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Where's the Klingon?

Posted on Tue Sep 27th, 2011 @ 11:07am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Jackson Banning V

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Nexus Club

Absorbed in her own little world and the thoughts contained therein, Oralia Zeferino strode along the 'base's Promenade and ducked into the Nexus Club. Just before entering the place, she cast one unseeing glance around, as if checking to see who might witness her entrance to the Club. Really, though, it was just a blind gesture and her gaze took in nothing.

Once inside, she looked around the dim, empty bar and quickly realized that the place wasn't actually open for business. That was fine; she was there only to put Jackson's staff through the same questions one of her minions had already asked them last night.

"Jackson?" She called out the man's name as she headed towards his office. Arriving there, she knocked loudly on his door. "Are you in yet?"

A thump came against the wall behind her. A minute or two later, Jackson appeared in the hall, wearing dark glasses. He was dressed in a wrinkled Hawaiian shirt and khaki shorts, his hair mussed.

"Who's yellin' so loud -- oh... mornin' Oz. Keep it down will ya?" He stopped and leaned against the wall. Peachy. There before him stood the reason he'd spent the night in the storeroom, crashed on the sofa. Vic had been altogether too happy to follow Jackson's standing orders.

Assessing Jackson's attire and demeanor, Oz smirked. A hangover? Lovely. She shook her head and laughed. "Looks like you caused yourself a bit of hurtin' this morning, Jackson," she said, edging closer to him. "I know the night here went well, but... just how much celebrating did you do?"

"Before or after your beau staggered outta here?" He stopped, looking down at her as she got closer. "How's he feelin' this mornin' anyhow?"

She blinked at the question. "Um... actually, I don't know. I left him sleeping this morning."

"Likely with his head as fuzzy as mine. We split a bottle of Romulan ale with Norval before he came home to you. After that, Norv and I went to a poker game." Oz was standing too close for comfort, too tempting for his own good. "Then I crashed here. Apparently I was threatening to drunk-comm you, so Vic did what he's been told to do."

His admission had Oz stepping back from him. What she really wanted was to sidle even closer, but there were too many things wrong with that idea for her to feel comfortable doing so. She cleared her throat and looked away. "Ah... then that might be why my staff had a hard time locating you."

"Maybe. I know you got a lot on your plate. I told Chance to let you know if you need anything I'll be happy to help." He paused and reached beneath his sunglasses to rub his eyes. "Oz, I -- hell, never mind. What brings you by this mornin'?"

That was not the message Chance had passed on to her. The one Chance had said to her was much more... intimate sounding. "Oh," she didn't know whether she was relieved or disappointed. "I need to know if you noticed anyone suspicious in the Nexus last night. Perhaps someone who took a more-than-passing interest in Kh'ali?"

"Besides the Speaker you mean? Looked to me like he was the main one eyein' her. Beyond that, no one seemed too interested in her, any more than usual. Why?" Jackson raised his dark glasses to study her face. That 'Oh' and its tone caught his attention. Suddenly, the hall felt too small, too close and familiar. He was also acutely aware of just how private it was.

"Kh'ali is missing. There's evidence of a break-in and struggle in her quarters; her commbadge was ripped off and now there's no trace of her on the 'base," Oz answered and swallowed hard. To vent the sudden rush of emotion that hit her, she turned and started towards the main room of the club. There was no way she wanted to cry in front of Jackson; nor did she want to be comforted by him. That way led to problems and pain. "I was so focused on protecting the Speaker...."

"Oz..." He stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

Having four brothers had done wonders for Oz's ability to rein in her emotions. Shrugging his hand off of her shoulder, she shook her head and made eye contact with him. "Jackson..., let's not." She made the silent decision to stay far, far away from the Nexus Club and Jackson Banning V after this. "I have to go question the Speaker about this." And ask Science about chroniton particles.

"Don't shoulder the blame for this one. You were doin' exactly what you were supposed to. Who the hell knew anyone would go after Kh'ali? Makes me question their sense to be honest. But your job was to keep the Speaker safe, and you did." He watched her a long moment. "But you got plenty to help find her. I'll go hit the Wormhole and see what I can come up with." Maybe a good fight will burn off this tension, too.

"Ok," she nodded. On a whim and without thought, she stepped into him and hugged him. "Thanks, Jackson," she said, drawing away from him as quickly as she had moved towards him.

Warmth flashed through him as she hugged him, made more notable when she stepped away. There and gone too soon. "Sure, anytime." Any. This was getting dangerous, it was time to retreat. Dropping his dark glasses back over his eyes, he gave a brief smile. "You'll hear from me, darlin'."

With a squeeze of his arm, Oz nodded and head out of the Nexus Club.

Lt.Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino
CSEC, Playing with Fire

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Inferno
The Nexus Club


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