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Out with the new and in with the old

Posted on Wed May 18th, 2011 @ 8:36am by Commander James Frost
Edited on on Wed May 18th, 2011 @ 8:41am

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Transporter room 2- USS Odin NCC-51397B

"Are you sure you want to do this man?" Major Jenson asked him for what must have been the hundredth time that morning. "Seriously we could just take the Odin and disappear for a decade or two on holiday, pretend like we got sucked into a time suspemding wormhole or something."

The short but burley marine had been an active protestor of James dropping not one but TWO ranks and giving up his command. James had taken the demotion by his own choice because he was tired. He.was tired of clandestine missions into deep space, losing friends and constantly being under fire.

It was time for a change of pace and a station seemed like as good a place as any. He'd recieved mixed reactions from command about his.decision. Some applauded his decision to take the easy way out while others criticized him for being selfish by leaving a flag officer position for personal reasons.

There were also a select few who were happy to have the eccentric James Ullyses Frost out of their chain of command.

"Sorry Jenson but I've had enough, it's time to move on back to something a bit more familiar. Let's face it I'm less of a people person and more of a tinkerer and I can be put to better use fixing a station."

He patted his friend on the shoulder. "Just be sure to take care of the Odin for me.*

The marine nodded silently as Frost stepped into position on the transporter pad.

Nothing else was said, they'd both been at this job a long time. They were used to seeing friends go on to better things.

It didn't mean they had to like it.


For a moment he felt a strange familiar feeling of vertago, followed by the feeling of being in two places at once. And then he was in a different transporter room looking at an unfamiliar ensign who looked just a little nervous about the half assimilated man who had appeared in front of him.

James was amused. He found it funny that no matter how many times he had been on the news, the new kids always seemed to be scared of him.

Of course, being the self indulgient eccentric prick that he was, he didn't try to ease the ensigns worry.

Instead he simply said. "Boo."

The ensign went very pale before nervously chuckling, unsure as to if he should be calling security or not.

James was laughing his ass off as he walked out of the transporter room.

Damn that never got old.


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