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Night Shift

Posted on Fri Feb 26th, 2016 @ 6:55pm by Suresh & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia *

Suresh emerged from the back room, his expression stern. He scanned the bar, ignoring the greetings of a few who were hoping for some attention from the ‘big guy’ and crossed over to his table. Once he was settled in, he ordered a drink and instructed Shelly to send Eldren Tohr over when he arrived. The news he had for Eldren couldn’t wait and would be of interest to him, Suresh was sure.

Not long after Suresh had seated and made himself comfortable Eldren made his appearance on the scene. Entering the Saturnalia doors he quickly spotted Suresh at the usual table and walked over to take a seat.

“Here I am, Suresh. Heard you sent forth a call, are we facing some emergency?”

“Well, not exactly, but it is complicated. Give your new position, you need to know about new items of business that come up and one has.” Suresh waited as Shelly left a round of drinks. “Have you met the Orion Robart? He’s down here often and hard to miss.”

“Yes, I’ve seen him. A new affiliate?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” Suresh replied. “I’ve retained him to make a run for an old Romulus. You know who I mean? I understand that you know her too.”

“The one that verbally whipped Zikar that night here? Yes I know her, even if only at-a-glance. So what... Caused some trouble? Is in trouble?”

“In. She has some old ties that took a dim view of her defection and have taken her Bajoran friend to lure her back home.” Suresh paused, waiting to see what effect that news would have.

“Bajoran? Does the man have a name?” Eldren replied neutrally even if his interest was piqued.

“The Bajoran? Is a she. One of Kaeli’s pirate friends and a business associate of mine from time to time. Isaura. You may have seen her around here now and again.” Suresh drained his glass and lowered it to the table. “She’s bait, more or less, to get Kaeli home so the tal Shiar can deal with her as I understand it. Old grudge I guess you could say. She took off in a hurry but she’ll owe me in a big way when she returns. In the meantime, we are keeping an eye on her….significant other. If she doesn’t return and pay up, he is all mine.”

“Well that should be your courtyard… Romulus I mean. Don’t you have any acquaintance there that could help you with this?”

“She is on her own as far as I am concerned.” Suresh shook his head. “As long as she returns with Robart and his ship in one piece it’s all good. If she doesn’t, that Cardassian she is so fond of will pay up instead.”

“I’m almost tempted to see that.” Eldren replied with a sneer .“As I take it to protect your due you want to help this Romulan woman in distress, you’re hastily trying to setup a rescue mission with the best and to get me in you play the ‘Bajoran’ card probably hoping that a feeling for my own race will make for my ready acceptance.” Eldren let his words linger for a moment then drained his glass empty. “You’re a sly bastard Suresh. I accept.”

Suresh laughed briefly. “Actually, she is already gone. You, however, will be overseeing Patch and Farco. They will be keeping a close eye on this man Jarad, and reporting to you. I wouldn’t send you off so soon with your deal with here.”

“Mhm… Perhaps is better this way. How closely has this Jarad has to be watched by the two guys?” He started to ask then stopped an instant. “That name, sounds familiar… Ah, no matter. What were you about to say?”

“You should have a relatively quiet evening,” Suresh continued. “If I am needed, I’ll be at Cravings up on the Promenade. I’m having dinner with Li.” He smiled now. “Let’s hope I won’t need to be interrupted.”

“Don’t worry. Everything will be kept under control until you return.”

“Excellent. In that case, I am off to see Seyla before my dinner date. Enjoy your evening, Eldren.” Suresh rose and made his way to the door, stopping here and there to speak to several of the patrons.

Eldren watched him go and motioned Shelly for another shot. For a few hours he would enjoy the ‘king of the hill’ status... A thing he was already liking.

Taking The Night Off

Eldren Tohr
King Of The Hill (Temporary)


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