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A Flowerful Tree...Stunted - Conclusion

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2016 @ 6:51pm by Suresh & Indra Nyyar & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Archadia III

* * * θεοί ταβέρνα * * *

They both sat quietly now into the restaurant. Tohr looked around to the many people catering to the locale. Many tourists, he could guess, coming from every corner of the quadrant. To the point to make the entire place seem a normal restaurant on SB900. He hadn’t been able to translate the sign outside but a zealous waiter had done it for them upon Nyyar’s request: Tavern of the Gods that was the sign’s meaning but, in Tohr’s opinion, there was nothing godly about the place. While Nyyar, instead, seemed to take delight into any last bit of view, sound, scent she could come upon.

In a way, seeing her so happy made him feel good. On the other hand something kept tugging from deep inside making him uncomfortable. He looked down at the cutlery before them checking their resilience with fingers, evaluating their use as impromptu weapons should need arise... With a big effort tried to banish his dark thoughts feeling his mind needed a change of subject so he addressed Nyyar:

“Most of the men around here are quite slim, while the women seems more like body-builders, going around flashing looks full of meaning… I wonder if, despite the name they give to their restaurants, they do even care to follow a path, ‘cause it really doesn’t seem to me.”

“Kh’ali told me they are a matriarchal society, which would explain a lot,” Nyyar answered softly. “It’s fascinating since it’s so directly opposed to Cardassian society. I don’t know how I would do in such a situation, but then they are born to it. It’s life as they know it. Did you notice, though, that the males back at the house are not your typical smaller Archadians? They were all taller and…..” she stopped as realization dawned as to why. “Oh…..I see. I’ve been really sheltered haven’t I?”

“Something like that.” He smiled bitterly “Even if I wouldn’t use the word shelter.”

She nodded slowly. “I have a lot to learn I see.”

The server arrived and after informing them of the evening’s specials, took their order and hurried away. Up near the front of the restaurant, the main door opened and Samir and the woman entered. They were shown to a table in a corner and he was careful to keep his back towards Nyyar and Eldren’s table. They settled in and now he had a good view of them. Drinks arrived and he leaned in close, using his woman as a shield while still watching the pair at the other table.

The main course was served and the side-plates followed suit. The conversation lingered as Eldren found he had nothing to tell about his past that wasn’t related to war or other grisly deeds he’d done and his memories of Bajor were old indeed… The only thing for him resorting to speak of the future.

“Have you a clearer idea of what you desire to do now?” He asked trying to sound casual.

“I’m not sure,” Nyyar answered. “I’ve been so busy getting through the present and dealing with all the upheaval that I’ve not given it much thought. The settlement with Zikar as outlined means I won’t be left with no resources so that helps. It gives me time to get used to life out here.” She looked surprised at her own words. “Life out here….I suppose that means I am staying. I have nothing on Bajor to go back to, and plenty of reasons for remaining here.”

“It isn’t a bad place around here, many things to see and anyone can cut out some space for his nest without great problems.” His words trailed off as he hunted down with the fork a particularly slippery morsel inside the plate.

“So it seems.” She moved her empty plate aside and reached for her water glass. The meal had been a little salty and left her thirsty. She took several drinks, then set the glass aside as well. “I’ll be moving to regular quarters after Zikar is gone and be able to move about the station freely.” she studied his face, unable to read anything in his expression now. “It will be over soon.”

“I hope so. But don’t count on the fact that your problems can be over the moment his ship leaves SB900 moorings. He’s always one well connected with secret services, ex-obsidian order and such. he can devise other ways to have you back within his grasp, could be weeks from now, or months… He could try to have you kidnapped when the benevolent eye of the Federation will be considering the matter closed and looking another way….” He stopped then as if debating “I’m sorry. I don’t want to scare you.”

“You didn’t.” She reached across the table, resting her hand over his. “I thought I knew him but seeing what’s happened here? I think it’s better that I have my eyes open and see what’s really happening instead of seeing the man I thought he was. Forewarned is fore-armed and all that.”

“Always remember that little device I set in your earring. For days like those, should they come.”

Nyyar nodded. “I will. Promise me something though? He doesn’t know who you are but that may not always be the case. You must be careful, at least for now. I refuse to allow him to do anything to you.” The protectiveness rose in her again and with it, the desire to put an end to all this to avoid anything happening to Tohr.

“I’ve grown up. I’ll be taking care of myself.” he smiled.

“Good.” She smiled back at him, something he said now turning over in her mind. He had asked about her plans for the future and that brought up the question of Tohr himself. She had spent a lifetime not being assertive because that was how she had been molded, it was just how things had always been. So now, even though the question arose, she couldn’t ask it. Instead, she deflected the conversation. “How about a walk before we go back? The sun has set, we won’t be noticed.”

“Agreed,” He nodded “Let’s take a walk.”

In the corner, Samir watched as Eldren and Nyyar left the restaurant. Hurriedly, he passed several strips of latinum across the table to the woman. “Something has come up and I need to go. This should cover your whole evening so stay and enjoy yourself. My apologies.”

She looked at the latinum and smiled. It covered her whole night and then some. “Sure. You go do what you need to do.”

Samir rushed from the restaurant and emerged into the street just in time to catch sight of Nyyar’s yellow dress as she and the Bajoran rounded the corner.

Up ahead, Nyyar slipped her hand around Eldren’s arm as they strolled along. “It seems our luck is holding. Suresh has not called as yet.”

“Yes, so it seems.” he replied briefly. She had indeed voiced a worry Tohr had from the moment they had set foot on the planet. He couldn’t avoid to respond to Suresh’s eventual call but the idea of leaving her alone, even for a few hours, unsettled him. “Perhaps he’s just solved his problem or has asked someone else.” He ended externalizing what was indeed a hope.

“We can hope.” They were approaching the house again and Nyyar was the one suddenly feeling exposed, in more ways than one. “Perhaps we should get in.”

Tohr nodded and escorted her inside without further ado. They walked the hallway to the stairs leading to their room in the upper story “It’s been a nice evening.” He said almost without thinking.

She reached behind her to lock the door and smiled. “That’s because you are here,” was her soft reply.

As Nyyar left him to refresh herself, Tohr took off his jacket and went for a round of checking again with windows and doors looking for any possible tampering or setting of listening devices. As he was finishing, the small terminal beeped, demanding attention. When the channel was opened, Suresh’s face appeared.

“Hello, Eldren. I trust you are finding the apartment satisfactory? Any problems so far?”

“Hello Suresh. No everything been fine down here and the apartment is more we could ask for.”

“Good. I thought being hidden away in a house full of working women would be good camouflage. Keep her dressed as one of them and it should help the illusion along. It’s also crowded enough that any trouble will be noticed and house security can deal with it.” Suresh paused a moment. “I am calling for more than checking in, of course. A small matter has come up that requires your immediate attention. How soon can you get here?”

Tohr’s shoulders sagged “Right the time to reach a teleporting facility.” he avoided to ask directly which business was that required his attention right on the transmission channel.

“Good. Patch will meet you at Iapetus as soon as you arrive. You and I will get together tomorrow morning, 1100 hours,” Suresh instructed. “My apologies to Nyyar for pulling you away. I will have you back with her as soon as possible tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there in a few. See you tomorrow then.” Tohr replied. The communication over he turned off the terminal and inspired deeply. Looking around he located the few things he’d brought with him and started packing his bag.

“Going?” Nyyar asked as she emerged from the bedroom. “I heard Suresh’s voice so I didn’t want to intrude.” It was the habit of two decades, as Zikar had often had confidential calls at home. “Is everything alright?”

“Suresh needs my presence for a while. It should be all settled tomorrow before evening.” he responded closing his pack. Then he turned and shouldering the bag moved closer to her “Promise me you won’t go around alone. Inside this house Suresh’s people can take care of you. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” She slipped her arms around him. “Don’t worry about me, go do what you need to do. Just know that I….I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you too.” He responded holding her tighter. “Better I go now. The sooner I get rid of that task the better.”

“Agreed. I think I am in for the night so call later if there is time?” She looked up with a smile. “Besides, you’re not going to be that far away.”

“Yes, right over the exosphere and then some…” He joked. “I’ll try to call when I’m up on SB900.” he kissed her on the forehead then and turned to the door.

Nyyar watched him go, then turned back to the mirror. Carefully she unwound her hair and loosed the braid, letting to fall down around her shoulders. Once the shoes were put away, she stretched out on the sofa, picked up the padd on the coffee table and began perusing the history of Archadia.

Down in the lobby, back in his corner, Samir relaxed with a glass of whisky. He kept careful watch over the men who came and went from the street and other parts of the house. Soon, his attention was rewarded. Movement at the stairs caught his eye and now he could see the Bajoran approaching the front door. The bag that hung on his shoulder told Samir that the man wasn’t expecting to be back that evening. A slow smile spread over his face and he touched his comm badge.

“Samir here. The Bajoran is leaving with a bag. I think the way is clear for the evening. We’ll be there soon.” He closed the channel and went back to his drink.

Eldren Tohr
Indra Nyyar


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