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Two Crones on a Wire

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2016 @ 5:42pm by Maxym Balasz & Ensign Reva Madhava & Mamu B'yaga
Edited on on Wed Apr 13th, 2016 @ 9:20pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Mamu's Shop

“Oh, go left here,” Menna said to Max and pointed, as if he might not know which way was left. Left took them into a small, dimly lit shop; the glimmer of a small gem had caught her eye. Still pointing, she told him, “Over there, take me over there.”

“Certainly.” Max led her slowly across to a small display case that held several stones and pieces of jewelry. As Menna peered into the case, he took a look around. “This place is fascinating. Perhaps I should pick up something for Li while we are here.”

“Yes, perhaps. Although quite a bit of this looks like junk. Look at that set of earrings. Gross,” she spat.

“Put that viper’s tongue back in your head, old woman,” Mamu warned from behind the counter. “The things here have their own value; those they’re intended for see it. Then there’s you.” Her odd eyes regarded the taller Menna balefully.

Max turned, hearing the voice but not seeing the speaker. He left Menna and moved over towards the counter.


Mamu hefted herself up onto her stool and sat on it. The additional height brought her above the counter’s height, but still a far cry from Max’s height. “Oh... now you, you will likely find something here for the one you’ve recently reconnected with.”

Max raised an eyebrow as he looked down at her. He had never seen anything quite like her, he decided. The ancient vibe he was picking up intrigued him. “How do you know about that?”

“You broadcast, son,” she answered.

Menna laughed, not kindly. “Oh, she pinned you there, Maxym.”

He laughed briefly and nodded. “So I’ve been told. Well, since you know about that, is there something here I should see?”

“Indeed. Walk along that third aisle, there.” Mamu smiled at him; it wasn’t the most pleasant of sights.

Max did as instructed and began to walk down the third aisle. “Menna?” He called out. “Anything catch your eye?”

“I told you, it’s all junk,” Menna called back. She turned to sneer towards the owner of the shop, and was startled to realize that the woman was standing very close to her. “Well... you move fast, don’t you?”

“Faster than you. That’s all that counts, isn’t it?” Mamu eyed her sternly. “You are not a pleasant person. What rotted in your soul?”

Max stopped and turned to watch the two old women. Menna, it might be wise to curb your tongue. This one is very powerful. I don’t know in what way, but I can sense it. Insulting her is not a good idea.

Menna frowned. “She’s the one who insulted me! Did you just hear that? She wants to know what rotted in my soul! How rude. Maxym, let’s leave.”

Mamu snorted. “Good riddance, then. You, young man, come back for what you wish to find. I am sure we have it.” She was looking towards him when she licked her own eyeball.

That move shook Max but he did his best to remain calm. “A moment, Menna.” He turned back to Mamu. “Where is it?”

Blinking, Mamu shrugged. “Look and you’ll find.” She shifted slightly then disappeared behind the counter. A moment later, she came around the side and started down an aisle. As she did so, she said, “I know what has rotted in your relative’s soul. A love. Unrequited, un-fought-for desire. Do not make that same mistake.” She paused and looked up and up at him (there was no looking someone up and down for Mamu - everyone was taller than she was; looking down just let her get better acquainted with their shoes). “But, then, you’re not anymore, are you?” She’d led him down an aisle and stopped before a display of antique jewelry.

Her words astounded Max. A unrequited love? That bore further investigation, especially if getting to the bottom of it would help Reva. Finally, he answered Mamu. “No, I’m no longer making that mistake,” he agreed, then turned his attention to the case. It was full of a fascinating array of jewelry, all of a style and craftsmanship that was hard to come by these days. The overhead lighting made it all shimmer but as he looked, something glinted brightly. “There,” he said and pointed.

The ‘there’ was just below Mamu’s eye-level. She reach into the cabinet and pulled out the bauble. Eyeing it as she slowly handed it over to him, she nodded. “That one has a good history. The woman who last wore it died at an old age after a happy life.”

He studied it carefully as it sat on his outstretched palm and a slow smile spread over his face. “It’s perfect. Thank you.” He handed it back to Mamu. “I’ll be up at the counter in a moment.”

Menna came around a corner and demanded, “What are you getting here? You couldn’t possibly have found something here.” To prove her point, she picked up an item and sneered at it; it was an old child’s toy, obviously played with and used. Someone else might have called it ‘well-loved’.

Mamu didn’t respond; she was well on her way back to the counter - she needed the head start on Max, since his legs were so long.

“I did,” he replied. “It’s breathtaking, too. I think Li will love it. The woman it was made for lived a long and happy life and had good taste. It’s latinum and gold with Betazed gemstones that will change color depending on emotions.”

“Hmm... let’s hope it isn’t black very often,” Menna remarked.

“Ugh....,” Mamu snorted as she climbed onto her stool by the counter. “You are a patient person, young man.”

Max led Menna slowly up to the counter, in time to hear Mamu’s comment. With Menna or Li?

Both, Mamu replied. She was boxing up his find.

“Watch her charge you an arm and a leg,” Menna said, “for something she pulled off of a dead woman.”

“Better than being a dead woman,” Mamu shot back, glaring at her.

“Menna, please,” Max admonished her. He pressed his thumb to the padd Mamu offered him. “Sometimes I think the perfect thing finds you. Out of everything in that case, this one caught the light and made its presence known.” He glanced back at the old woman. “What of that jewel you wanted to see?”

“It was nothing,” Menna said, flapping a hand to dismiss it.

Mamu glanced at Max then looked at Menna. “Perhaps so. It will be here when you return.”

“I am not coming back into this shop,” she grumbled.

“Suit yourself,” Max answered. He took the package that Mamu had wrapped, complete with bow. “Thank you,” he said to her. “I’ll let you know how it turns out.” He smiled and offered his arm to Menna. Moments later they were outside the shop.

Mamu walked down the aisle and picked up the jewel that had originally caught Menna’s attention. It was a pendant, a rounded stone inside a silver metal cube. Along one edge, something was written in Betazoid. Mamu turned it over, reading the inscription, before carrying it back to her counter and placed it in a small box. It would be there for when Menna came looking for it.

Menna Avaarax

Mamu B’Yaga

Ambassador Maxym Balasz


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