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Final Words

Posted on Sat Jan 16th, 2016 @ 10:12pm by Ensign Six of Ten & Niro & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Ensign Reva Madhava
Edited on on Sun Jan 24th, 2016 @ 2:01am

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical / The Brig

* Piper Medical *

Earl held Reva Madhava’s upper arm in one hand and walked along beside her. He was ignoring her barrage of questions and as they entered an overnight room, he released her arm. “Good morning, Six of Ten,” he greeted the room’s temporary resident.

“Oh, sure, for her, it’s ‘good morning’, but for me, it was, ‘get up!’” Reva glowered at him; he continued to ignore her.

“Good morning.” Six sat up and squinted a moment. “Does this mean we are getting out of here?”

“Maybe,” Earl said, looking over Six’s bio readings. “Your neural readings are back to normal, so I could release you both.” He paused and looked from one to the other. “You have to promise me, though, that you’ll go straight home, check in with your boyfriends - that sounds sexist, but they’re worried about you and I’d tell them to check in with you as well.”

It was Reva’s glower that had prompted his explanation; she let it ease her glare. “Fine. I’ll go home and call Riley. Can we go now?”

“And I’ll just...go home, before Suresh wears a path in the carpet from pacing,” Six joked. Truthfully, she wasn’t too thrilled about going home to discuss the fact that she’d been locked in sickbay to keep her away from Niro. She suspected Reva wasn’t, either.

Earl again looked from one to the other. “I could call Security and have you escorted home. But I’ll play the naively trusting, charming, and unattainable love interest to you two and just release you under your own steam. Go! Take your active libidos and yearnings and make sure your men know how lucky they are.” Earl shooed them out of the room.

Six slipped off the bed and grinned at Earl. “Very well, but if it weren’t for Suresh…..” She patted his cheek. “You’d be my next choice. Ready Reva?”

“Yep,” Reva nodded and caught Six’s arm. “Quite ready.” She waggled four fingers at Earl as they left. You sure you want to go home?

What do you have in mind? Wait, don’t answer that. I know. Six nodded slowly. “And for the record? My real second choice? Would be Commander Leroy’s nanny. He came into the offices once.”

“Seriously? Wait... I thought their nanny was Iggy. Oh, well, she’s not around, is she?” They both knew Iggy wasn’t around. “I might have to lay eyes on this nanny. I’m not sure who my second choice would be... no, that’s a lie: it’d be Vic.” Reva nodded solemnly. “Desta might take issue with that, so let’s not mention that.”

“I won’t tell her. And I sure won’t tell Julisa that Solis is also on that list.” She stopped as they entered the turbolift and started down. “Are we really going to do this?”

“We don’t have to, Six. And... Solis? Is he on your list, too?”

“Yeah but I’m betting he’d be difficult to live with.” Six changed the deck order and looked over to Reva. “I don’t think Niro will be here much longer and I have some things to say.”

“No, he won’t be here much longer,” Reva agreed firmly and concentrated on the door. “A Vulcan with no discipline. I bet he’s tough to live with, too. Vulcans developed logic to deal with their anger and passion.” She recalled what she’d seen in Solis’ head and immediately thought of Riley instead. “Riley will likely be pissed if he hears about this.”

Six snorted. “A huge understatement. Be glad he’s far more zen than Suresh. At least Suresh isn’t telepathic. You can’t hide it from Riley.” A sudden thought occurred to her and she grabbed Reva’s arm. “Will he tell Suresh?”

“I doubt it. I think he’ll be busy reacting to what happens to Niro.” She shrugged as the door opened and they stepped out. “Plus, how often does he really talk to Suresh?”

“More often than we know, I suspect,” Six answered. They moved along the corridor and finally arrived at the main desk of the Brig. “We’d like to see Niro.”

The officer looked up at the two of them. “By whose orders?”

Reva thought quickly, smiled and said, “Lieutenant Darwin said Niro’s been asking to see us. Please?” She didn’t hesitate to put a bit of Seyla’s mannerisms to work.

He frowned. “Darwin, huh?” He looked at Six.

“He is allowed visitors if he requests then, yes?” she asked. “From what I understand, we’re at the top of his list.”

“Yeah, you both are,” the officer was reluctant, though.

“Look, she’s Borg, I’m an engineer. Between us, we could just break in. Most of the safeties on the brig are here to keep people in, not out. So, just make it easy and let us in.” Reva smiled slightly.

He sighed. “Come on,” he opened the door and escorted them down several levels and corridors to Niro’s pod. “Don’t touch the force field. I am not lowering it,” he said firmly.

“The only reason I’d go through it is to kill him,” Six muttered as they approached Niro’s cell. “And I’m not ready to be in here locked up. Shame that.”

“Good,” the officer retreated to the corridor, within sight and within a shout’s hearing.

Reva stepped up to the force field. “Niro,” she said, waking him.

He blinked, rolled till he was sitting upright, legs off the side of the bunk and finally smiled. “If I were dreaming, you’d both be on this side of the force field. And naked.” He shrugged.

“Shut it now, Niro,” Six snapped. “We are not here because we worship the ground you walk on and can’t live without you. First, the doctors took care of your little mental booby traps. Just so you’re aware. We came because we have some things to say to you.” She nodded to Reva. “Go ahead.”

Reva searched for the right words. “Ah... You’re done, Niro. You will never again interfere with a woman’s head or body. Not mine, not Six’s, not Falasin’s. Nor any other woman’s. We win; we’ll continue with our happy lives, with men who love us.” She glanced at Six and nodded.

Niro crossed his arms and began to laugh as he watched her. “You really think that?” He took a moment to sift through her memories. He picked up the Solis memories and that surprised him. “You let that Vulcan into your head? Really? How was it Reva? Joining minds with a Vulcan of that sort is a dangerous game.”

“Orions are more chaotic than he is; the risk was his,” Reva said. “But otherwise, Niro, it was better than sex with you.”

“Perhaps the fault was not mine there,” he replied. “So you’re going to go back to your mousey little science officer? Tell me, can he speak to you in complete sentences now?”

She smiled then chuckled. “Mousey? Is that how you see him? He’s far from that.” The image she had in her head now was of Riley when he’d rushed in and killed Fisher. Her image was slightly embellished, but she didn’t care. “And where were you when he did that? Oh, right, left behind on the Station. Too slow, too cowardly, too self-absorbed.” She sneered at him.

“Perhaps too ambivalent,” he shot back. “Seen Raj lately?”

“Sure, each week.” Reva shook her head, and softly said, “I wish I had seen how awful and pitiful you are before we hooked up. Six?” She looked at her friend. “May as well tell him what you have.”

Niro turned to look at Six expectantly, leeringly.

She studied him in silence, her eyes narrowed. “I thought I might feel a little sorry for you but I don’t. I despise you, Niro, for what you tried to do to me but even more for what you succeeded in doing to Suresh. You almost managed it, but I got back to him in spite of you. Even so, you stole one thing I haven’t recovered yet.”

“Did I?” Niro smirked and laughed. “Let me guess... your wedding? Oh, I recall it. It was beautiful, though marred by you marrying that toad and letting him kiss you. Tsk, Six. You’re so beautiful; you could have had the world with me.” He watched her, reading her easily, and reveled in her hurt.

“You don’t want me, you want what’s in my veins and you want what you could turn me into,” she answered. You may have sworn you loved me but the only one you love is yourself. He is no toad, either. He’s a better man than you could ever dream of being, and cares about me!”

“As if that matters, in the end,” Niro scoffed.

“Shut up,” Reva snapped, “Just shut up! You’re a vile piece of shit, Niro, and there’s no argument against that. Six, let’s go.” She tugged on Six’s arm.

“One moment.” Six looked back at Niro, her eyes narrowed. “It didn’t matter so much what you did to me but what he lost because of you, and what Reva suffered is unforgivable. Remember two things, Niro.”

“If it were up to me, he would have lost so much more. And you, Reva, and you, Six, would both be mine.” He gave Six a snide sneer.

“Dream on,” Six retorted. “Speaking of which, remember that nightmare of yours Niro?”

He locked eyes with her then backed away. “You wouldn’t!”

Reva smiled, bemused by Niro’s fear. “Go on, Six.”

“We were speaking of remembering should keep one thing in mind - I can pass through force fields and I can make it happen. I think it would be a fair exchange, considering what you took from Suresh and me.” She smiled up at Niro. “Reva, go keep that guard busy for a few minutes?”

“Happily,” Reva said and went over to chat with the officer who’d led them to the pod.

Niro watched her go, leaning towards the force field slightly, then shifted to look at Six. “You can’t,” he said, even as he read her and realized that she could make good on her threat and that she was sorely tempted to do so. “You.... no, Six... no.” He backed away.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t!” she hissed. “You never hesitated to mess with me, to screw up my life and that of my husband! I could barely face him or speak to him when we got home! I had to sit there and see how crushed he was because of what you did!” She stopped to take a breath and calm down before she gave in to the urge to yell. “So tell me Niro, why shouldn’t I?”

“You’re a Federation Starfleet officer, that’s why. And the Federation has a policy of forgive and forget. Do no harm, and all that. Those values were practically programmed into you, weren’t they?” He regained some confidence and smiled at her.

“I still have what made me Borg, never forget that.” She took a step closer to the force field. “Afraid Niro? You should be.” She reached up to the hardware around her eye and began making adjustments as she spoke.

“Officer!” Niro raised his voice. “Hey! She’s threatening me!”

Reva glanced over and said something to the officer, turning his head towards her with her fingertips. “Ignore him, Six won’t hurt him.”

“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. Believe me,” she said softly. “But I won’t deny my husband the pleasure. He deserves it more than me.” Niro’s fear was palpable and it amused her. “So I’d suggest you watch your back.”

He had backed away from the force field again and was staring at her like she was a particularly frightening bug. “Get away from me. Go on, get out!”

That, the guard heard and, despite Reva’s attempt to keep him distracted, he said, “Okay, you two, the man is done. Let’s go.”

“No more than he deserves,” Six muttered. “Let’s go Reva.” She breezed past the guard without a second glance.

Reva moved towards Niro and whispered, “He’s right: you’re done.” She then turned and caught up with Six. The officer brought up the rear, not minding the view.

Lt. Cmdr. Earl Crane
Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six Of Ten


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