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Scenes From A Space Station

Posted on Thu Jan 14th, 2016 @ 12:19pm by Niro & Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Guest Quarters / The Brig

Guest Quarters - Zikar *

Zikar slammed his fist against the wall in his dimly-lit quarters and uttered a curse . First Nyyar, then Isaura and Kaeli. All three targets that were, at present, just beyond his grasp.

"Not for long," he growled.

Settling into the deep chair in the corner, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Immediately, images of Nyyar filled his thoughts. He could see her as she was in the first years, so shy and careful, always taking care to keep him happy, as he had her. She hadn't lost that quality in all their years together. So why was she bucking his authority now? He'd always treated her like the treasure she was, spoiled her in fact.

He recognized the courage it took for her, as a Bajoran, to stay with him, especially living on Cardassia. She was an outsider, a race most Cardassians thought of as inferior and useless. And yet, she had charmed his colleagues, befriended their wives, even though most of them still kept her at arms' length. There were two women, though, that she has been close to. Apparently she had been close to someone else who helped her run away from home and husband. Zikar simply would not accept that decision of hers as final. The meeting with her had not gone as he had hoped. He'd been more stern than he intended, let his anger get the better of him. He had seen her withdraw the moment he'd ordered her to come back to him. Perhaps what was needed was to give her a little time to spread her wings and taste the single life. He was willing to bet two things: that it would not be as fun and free as she thought, and that she would soon begin to miss him. He had seen already, when they met at the Arboretum, that she missed him but was denying herself the pleasure of his company.

He just needed a little time, that was all. He had to get a handle on his rage and hurt, had to be the man she had always known. He had to make her see that he wasn't what she now thought, that the rumours were wrong. He had to prove he loved her, and he did. If he was honest, his feelings for Nyyar consumed him and it was driving him mad. He suspected she was faring better than he was alone. He needed to woo her again, win her over, pull her willingly away from this mysterious Bajoran male. Once he had her back and secured, then he could deal with the male.

He also needed to focus on his duties so as to justify this trip. That meant bringing in Jarad and Drekkar and getting those two renegades home to Cardassia. It would certainly boost his career immeasurably. As soon as Farak had their women pirates in hand, he had no doubt they would come running. That just left Nyyar.

"Computer, begin recording." At the beep, he spoke but one one word. "Please." Then he ordered the message delivered to Nyyar. The room was once more silent around him. He covered his eyes and murmured her name.

* VIP Quarters - Nyyar *

Nyyar banged her fist against the wall of the living room as tears spilled over, coursing down her cheeks. Another box had arrived - more flowers and a package of jumja pops, her favorite treat. They had been impossible to get on Cardassia and Zikar had occasionally had them brought in from Bajor for her. The pops were her one weakness for sweets. Seeing them here, this far out, in a box from him hit hard, stirring up memories of passionate, happy times. The lure of her old life and Zikar were strong, despite her best intentions.

She paced the living room, wishing she could get out, get far away from him until the urge passed. The emotional rollercoaster was getting to be too much for her. Paz had offered to help if she needed it and she was grateful. Then there was Eldren Tohr. He had also become the bright spot in her life. Emotions ran deep in him, she suspected. Protectiveness and concern were all mixed up with his memories and his longing for her so many years ago. She trusted him, though she couldn't say why. Gut reaction was the only rationale and it was enough.

Tomorrow she was meeting with a Lt. Bajun in the JAG office. Once that decision was made, and Zikar informed, she knew the storm would start to rage. It was, however, what she had to do. Prophets help her then, she thought. She was going to need it. Her comm terminal beeped and she crossed to answer. It was a recorded message only, Zikar's voice, the playback short.


She replayed it again, knowing he was likely waiting for an answer she couldn't give. She simply stood, covered her eyes with her hands, and whispered his name.

* The Brig - Niro *

Niro slammed his fist against the wall of his cell and uttered a string of curses that could peel the paint off the walls. He was losing his mind down here. There was no one around in any of the other cells, something done on purpose he knew. The brig officers only came in pairs to do a cursory check, looked in, and then left. At first he had amused himself sifting through their minds for anything entertaining. Soon, he knew all there was to know and it became dull. Now, however, he had lost the ability to read them at all, which is why he was worried he was losing it.

A sudden thought hit him, however, as the image of Counselor Amani rose in his mind. He had to be behind this. Of course. A telepathy inhibitor. Niro suspected a mood stabilizer too, as he'd been rather content the last day or so. The roiling anger in him now told him it had worn off, however, which made sense. He hadn't eaten the lunch they brought. That logic led him to the idea that the telepathy inhibitor might be wearing off too. A slow smile crossed his face.

He began to bellow and bang on the walls, then threw the remains of his padd at the force field. He knew that would trip an alarm at the guard's desk and bring them running. A group of brig officers appeared immediately. Six of them. Niro couldn't hit them all, he knew, and right now he had no intentions of messing with them. This was merely to satisfy his curiosity. He stopped the ruckus and focused on the man in front. At first he could read nothing but then, seconds later, the man's thoughts began to come into focus. Niro pushed a little and then the man's mind was an open book to him. Well, that answered that question.

The officers saw that it was nothing more than a tantrum and after a few sharp words, they turned to go. Niro stretched out on his bunk, his gaze focused on the ceiling. By now, the urges he'd buried in the minds of Six and Reva would have surfaced. He suspected also that medical would quickly resolve the issue but he knew both women very well, Six especially. They would come, not because they wanted him, but to vent their anger on him. The end result was the same. They would be here, of that he was certain. His smile returned and he closed his eyes, whispering their names.


Indra Nyyar



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