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Proof Of Loyalty

Posted on Sat Feb 6th, 2016 @ 11:45pm by Suresh & Robart

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: OSS Kyllini

Aboard the Kyllini, Robart was carefully crafting a message to his beloved wife, Europa. He knew that, without a doubt, she would be only one of several who read the missive. His task was to tell her as much as possible without also telling the prison authorities anything that would result in the Federation tracking him down and ending his association with Starfleet’s Ensign Madhava.

“... Cyllene continues to do well since her unfortunate foray into the import/export business. The partners involved in that endeavour have since gone missing. It’s unlikely they will return. She has a new beau, one like her father. Recently, she presented him with an Orion betrothal band. I will keep you updated on --”

“Robart!” He was interrupted by a shout from his comm. “We’ve got company.”

“Starfleet?”, Robart asked, concerned.

“No, nobody official. Just the Romulan, Suresh, and one of his lackeys.”

“Let them onboard and show them to our common room,” Robart ordered and started gathering himself to join his guests there.

* Kyllini Common Room *

Suresh entered the room with Frank behind him. Frank was short for Frankincense he was Patch’s brother. Suresh had long ago ceased to wonder about how two Cardassians could appear in the universe named Patchouli and Frankincense. Some things were better left unknown, he supposed. What mattered was that they were unfailingly loyal, which had come in handy, especially with Frank. He’d been working as a mole for Lazan for quite some time now. He took a seat and motioned to Frank to sit as well while they awaited Robart.

Robart, impeccable in his tailored suit, entered the room and frowned at the unknown Cardassian. “Suresh, good to see you, as always. Something to drink?” He crossed to the galley and pulled a mug from a cabinet.

“Thank you, whatever you're having is fine,” he answered. “A pleasure to see you as well. It’s been some time since we talked.” He didn’t ask Frank what he wanted or if he wanted anything.

Pulling another mug out, Robart took a few moments to make the drinks then handed one to Suresh. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and took a seat opposite the Cardassian, staring at him. “Is this an associate, Suresh, or someone you are turning over to me as having been one of Fisher’s associates?”

“He is the brother of Patch, who you know,” Suresh answered. “He’s been mostly unseen because I’ve had him on a special assignment the past few months.” He sipped his drink, then continued. “I did not get where I am by blindly trusting my associates, especially one who has taken on quite a bit of responsibility for my enterprises. You understand what I’m saying, I’ve no doubt?”

“Indeed,” Robart nodded. He made a mental note to have each new crewmember checked out for any possible connections to Suresh. “So why is he here?”

“This is Frank. He’s been keeping an eye on Lazan for me - Lazan who has been an ‘assistant’ but who has begin to overreach his limits, shall we say?” Suresh shrugged. “Some interesting things have come to light and I thought you should be aware, since you’ve had some business with him as well.” Suresh pulled out a padd and passed it to Robart.

Rifling through the information on the padd, Robart considered the implications of it. Some folks might claim that Robart was infringing on Lazan’s, and Suresh’s, territory, since Robart had only recently arrived on the Station. To Robart’s way of thinking, however, what this padd showed was that Lazan and, thus, Suresh, were infringing on his business. “I have. It would appear that you and he need a lesson in what happens to those who try to limit the Syndicate.”

“I am bringing this to you because I want to assure you I did not order this. I value our working relationship very much and I’ve already taken steps to undo the damage. You won’t notice any interruptions, I assure you. As for Lazan, well, he’s about to discover what it means to but the hand that feeds you.”

“What of his plan for our friend in the Brig?” Robart asked. He knew Cyllene’s wishes on the subject as well as Suresh’s.

“I have an update on that too,” Suresh answered. “They reached a plea agreement and he will be in the brig here for fifteen years. As I understand it, he is allowed visitors though with some limits and he is isolated full time. It won’t change things but we may have to rethink the method a little. I may pay the man a visit. I am curious if there is actually anyone who will come to see him and if so, if they may be of use.”

“The Andorian girl has been to see him,” Robart told him, “just why, I am not sure.”.

“Falasin?” The news shocked Suresh. “Why would she do that? She was one of his victims. He messed with her head to try and cover up his attempt to kill a cadet.” He pondered that a moment. “Maybe it’s time I visited her. She is a friend of Six’s.”

“Perhaps you should. How is Six?”

“Relieved, as I am sure Cyllene is, knowing that monster will be locked up for the foreseeable future. She and Six are taking a little vacation down on Archadia, and it’s well-deserved I think.” Suresh smiled. “Especially without the possibility of Niro appearing on their doorstep.”

“Archadia? I was not aware that Cyllene had vacation from the Fleet.” Robart shrugged. “That should be good for both of them. Lieutenant Sukotav has not gone with them, has he?”

Suresh shook his head. “No. Six said he had some pressing projects that couldn’t be delayed. I’m sure they will be in constant contact, however.” He smiled now. “But to get back to the problem at hand, would you liked to accompany me when I search Lazan’s quarters? In case he’s dipped into your pool deeper than we realize?”

“Has something happened to Lazan already or are you preemptively searching his quarters? Do you suspect he has meddled with Cyllene in some manner?” Robart could forgive much, but nothing if it involved Europa’s daughter.

“Nothing has yet but it’s about to. He and Frank are going to take a short trip to deal with some business for me. He is that business. Frank will be back in two days and our problem will be solved.” Suresh finished his drink and set the mug back on the table.

“Tis a shame we can’t send Niro off on that sort of business trip,” Robart remarked. “Perhaps something could go wrong with the ventilation in Niro’s pod.”

“It’s possible,” Suresh agreed. “I’m sure an opportunity will present itself soon enough.”

“We will be ready if it does.” Robart eyed Frank.

“Good enough.” Suresh stood and inclined his head to Robart. “I’ll send word tomorrow when I’m on my way to Lazan’s if you’d like to meet me there.”

“Certainly. Sedrick will accompany me; tomorrow is Hidar’s day to shadow Cyllene,” the Orion said, standing. “I’ll show you out.” He headed for the umbilical.

Suresh smiled. Good luck finding Cyllene, he thought as he and Frank followed Robart out.

In the Dark

Closing The Ranks

Coming Out Of Hiding


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