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A Sunny Afternoon

Posted on Tue Apr 12th, 2016 @ 9:01pm by Indra Nyyar

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Cardassia

* Cardassia *

“Another round, please,” Boroca ordered and the server hurried away. He turned back to Nyyar and reached for her hand and raised it to his lips.. “Finally, we’re being left alone.”

“Finally,” she agreed. It was true. Since their arrival at the outdoor cafe, a string of visitors, mostly his colleagues, had stopped at the table to offer their congratulations and to welcome Nyyar home. The notion that this was her home made her want to laugh, but she had simply smiled and thanked them, assured them she was glad to be back and especially happy to be at Boroca’s side. Notably, not one of them had mentioned Zikar, likely at some previous order from Boroca. She was glad of it actually, as Zikar was still a sore subject for her.

The drinks arrived and she lifted hers in a toast. “To us,” she said simply.

“To us,” he agreed. “May we have a long and happy life together.”

Nyyar smiled once more, then sipped from her glass. “It’s good to be back among the familiar,” she commented, and strangely it was. This had been her home for twenty-three years and despite how things had ended with Zikar, it was familiar and comfortable. That didn’t mean she intended to stay by any means, though, and she was glad Boroca wasn’t telepathic.

“It’s wonderful to have you back where you belong, and by that I don’t just mean Cardassia. I For so long….”

“I know,” she interrupted him. “Things were what they were, but now that’s all changed. You have what you’ve always wanted.”

“I do,” he agreed. He held up her hand, watching as the sun caught the stone in the ring he’d given her, setting it ablaze with tiny flashes of red and blue light. “Irel and his wife have invited us to their estate tomorrow, for dinner and a reception to celebrate. I wanted to check with you first, however.”

Nyyar was surprised and it showed on her face. Zikar would never have asked, he would have simply accepted and informed her. “I….yes, that will be lovely. Very thoughtful of them, don’t you think?” And a sure sign of kissing up to Boroca too, she thought.

Boroca laughed and as if reading her mind, he replied, “It is but he’s trying to make a good impression on me. Don’t tell me you didn’t think it too.”

His observation made Nyyar laugh and she nodded. “I was,” she admitted. “You know me too well.”

“I’ve had your whole life here to get to know you, sweetheart. I’d almost given up on ever having you. The circumstances were bad but I’m glad things ended up as they did. I love you, surely you know that. This is all sudden for you but I know we’ll be fine.”

Nyyar nodded slowly. Strangely, what he said was true. She had always liked Boroca, but things were different now. She couldn’t be happy without Tohr, and if things went well, by this time tomorrow she would be back with him. Still, she had to keep Boroca happy and not have him worry that she would try to leave. His next words jarred her out of her thoughts, however,

“Will he come looking for you?”

“Who?” The question was so unexpected that she wasn’t sure who he meant at first.

“Your Bajoran. From what I heard, he’s not exactly your class of people, my darling. A criminal type, which is surprising. You are far better than that.”

She managed to keep her composure and shook her head. “No, he won’t. I don’t know that I was anything more than an amusement for him. Someone like him….he is what you say and thus has no desire to be tied down. It’s not the sort of life I could lead either. You know that.”

Boroca nodded. “I do. You are a lovely, gentle woman. Such a life would chew you up, Nyyar.” He paused a moment, then smiled. “That is a relief. I take it then, that you will have no trouble or regrets in keeping your promise.”

“None.” She squeezed his hand and managed a smile. “He’s likely already forgotten about me altogether.”

“Good.” He rose and pulled her to her feet. “Let’s walk.” He led her out to the street and, hand in hand, they slowed to a leisurely stroll. “I wish I could take the day off tomorrow and come help you with the house.”

“No need to worry,” she assured him. “It would be boring anyway. I'm going to look through my things, and the rest will be cleared out and donated. I assume the computer has already been wiped?” When Boroca nodded, she continued. “His uncle bought the house - he wants to keep it in the family, which was his polite way of buying me off and getting the Bajoran out of there. He’s already completed the transaction. He’s even offered to take care of clearing out Zikar’s things, so after tomorrow, I won’t have to go back there again.”

“That's good news.” Boroca stopped and turned Nyyar to face him. “Only look forward.” He leaned in and kissed her, ignoring those passing by.

That was exactly what Nyyar intended to do.

Indra Nyyar
The “Happy” Couple


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