered some memories, made you hate me.” He paused and searched her face for some sign of her feelings. “Darwin told me that I’ll just have to woo you all over again.”

“I don’t hate you. I promise you that.” She looked deep into his eyes, feeling the worry that gripped him. “It’s just that he did his best to cover over my memories of you. Lt. Imal described it as a film of sorts. They are blocked. When I get close to those memories, everything gets all fuzzy and vague. I tried to think of your quarters, of us there, and even that slips away. He left one memory intact, though, I guess to strengthen his case.” She looked away, not wanting to mention Xerena.

Gazing at her, his expression was soft, but when she mentioned one memory left intact, it hardened. “Let me guess: me, in bed with Xerena. Do you recall what came after that? You and Vic in Intel? You and me, talking?”

Six was silent as she searched her memories. “I recall Vic and Darwin saying….” What? It was there, just out of reach. She glanced at the flowers and that triggered the memory of another vase of flowers arriving in Intel. She tried to think beyond it but nothing came yet. “You sent me flowers then too.”

“Yes. You wouldn’t see me. Darwin went to see you, though. And I think something he said changed how you viewed that situation,” he said. He hated rehashing this - he was ashamed of the incident with Xerena, ashamed and angry. The woman had drugged him and taken advantage of him.

“Darwin was seriously damaged on this trip.” The words were simply an aside as she puzzled out what was happening. “I did come to see you, didn’t I?” A sudden memory of the Arboretum came then, of Suresh standing beneath a tree.

“Yes.” He ignored the aside about Darwin. Right now, nothing mattered more than Six. “And then you came home with me.”

“Home is one of those memories he messed with,” she admitted. “Suresh I am so sorry for all this. He will pay for it, Darwin will make sure of that. He tried his best to stop Niro you know? To look out for your interests. If it helps, nothing happened.” She blushed a deep red. “Nothing with Niro I mean. There is a memory there that….doesn’t matter. Imal said it was fake.”

“He didn’t try hard enough,” Suresh muttered darkly. “Niro will pay for this, whether those memories are fake or not.”

“Darwin almost died,” she said softly. “He did what he could. Imal said that another Enaran could undo the damage but it may be messy and take a while. Should I do that? It will have to be Eli, since Nico’s off the station, but Eli knows me better.”

Suresh hadn’t been aware of just how bad Darwin’s injuries had been; her statement gave him pause and put Darwin’s earlier irritation in context. “Oh. We’ll have to check with the Intel chief - whoever does this would be privy to classified information about us. But if Eli can be cleared for that, then yes, you should do that. I could call Edana and see if she arrange it.”

“Alright.” Six nodded. “We have a house, down on Archadia, don’t we? Niro didn’t seem to notice that when he was parading through my head. Maybe we should go there? It might help.”

“Yes, we do. I’ll go make the arrangements and we can leave in an hour or so. Do you want to invite anyone, besides Niro?”

That actually got a laugh from Six. “It would be nice if…” She stopped, knowing that her first impulse was Niro’s handiwork talking. She laughed once more appreciating Suresh’s joke. “Dr. Crane has to check me over before I can go anywhere. Raj is concerned that my implants may be a little off too. But once they are done, I should be out of here.” She reached up to touch his cheek gently. “I know this is hard for you. I know what you feel is real, I can sense that. Imal seems to think that the memories are covered over so if she’s right, they can come back.”

“Good. Then I’ll invite Eli and his friend to the villa,” he said, hesitating before asking, “Can I hug you before I leave?”

She nodded and slipped her arms around him. “Tell Eli not to come until tomorrow. I think you and I need some time on our own before others are involved.”

“Okay.” He held her tightly for a moment, wanting to never let go. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Alright.” She didn’t much want to let go either, she realized, and was suddenly afraid he wouldn't come back. “Make it soon.”

She watched as the door closed behind him then leaned her head back against the wall, thinking over all that had been said. He’d been much calmer than she expected, which was good. She hadn’t been afraid, which was even better. Her gaze fell on the flowers and on impulse, she rose and crossed the room to stand before them. She leaned down to inhale the sweet aroma, then reached out to touch the chameleon rose. It turned vivid blue in an instant - deep love.

Finally, she smiled, feeling hopeful for the first time since she got home.

Ensign Six Of Ten
Lt. Raj Amani
Lt. Mettel Imal
Looking For The Truth


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