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It's Such An Ancient Pitch

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2011 @ 9:41am by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Timeline: Following 'While The Klingon Disappears'

It's such an ancient pitch
But one I wouldn't switch
'Cause there's no nicer witch than you...

The song he'd opened with tonight was stuck in his head and as he and Chance left the Nexus, he picked up the tune, singing softly as they strolled along the Promenade.

Chance, who was even less musically gifted than his sister (who wasn't really gifted at all, despite her valiant attempts with the ukulele), strolled alongside his friend and tried to place where he'd heard the tune Eli was singing. It sounded familiar, but he just wasn't sure why. "What song is that?"

"Just a continuation from earlier." Eli smiled at Chance and continued on.

When you arouse the need in me
My heart says yes indeed in me
Proceed with what your leading me to...

"A song by a long gone Terran named Frank Sinatra. Jackson just about worships the man and his music."

"Earlier? Oh, your solo, yeah. You have a good voice, Eli." Chance answered, wondering idly whether Eli's voice was better or worse than this Sinatra character. Perhaps later, he'd have the computer play a sample for him.

"Thanks." Eli's smile was pleased. This compliment from Chance meant more than any of the rest. "I had good inspiration for the song." Just ahead, a figure in the late night crowd waved and called a hello to Eli. She was a young Bajoran, about their age, with long auburn hair. He returned the wave with a smile.

"Oh, she's pretty," Chance remarked and thought at Eli: Who is she? There was a tinge of jealousy in the thought.

Nobody, came Eli's silent response. Her family's tranferred out here to the frontier, as she calls it. Came in to get a job and Jackson was glad to see her. With Janice onstage now, we needed someone to see to the reservations and such. We've been slammed." His gaze followed the young lady for a moment before he turned back to Chance.

"Not a cadet, then?" Chance nodded and kept walking.

"No," Eli answered. He dropped back to silent communication, planting the thought in Chance's head. She...seems nice. But don't go where you're thinking. You want my opinion, she has her eyes on Jackson, not me.

And he seems to have his on my sister.... Chance wondered whether that was really such a bad thing. Connor was... touchy and Chance wasn't such a fan of him at the moment.

I have no clue what's up there. Jackson seems wary of being around her much. And I try not to pry, you know? As they left the promenade and moved towards the turbolift, Eli slipped his hand into Chance's. Now that they were out of hearing range of the Bajoran, he spoke aloud. "Maybe this Bajoran will be a good distraction for him."

"Perhaps. If not, she is pretty cute," he teased Eli. "Hey, am I the first guy you've...," he waved a finger between them, "...been with?"

Eli shook his head no, but remained silent as they walked along. That was a complicated question and one he wasn't really prepared to go into just yet.

Slightly relieved by that, Chance smiled and swung their linked hands. "I should go talk to my sister tomorrow."

"About?" Eli looked over to Chance as they stopped at the turbolift. "Tell me it's not about me? She looks at me like she'd like to see me sitting on a chair being interrogated for a few hours."

Silently, he thought about that. Eventually, he chuckled and grinned. "Just sitting or strapped down? Could be fun, if done right," he joked. "But, no, not about you, Eli. About Jackson, actually. Passing on a message from him. And I want to grill her about what's up there."

They continued walking in silence for a few paces then Chance felt the need to expound on his statement. "My parents never married and they had their fair share of 'complicated' relationships, all while staying together. At one point, Mom had... maybe three? Two or three friends that were more than friends. So... we," he meant not only Oz and him, but also his three older brothers, "...grew up with various ideas about relationships. The one we all have, though, is that honesty trumps all." He glanced at Eli. "If she's cattin' around with Jackson and Connor doesn't know, that's not okay."

"I can answer that." Eli glanced to Chance as the turbolift slowed. It was a touchy subject for Jackson, but he felt the need to defend the man.

"You can?" He turned fully towards Eli. "I thought you didn't pry?"

Eli shrugged. "Some things are hard to miss, niali." He was silent as the doors of the lift slid open. Once they were out and he saw the corridor was empty, he continued. "I'm not saying he doesn't wish...certain things....but he's staying far, far away if you see what I mean."

"Oh." He did see. He could understand, too, since he had already gathered that Connor wasn't the most secure, sharing lover. "What does niali mean?"

Eli smiled for a moment at the question. Glancing from right to left and seeing no one, he pressed Chance back against the wall, hands on his shoulders. He leaned in and spoke quietly at Chance's ear.

Chance could smell the lemon and bourbon on Eli's breath. He barely turned his head and was able to kiss him, which seemed the best response to Eli's explanation than anything else. After a moment, he grabbed Eli's hand and led the way down the corridor; he had a pressing reason to get them back to their shared quarters. "Sounds a bit like the Betazoid word imzadi," he commented and smiled at Eli.

"Similar, yes, but...." Eli paused. There was more to it than that, but it would do for now, and perhaps he'd not have to delve deeper. It had surprised him when the word slipped from his lips.

Sensing Eli's hesitancy, Chance looked at him and said, "No need to delve deeper, Eli. Not right now." He smiled. "Besides, the Betazoid word has... nuances to it, too." He should know; he'd once quizzed a Betazoid female about how a human could get the word attached to him. The process involved more effort than he'd been willing to give at the time.

Eli nodded slowly. Eventually, we will have to...figure this out. His thumb brushed over Chance's lips and once more the song floated between them.


Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class
Covering A Slip Of The Tongue

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class
Waiting To Slip Him The Tongue


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