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Historical Information

Posted on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 8:25pm by Seyla & IKS Ning'Tao

Mission: Further Challenges

Starbase 900 was large enough that it was easy to get lost - completely. Isa Panossian had just barely managed to not get lost as she first found the Promenade and then went looking for Seyla’s quarters. The Pit proved to be her undoing, however, and she was quickly turned around and wandering aimlessly. Almost in a snit, she finally found a computer kiosk, but her luck wasn’t turning around yet: the damned thing was off-line. Sighing heavily, she stepped back into the corridor and looked both ways, hands on her hips. “Well, hell.” She was debating which way to go when voices coming along the corridor from one direction made her decision; she turned and headed away from the approaching voices.

Several turns and backtracks later, Isaura passed a shop that looked familiar and grinned. She knew where she was now. Granted, she still didn’t know where Seyla’s was, but now she could, and did, ask for directions. Soon, she was on Seyla’s doorstep, about to ring the bell, when the door opened and the Orion glared at her.

“Isa,” Seyla frowned then gestured for her to come inside.

Isa followed her in then grinned at Bella. “Hell’s Bells! How are you?” Laughing, the two hugged then started chatting animatedly. Several minutes later, when Seyla cleared her throat, Bella laughed and asked, “Are you coming back to work for Sey?”

“Ah...,” Isa blinked and glanced at Seyla. “That’s something to discuss with Seyla.”

“Oh, good! I look forward to you being back with us, one of the girls!” Bella chirped. When Seyla cleared her throat again, she added, “It’s great to see you again, Isa!”, and took her cue to leave.

Waiting till Bella was gone, Isaura looked at Seyla and said, “No offense, my dear, but I’m not getting on my back for you again.”

“I didn’t think you would,” Seyla said, gracefully moving to the bar. With a gesture, she offered Isa a drink then poured the liquor she chose. “What are you darkening my doorstep?”

“I just came back to see you, that’s all! Jeez, Sey, can’t a friend drop by and say hi?” Isa sniffed the bourbon in her glass; she’d seen the layer of dust on the bottle. “My crew and I are here for some rest and relaxation.”

Eyeing Isaura, Seyla chuckled. “Friends come by to say hi; you... usually come by to ask for something.” She crossed to the sofa and took a seat.

The pirate captain winced; she was there to ask for something. “Look, I’ll pay for it, if I have to,” she said, in a wheedling tone.

“I take it you want a woman, then? Not for yourself, though?”

“If I wanted one for myself, I’d seduce you; it’d be easy enough,” Isa stared at Seyla before smiling and going to sit next to her. “No, I have a Cardassian who needs to be distracted.”

“A Cardassian?” Seyla frowned. “Don’t tell me he wants a Bajoran. Brunette?” She looked at Isa’s body, assessing her, “Curvy? Bad attitude?”

“Hey! I resemble that comment,” she laughed. “But, no, she can be ...okay, so she does need to look like me, somewhat. Can you do that?”

“You’ll owe me, Isaura,” Seyla said. “But I do have a Bajoran; she won’t be happy about taking a Cardassian to bed. But... triple her normal fee and I’m sure she won’t complain too much.”

“Triple! That’s robbery!” Isa shut up quickly, though, realizing that she was asking quite a lot. “Oh, well... fine, I’ll pay it. I’ll let you know where and when; she might need to do some seducing.”

“I doubt she’ll have to work all that hard.” Seyla shook her head; in her experience, males of all species were easy creatures. “Now that we have business concluded, tell me where you’ve been. You disappeared from here rather quickly; Suresh nearly had an aneurysm when he found out you’d taken his ship and his cargo.”

“Oh... I bet,” Isa laughed and started telling Seyla where she’d been for the last few years.

Isaura Panossian


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