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Scenes From A Betazoid Transport

Posted on Wed Feb 17th, 2016 @ 12:52am by Admiral Lucius Hawke & Maxym Balasz & Ensign Reva Madhava & Aia Rios Hawke

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Betazoid Transport Naresta

* Betazoid Transport Naresta *

Maxym rang the chime of the VIP quarters and waited a few moments before calling out. “Menna? It’s me. It’s almost time for dinner.”

“Enter, Maxym,” called out a strong voice from within. When the doors opened, the VIP was just settling an earring into her earlobe. “Good timing, young man,” Menna said. “Have you called my son for dinner as well? You know that he’s incapable of remembering to dress for dinner,” she added.

“At his age? Surely you underestimate him?” Max watched the old woman as she put on her other earring. He lifted the silk shawl from the chair and wrapped it gently around her shoulders. “However, I will call him if you wish.”

“Please do.” She sighed heavily, greatly put upon. “He is more of a child now than he was as a child. It’s the effect of that Orion, even after all these years.”

Max crossed to the terminal and sent a message to Grax that they would arrive to pick him up for dinner in fifteen minutes. “That should do it. Are you ready?” He offered Menna his arm. “I received word that we will arrive at Starbase 900 tomorrow evening. They are estimating about 2200 hours.”

“Good.” She took his arm and they left the quarters. “We’ll simply walk slowly on the way to Grax’s quarters. I am eager to reach the Starbase, particularly after receiving a packet of information from Grax’s daughter. Apparently she has convinced a young man to marry her.”

“Have you spoken with her? Or him? Or is this all you know?” Max was curious at the news. He knew the troubled relationship Menna had with her hybrid granddaughter. But perhaps this was good news. He left it to her to elaborate.

“Not yet. She has been called off of the Station for some task or another. I will contact him tomorrow and arrange a dinner with him. Reva has been rather circumspect about what information she sends to me; this is the first I have heard of this young man.” She wasn’t happy about it. Indeed, she had the thought that Reva had likely used her Orion traits and pheromones to muddle the mind of this poor Betazoid male.

“Perhaps not,” Max objected. “She’s Starfleet, she is required to be on inhibitors. It could be that he loves her for who she is. Besides, he’s a Betazoid. That’s definitely a step in the right direction.”

She eyed Maxym. “How would your mother feel if you married an Orion?”

The question brought a smile. “You and I both are well-aware of who my mother hoped to align this family with, Menna, and how and my brother blew it. In a huge way. We also know what she would say to any non-Betazoid. I think the noble bloodlines idea has gone to her head.”

“The bloodlines need to remain true,” Menna said. “My line has already died with Grax. He hasn’t even considered another woman since that Orion corrupted him.” Nearly twenty-five years later and Menna still wasn’t over what Europa had done to her son. Of course, neither was he.

“No explaining love,” Max gently reminded her. It was true. He couldn’t explain to himself why he was still single and no one seemed to measure up. He had his suspicions, but refused to look too closely at them. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. Suddenly, he hoped she wasn’t reading him as he was her.

“Take me to the dining room first, then go get Grax,” the old woman instructed. “I will be just fine at the bar for the time it takes you to get him.” Her mobility was less than ideal and she was a slow walker.

“As you wish, Menna.” Several minutes later, he settled her at the bar and hurried off to find Grax.

A waiter approached and Menna ordered a glass of wine. Once it arrived, she sat people-watching and soon, a woman entered who had her full attention. The lady was tall and had flaming red hair, as did the small child traveling with her. She knew her immediately - the younger woman that Lucius Hawke had married after the split from his first wife. There was another disappointment, another betrayal of such a pure bloodline. A shame really, though the child was lovely (and not green). The irony of the intersection of her, Max, and the redhead was amusing and Menna laughed softly.

Freed from her clinging three-year-old, Aia paused as she entered the bar area - an area ordinarily off-limits to her when Saye was with her - and glanced about. She recognized an older woman sitting by herself at a table: Menna Avaanax, the aging matriarch of the third house. Aia looked around but didn’t see the man who seemed to always be by Menna’s side. Curious, she ordered a drink at the bar then wandered over to Menna’s table. “May I join you?”, she asked.

“Of course, dear,” Menna answered. She had heard that Lucius’ new wife was part Romulan but looking at her this close, she could barely tell it. “By yourself tonight I see?”

“Yes, the little one is asleep and being watched by one of the ship’s nurses. I just needed a night out, a dinner that’s still warm and uninterrupted by a fussing ...,” Aia stopped and blushed, “My apologies, I love her so, but sometimes motherhood is a bit more taxing than I ever thought it would be.”

“She is what now? Three? Four? That can be a troublesome age.” The thought of Reva rose to mind and it seemed that all of her ages had been troublesome ones. Even so, there was a truth that bore repeating and she did so now, to Aia. “The years pass all too quickly, Aia. Remember that.”

Inordinately pleased that Menna knew her name, Aia smiled. “Yes, they do. I’m already seeing that and she’s only three. It seems like only yesterday that she was a babe in arms. What is taking you to SB900? Do you have family stationed there?”

Menna nodded slowly. “My granddaughter. Have you met Reva in your time on 900? She seems to think she is getting married but I have yet to meet the young man.” She raised her wine glass to take a tiny sip.

Aia frowned, searching her memory. “Reva? She uses her father’s last name, Madhava?” When Menna nodded, Aia did too. “I haven’t actually met her, but I know of her. I’ve heard her praised as a brilliant engineer. You must be proud of her.”

“There is that, yes. She is still a trifle undisciplined but I hope in time that will come.” She smiled briefly at Aia. “How was your visit?” Menna didn’t really care, but given the family Aia had married into, she needed to be polite. There was also a degree of atoning for past issues that went along with it. “I’m sure Lucius will be thrilled to have you home.”

“He will be, yes,” Aia laughed lightly; she was eager to be home with him. “We’ve been away for... nearly six months. We visited his family on Betazed so that they could get to know little Saye.” She sipped her drink. “Are you going out for Reva’s wedding? Who is she marrying?”

“A science officer, she said. His name is Riley Sukotav. Do you know him? As for the wedding,” Menna shrugged. “That remains to be seen, doesn’t it?”

“Riley? Really? He’s such a cutie.” Aia smiled, thinking that Riley and she were just about the same age. “He’s sort of shy, as I recall.”

“Shy? And he’s marrying Reva?” Menna frowned, thinking something had to be wrong with this picture. She had no time to ponder it however as Max entered with her son in tow. “Ah, there they are now.”

Max gently steered Grax over in the direction of Menna’s table. “Back again, Menna.” He then smiled to Aia. “Mrs. Hawke.”

Grax blankly waved at Aia and said, “Good evening, mother,” as he took a seat.

Aia smiled at Maxym. “Maxym, good to meet you. Please call me Aia, all of you,” she said, though it was unnecessary for Menna, who had already called her that. She smiled warmly at Grax and added, “I hear that Reva is getting married. You must be pleased.”

Grax’s expression barely changed, though his brows did dip inward slightly. “She is?” He looked at Menna, who sighed.

“We talked about this last night, remember?” Menna reached over to pat his hand. “But it’s nothing for you to worry about yet.”

“Oh, okay.” Grax smiled and, when the server came around, ordered a wine.

Max now turned his attention to Aia. “Would you care to have dinner with us Aia? We surely can’t allow you to eat alone.” He smiled warmly at her, knowing that his invitation might annoy Menna but some company at dinner that was his age and could string more than four words together would be a welcome diversion.

“A dinner without a three-year old demanding my attention and with actual adult conversation? I’m in!” Aia laughed. “Thank you for the invitation.”

“My pleasure. Excuse me a moment.” Max stepped away to inform one of the waiters they would have four instead of three. When the waiter returned to tell him the table was ready, he came back to the table. “They’re ready for us. Menna?” He bent down and assisted her to her feet, then retrieved her glass of wine.

* * *

Following dinner, Max had escorted Menna and Grax back to their respective quarters and was now, officially, off duty where his relatives were concerned. He retraced his steps to the bar and when he entered, he noticed flaming red hair over in the large, windowed observation area. He ordered a whiskey, then moved over to join her.

“Hello again Aia. Mind some company?”

“Oh, please have a seat. I enjoyed our conversations at dinner. It looks like you’ve put the children to bed,” she smiled.

Max laughed and nodded. “I have.” He sat down across from her at the small table, then took a moment to look out the window. “Fantastic view, isn’t it? I suppose it’s old hat for you living on 900 though.”

“Not really. Here, we’re at warp, which is a different view from the stationary views from the Station. Besides, I didn’t have much time to sit and look at the view on the Station. Saye was two when we left and at that stage of getting into everything.”

“I can imagine.” He paused and his voice softened. “How is Li, if you don’t mind my asking? I’ve hoped that her life turned for the better but all things considered, I didn’t think it wise to ask directly.”

“Li is good. She married Commander Sakkath after the trouble your brother caused, so everything ended well. Beyond being Menna’s companion for her trip, is there a reason you’re going to SB900?”

Max nodded. “I am taking over the position of Betazed’s ambassador in the Delta Quadrant. The old one retired and wanted to come home. He grew weary of being so far out, as he put it. I have no ties, other than extended family, so I don’t mind. I am looking forward to it actually. I hear the CDO there is most interesting.”

Her brow lifted in surprise and she wondered whether Li knew of this. “CDO?” For a moment, she wasn't sure what the acronym meant then recalled it: “Oh, right. She's part? Or maybe full? Klingon. But she's good at what she does. You should enjoy working with her.”

“I think it will be a fascinating area to be.” He sensed the direction of her thoughts and nodded. “No, she doesn’t know. I’ve not spoken to Li since just before the troubles with Rhys. I didn’t think she’s wanted to hear from me for obvious reasons, though I wanted to call her.”

“If you don't mind, I'd like to call her dad and give him a head’s up, though perhaps they already know. They probably received a memo or something and I'm the one out of the loop,” she laughed, a touch ruefully.

“I’ve debated how to approach this,” Max admitted. “I’m not him but being related, I might be painted with the same brush. He didn’t deserve her.”

“You'll have no argument with anyone about that. Her dad would say that no one deserves her, though I think Sakkath comes awfully damned close, even in Lucius’ opinion.” She sipped her drink and looked out the window. “I think they know that Rhys was his own unique person and that his family isn't automatically tainted.”

Max nodded slowly. “I hope so.” Inside his jacket, the small comm padd he carried beeped. “Excuse me a moment.” He pulled it out and when he opened the channel, Marianna’s face appeared. “Marianna, how are you?”

“I’ve been better.” She sounded flustered. “Am I interrupting anything?”

“I am actually sitting here talking with Aia,” he answered.

“Aia? Oh that’s good since I need to speak to both of you and I only have a few minutes. Aia?”

Aia leaned forward, frowning. What could Marianna possibly want with her? “I'm here. What is it?”

“Hello Aia, it’s good to see you.” Despite the greeting Marianna did not look happy. “I just finished speaking with Lucius and he was trying to reach you too. He called to tell me that….that Sakkath has been killed in action. They were on an away mission and engaged some Borg down on a planet out there. I gather the Borg are gone but they lost Sakkath.”

Aia’s glass slipped from her hand and spilled on the carpet. “Sakkath? But...?” She shook her head. She had just been thinking how happy Li and the Vulcan were together. “We’ll be there tomorrow,” she said.

The news shocked Max as it did Aia. He reached over to take her hand in his, offering what comfort he could. “How is Li?”

“I am not sure. Lucius hasn’t seen her since she discovered Sakkath was gone. From what he pieced together, she was visiting a prisoner in the brig and collapsed. They took her to sickbay and she left there a bit later, then left the station altogether. Someone from security is with her, however. He thinks she is likely down on Archadia.”

“I see,” Max answered. “Thank you for the news, Marianna.”

“I should go. I am waiting for a call from Vulcan. Take care.” The small screen went dark and Max sighed aloud. “Wow.”

“And I was just talking about him and Li,” Aia whispered. “Oh, she must be devastated.”

Max was at a loss as to what to say, so scattered were his thoughts. “After all she went through with Rhys, and now this? She deserves better Aia. It’s tragic.”

“Excuse me, Maxym, I need to... go talk to Lucius,” Aia stood and hurried out.

* Aia and Lucius *

“I wish you could tell me that it's some cruel joke,” Aia said, in tears.

Lucius wiped his eyes and shook his head. “I wish I could too, but it’s true, honey. The Hammond crew confirmed it. Li’s not taking it well at all. She ran off down to Archadia and sent a message to tell me where she was but she isn’t answering any calls.”

“Alone? Does she have anyone to lean on? Oh, Lucius, she shouldn’t be alone right now!” She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief.

“She is with Darwin,” he answered. “I sent him a message as well to call if they need anything. I should be there with her but I suppose she must deal with it in her own way. You know Li….don’t let anything show.”

She nodded. “She gets that from her mother, I suppose. Well, I’ll be there in just about twenty-four hours, so I’ll be happy to go see if I can help her.”

“I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you,” he replied. “It’s been an….unusual few months while you were gone Aia.”

“From everything I’m hearing, it seems like it. Beyond the Borg taking our beloved Sakkath, I heard that that little monster, Ignatius, had a litter!” She shuddered. “Although, I wonder how Saye would take to having one of them.”

“She might enjoy visiting with them, yes. Then there was that criminal Niro taking Jules and two other officers back to 2360. I hope that this is the last of the weirdness,” Lucius sighed.

“That’s awful for those officers...,” she sympathized. Then her head tilted to one side and she gazed at Lucius on her console for a moment. “Dear? Who is Jules?” She was wondering why he’d single out the one; was that a civilian? Was it Earl’s son? A spark of worry ignited with that thought - had Earl’s son also been hurt?

“Jules is Julisa, the JAG officer that went on that trip. She was captured as an adult by Dar’heel at Gallitep and met herself at the camp as a baby and….” He’d been about to describe the possible temporal ramifications of that but too late he realized he’d entered the quagmire.

“Oh,” Aia said softly. From this distance, Lucius couldn’t know it, but she was wondering whether this Julisa, who, she now recalled, was a touch younger than her but quite pretty, had replaced her in Lucius’ affections. Was she the one who’d been with him a few weeks ago? “Interesting. She must be a friend, since you’re not calling her by her rank.”

“No, not exactly,” he answered. “In fact until recently, I hadn’t spoken to her since she was a child at that camp.”

Aia’s expression registered her confusion. She shook her head and said, “I can hear Saye fussing, so I should go, my love. I’ll see you tomorrow, in person.” She smiled at that.

“You will. I understand it may be late when you arrive? I’ll be waiting even so.” He smiled back at her, wondering just how deeply he’d stepped in it this time.

“I look forward to having your arms around me,” she said, kissing her fingers and putting them on the screen. “Good night, Lucius.” She signed off and went to see to their little girl.

* One Hour Later *

Saye had gone back to sleep after Lucius’ call and it was only a few minutes later that the door chime rang in Aia’s quarters.

Dressed for bed, Aia answered the door. “Oh, Maxym? Is everything okay?”

“I thought I should come ask you that same question. You ran off so fast and I know that was terrible news for you.”

“Please, come in,” she gestured for him to enter. “And I apologize for running off so suddenly; that was quite rude. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Nothing to forgive.” He stepped in and followed her, taking a seat in one of the chairs. Somewhere along the way he had shed his dinner jacket and now was only in vest, shirt and pants, his collar open. “So, any news? How is Li? I see you have spoken to Lucius.”

“I have, yes.” She offered him a drink before getting it for him and taking a seat. She arranged her robe to cover her knees. “Li is... as you might expect,” she shrugged, “She’s taken off for some solitude, though she has a Security officer with her.” Her eyes started to well up as she thought of Li’s loss.

Maxym nodded. “Of course. I would offer to see her or do anything if she needs but it might be better to give her a little time before showing my face at her door.”

Nodding, Aia agreed, “Losing Sakkath and then having you on her doorstep... well, you do look quite similar to your brother. That might be more shock than what Li can handle.”

“Yes, I’ve been told that often. Close enough to be mistaken for him at times.” Max sighed aloud. “There will be plenty to keep me busy for the foreseeable future anyway.” He studied Aia and frowned. “Something is bothering you.”

She rolled her shoulders and grimaced slightly. “Beyond Sakkath being gone, I think my husband might have someone younger as a mistress.”

Amusement flashed across Max’s face. “Aia, I don’t want to sound insensitive, but are you sure? It would be hard to imagine someone younger, as young as you are. They would be younger than all of his children except Saye, and knowing Lucius, I just don’t see that happening. What makes you think so?”

“Just now, he mentioned a woman, Julisa, but he called her ‘Jules’, which is rather informal for one of the officers under him on the Station. She’s JAG and he knew quite a bit about a recent incident she went through. He just seems overly familiar with her,” Aia said, plucking at a piece of lace on her robe.

Max was suddenly very glad Aia couldn’t read him from a distance. He managed to keep his expression concerned but the effort was great. He wished he could tell Aia why she was wrong but he’d been sworn to secrecy.

“I wouldn’t worry about her, Aia.” Max’s tone was soothing as he spoke. “Aren’t the officers on 900 all rather informal off-duty? That’s pretty common on stations, especially those far from the usual Federation flow of traffic.” He waited to see if she’d buy that.

“Hmm.... we’ll see. We get home tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to see Saye again. She’s grown so much since we left.” She didn’t fully buy in on Maxym’s theory but she wasn’t going to argue it at the moment.

“Good. I should let you get some sleep while the little one is sleeping.” He rose and moved back to the door. “I just wanted to be sure you were alright. Shall I pick you two ladies up for breakfast in the morning? Menna wants to sleep in.”

“That would be good; I like the adult company,” she smiled, following him to the door. “Say about 8?”

“Perfect. Sleep well.” He smiled and stepped out into the corridor. As he moved along towards his own quarters he let out a sigh. It seemed that life still wasn’t calm in the Hawke clan, either father or daughter. One he wasn’t going to get involved in, but the other would definitely get his attention.

Maxym Balasz, Betazoid Ambassador
Menna Avaana
Aia Rios-Hawke
Grax Madhava
Marianna Hawke-Cruzado
Admiral Lucius Hawke


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