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Eldren's Circle Expands

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2015 @ 4:10pm by Eldren Tohr & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

There was a spring in his step as Zikar emerged from the turbolift below the equator and entered the square outside Saturnalia. Farak’s news had been good indeed - it meant that Nyyar was here. All he had to do now was locate her, find out why she ran, then convince her to come home where she belonged. Simple. Really? Zikar had to scoff at his own optimism. He had filed a request bearing the authority of the Central Command with the Diplomatic department for Nyyar’s return as a matter of course, just to cover his bases. The fact that it had gone unanswered told him that it likely was Nyyar who’d been to see the CDO. That concerned him because that meant she was undoubtedly seeking asylum. If that was granted, he could do nothing to get her off this station unless she went of her own free will. Well, nothing officially. He was certain he could convince his wife to change her mind and if not, then he would have to act unofficially. Either way, he was not leaving here without her.

That thought cheered him as he entered the bar. It was not impossible, it just needed his patience and he’d always had plenty of that where she was concerned. She was worth the wait, in his opinion. He ignored the looks he got as he strolled through to an empty table and sat down. Once his drink was ordered, he gave the place a good once-over. Farak had also mentioned two men he had a particular interest in - Jarad and Drekkar. Former Obsidian Order. This was just the sort of place two renegades would be and also the place to pick up gossip if any was circulating about them. His drink arrived a few minutes later and he smiled at the young woman.

“Thank you……” He paused for her to supply her name.

“Shelly. No problem, handsome.” She gave him a wink and hurried off, leaving Zikar to smile to himself.

Sitting in his favourite spot Eldren sipped his Antarean brandy. The liquor was stronger than the beverages he normally allowed himself, but he was in a good mood tonight. Stars were shining brightly on him. The retrieval mission of Captain Hawke’s brother had gone smooth and easy and had brought quite an amount of latinum in his pockets. Moreover he had now almost a direct contact open with Li Hawke and at the same time he’d built a reputation of reliability around himself… all things that, in due time, would have turned out useful for his own agenda.

Leaning back in the seat he stretched his legs relaxing and took another sip of the blue liquid which went down warming his guts, when the glass returned to the table he noticed…

His eyes narrowed focusing on the other side of the locale. A Cardassian had entered Saturnalia, taken a seat and ordered a drink. How could he have noticed so late? Taking a mental note of keeping his guard high in any moment no-matter-what he reached for his belt pouch and extracted his precious padd he brought with him all time.

Quickly typing the secret code he accessed the information contained therein and began scrolling the data about Cardassians. With each name a face picture popped up and he checked the one sitting across the room. Many a time his eyes darted from the little padd screen to the unwelcome guest until the hint of a smile lined Eldren’s lips. The face on the padd matched the one he saw a scant six meters from him.

A name flashed on the screen ‘Gul Zikar’ and with a touch of the thumb a series of data and informations appeared.

“The Prophets must be really loving me.” Eldren muttered to himself putting away the padd and disposing himself to watch closely the newly acquired target.

Zikar sipped his drink leisurely, enjoying his people watching. It was rare these days that he had time that wasn’t scheduled down to the minute for the majority of his day. He wondered if, perhaps, he’d been neglecting Nyyar, short-changing her with his time and attention. He didn’t think so and she hadn’t complained, not that she would. Everything had been fine as far as he knew, at least until he’d come home unexpectedly to find her jumping into a strange shuttle and fleeing. He still had no idea why. He had come here angry, determined to simply find her and haul her to his ship and go. If she had requested asylum, he knew it would take a far more gentle touch. To be truthful, his anger was beginning to ebb. All he wanted was her.

As Nyyar’s face lingered in his thoughts, another face from his past appeared in the door and began to weave her way through the crowd. It was a small woman, long dark hair, part Romulan. Her face registered immediately in Zikar’s mind, the image not as she was now, but shackled to the wall in a small, dark cell. He had questioned her extensively himself, with no luck, then had turned her over to Jarad. The fact that she has remained alive after that should have been an instant tip-off back then but it has taken a little time to realize Jarad had been compromised. Hindsight was always perfect, he supposed.

The woman passed close by, not noticing him in the dimly-lit room...until he grabbed her wrist. She turned on him, but the curse she’d uttered died on her lips. She knew him immediately, of course, and tried unsuccessfully to break his hold on her.

“Let go of me now,” she hissed.

“Is that any way to treat an old friend Kaeli?” Zikar joked. “Have a seat. Now.”

Kaeli glanced around, figuring that she was safer in this crowd than he was and when he let go of her, she perched on the chair across from him. Her left hand remained in her lap, in range of the knife hidden beneath her skirt.

“First we’ll have a drink.” Zikar smiled and motioned for Shelly.

From his privileged point of view Eldren watched with interest the development of the situation. Zikar showed the usual Cardassian arrogance aimed to the female newcomer. He didn’t know her but they really seemed to be acquainted, albeit the woman didn’t seem all that happy about that.

Eldren’s impulse would have been to stand, walk the seven paces to that table and stick his knife in Zikar’s throat. The right payback for all he’d done in his long career. Pity was that such an action would have brought Suresh and the locale under Zeferino’s department close scrutiny and that was to be avoided as this employment was bringing great benefits at the moment. Moreover Zikar’s death on 900 would have aroused a diplomatic incident and the resulting manhunt was a thing Eldren had to think about.

Exhaling heavily he suppressed his impelling desire and kept observing the couple.

The drinks arrived but Kaeli left hers untouched. “You’re a little far from home, Zikar. Why are you here? I’m surprised the station crew hasn’t come to take the trash out yet.” Her tone was harsh.
“And unless you came all this way to beg my forgiveness, we have nothing to talk about.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Kaeli.” His tone was casual, almost friendly. “We have everything to talk about, like what is going to happen to your dear friend Jarad, who is also here. I must say I am surprised you two are still together. It simply goes to show how ruined he is because of you.”

“None of your business,” was Kaeli’s only reply.

“In answer to your question, I have nothing to ask forgiveness for. You were a Romulan spy and I simply had you removed. As for why I am here? I have personal business that is a priority, at least for now. But don’t worry, Jarad and I will get together, along with Drekkar. You see, I still hear things. I’d suggest they stay put for now. Be sure to pass that along, will you?” He smiled, knowing that would tell Kaeli he had eyes and ears even here on a Starfleet installation.

“They’ll do what they like,” she replied, her voice razor-sharp. “It’s you who should watch his step. It would be a shame if you started an incident.”

“At least where anyone can see,” Zikar hinted. “It would also be a shame if I, as a visiting dignitary, were to inform Security that a Romulan operative was loose on their station. Now go. We’ll talk soon.” He waved her away from the table.

Kaeli stood. “Lay a hand on them and I’ll be the last thing you ever see.” Now it was her turn to smile. She reached for the drink, unwilling to let it go to waste, and hurried away from the table.

Another patron stepped into her path, blocking her way. “Hey, gorgeous, how about a drink?”

Kaeli looked up at him and her smile was chilly. “You want a drink? Take this one.” She tossed her drink in his face, then slammed the empty glass on Eldren’s table. “Now get out of my sight.”

The man yelped as the alcohol burned his eyes, then turned and stumbled away.

“Not the best of days...” Eldren smiled “A pity that the beverage went wasted though. Care for a refill? The glass is already there.” he said gesturing her to take a seat.

Kaeli looked Eldren up and down and noted first the Bajoran earring, then the scar. She also realized he was a complete blank to her and that made her more than a little curious.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“Name’s Eldren.” He answered preferring to make her somewhat more at ease “I’ve seen you had an argument with that cardassian. Anyone to spite them is my friend and earns a glass.”

She laughed briefly, then slid into the seat across from him. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend, huh? How do you know him?”

“I don’t know him. He’s just another cardassian to me and I despise them all.” Eldren lied. “He’s got some guts to show himself so far away from home and down here in Suresh’s domain.”

With the last sentence Eldren watched her intently to see if the name sparked some emotion on her face.

There was a flicker of wariness in her eyes and she nodded. “He does, at that. For many reasons, not just Suresh.” Shelly appeared at the table and Kaeli ordered a round of drinks. Once they were alone again, she offered her hand. “My name is Kaeli.”

“Well, it’s a pleasure.” he said taking her hand in his. “You’re far from home. What brings you to this forsaken quadrant?”

“We do business out here,” she answered, “so it’s home for the foreseeable future. We’re here on 900 for a long overdue vacation. I could say the same for you, though. Bajor’s a long time away.”

“Yes you’re right.” He smiled. “900 for the moment is home for me too. I do make errands for Suresh from time to time even if I’m envisioning a change in business in the near future. I could even find some ship and embark to drift somewhere away.”

“There’s a lot to be said for that. It’s basically what I did after running afoul of….” She tilted her head in Zikar’s direction. “It’s not a bad life. At least till he showed up. He’s got a big issue with me and some people I am close to.”

“Interesting story. Do you mean he’s here in hot pursuit, after you and your comrades?”

“Not originally no. It was just a strange coincidence,” Kaeli admitted. “The good thing is that he has to watch his step here. He starts something it would be very bad - for him. Besides, it’s easier for me to keep track of him than it is for him to watch me...unless I want to be seen.”

Eldren nodded in acknowledgement “Yes, I don’t think he’ll risk some sly move in Federation territory. Still he could decide to bide his time now that he’s met you again. Cardassians are snakes… Perhaps you could ask for a little help. Suresh is one you can talk to.”

That got a snort of laughter from Kaeli. “Not likely. He and I have...issues...from way back. Though I suppose it depends on who he dislikes more in this particular situation.” She shrugged, then reached for the drink Shelly placed before her.

“I see. This starbase seems to be a magnet for dangerous people and situation.” Eldren replied more to himself than to anyone else. He took his glass too and cheered Kaeli “Well, good luck with your business then.”

“Same to you. Perhaps I’ll catch up with Suresh next time he’s in here. Our disagreement was a long time ago. Maybe he has changed his position on things since then, who knows?” she raised her glass to his. “I”m glad I met you. I hope our paths cross again soon. To new friends.”

“To new friends.”

Kaeli (Ning’Tao)
Making A New (Useful) Friend

Eldren Tohr
Socially Active


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