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A Secret Proposition - Part II

Posted on Mon May 16th, 2016 @ 3:30pm by Suresh & Kaeli & Isaura Panossian

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Lady Ella's

* Promenade *

Several hours after Kaeli had left Drekkar, Isa idly sifted through a merchant’s wares then moved on along the Promenade. She’d left Rafe sleeping in her bunk on the Ning’Tao, but she’d been too wound up to sleep. She held up a shirt and looked it over, wondering whether she liked it enough to buy it. She recalled the last time she’d been on the Promenade shopping for clothing; the memory made her look around at the people nearest her.

“Looking for someone?” Kaeli appeared next to her as if from thin air. “You should get it, it matches your eyes.” She nodded at the shirt. “Then we have some business to take care of.”

Isa nearly yelped; she was sure Kaeli heard her mental yelp. Zarv certainly had and isa had to quickly calm him down, lest he come barreling through the Promenade’s crowds to rip into Kaeli. “Don’t do that!”, she scolded her friend, “Zarv’s on high alert.” She looked at the shirt then and nodded, “Fine, I’ll get it. What business do we have?”

“We have a meeting.” Kaeli leaned in closer to whisper. “One you should keep from listening ears?” She meant Zarv. “With Suresh.”

Isa wondered at that: block Zarv from listening in? It’d be like removing a hand... granted, not as painful, but certainly pointless. “Well, he won’t be in the meeting with us. But... really? Suresh?” The name came out as a whine. “Talk about putting a wet blanket on my homecoming party.”

“Money, Isa.” She waited as Isa paid for the shirt. “Come on. We’re meeting him at Lady Ella’s.”

“Money?” Isa smiled and sang, “Money, money, money!” under her breath as she went off to pay for the garment. When she came back with it wrapped in a neat packet, she and Kaeli headed for Ella’s; Isa had to let Kaeli lead the way since she hadn’t a clue where the place was.

* Lady Ella’s *

They entered Lady Ella’s and Kaeli took a few to check the exits and the people at the tables. “Nice place. There’s a table in the corner. Let’s go.”

“Swanky,” Isa commented, following Kaeli. She looked at the patrons they were passing, curious about them: what sort of business did they have here on SB900? Were they merchants and honest folks or were they like her? Like Suresh? An Orion sitting with a man caught her eye; at least she could easily guess that woman’s occupation. She smiled and caught up with Kaeli, taking a seat as a server came to their table and took their drink order.

“Interesting place. Looks squeaky clean to me.” Kaeli glanced at the table that had caught Isa’s attention. “That’s interesting. Edana….works with Suresh.”

“I bet she does,” Isa laughed. “Seems to me she’s right up his alley. Is she independent of Seyla?” That would surprise her: she knew how possessive and protective Seyla was of her business.

Kaeli shrugged. “No idea, I just see her in Saturnalia a lot with him. She seemed awfully cozy with Suresh’s squeeze too, go figure.”

“Huh,” Isa grunted. “Well, she’s not Suresh’s side piece, otherwise that fellow wouldn’t be allowed at the same table. What’s this meeting about? You know I’m never giving the Ning’Tao back to him, right? You’re not proposing any kind of silliness like that, are you?”

“Never,” Kaeli agreed. “Here he comes now.”

She nodded towards the front and they could see Suresh make his way towards them. He glanced at Edana and nodded as he passed but when he sat down with Isa and Kaeli, he looked surprised. “Good evening ladies.”

Immediately, Isa was wary; she’d caught his expression and the feelings coming off of him. “What are you surprised about?”

He nodded slightly towards Edana. “Ed. That man she’s with? Is the XO’s former and current lover.” He smiled and shook his head. “It’s a bit of a tangled web.”

“Huh.” Kaeli looked at Suresh and her eyes narrowed. “No way! Really? That’s Darwin’s girlfriend?”

Isa looked at Suresh and Kaeli then over at Edana and her companion. “Darwin is the Lieutenant Darwin, right? Gilroy’s subordinate? Tall, dark haired? I think I ran into him before our unscheduled trip to Romulus.”

Suresh nodded. “That’s the one. Hmmm…” He decided to ask Edana about this one later. His drink arrived and he turned to face the women. “I have a proposition for you.” His voice was low as he spoke. “And it should be done soon.”

“Soon? You know I charge extra for rush jobs,” Isa said. She resisted the temptation to reach across and grab his hand. Touching him would let her know far more than she could get from across the table. She instead slid her foot closer till she could touch his leg. “What’s the job?”

Suresh shifted and gave her a sly smile. “Stop that.” He moved his legs out of her reach. “I want you two to go back to Cardassia. I understand he’s certain you two took his wife.”

“He’s certain I did,” Kaeli answered, “but he knows that means Isa was likely part of it. Why Cardassia?”

“Because this mess needs to end. The only way that will happen is if he is removed. That’s your job Kae. Isa, you are there to watch her and get your asses out when she is done.”

“Oh, gee, I have the easy job, huh? Evade the Cardassian fleet after Kae has killed one of their higher ups. Sure, easy,” Isa looked at him, openly questioning his sanity. “Why are we going to such lengths? What the hell does this Bajoran have on you that you’re so gung-ho to protect her? Jeez... she’s just a Bajoran.” This, coming from a half-Bajoran.

“I have my reasons,” Suresh answered. “They’ve made her life hell long enough don’t you think?”

Surprisingly, Kaeli agreed. “There is a way, Isa. I can draw him out of the city, down to a remote area, telling him I am willing to give Nyyar back, make an exchange. You know a few skeletons in his closet, Isa. A threat to reveal them will get him to agree to meet me don’t you think?”

Frowning, Isa shifted. She turned a glare on Kaeli, knowing the woman had read her thoughts on Boroca - she couldn’t help it, she’d thought of her own time with the man, at the man’s hands, when Suresh had brought him up. “I suppose they would. Are we telling Drekkar and Jarad we’re doing this? We could find a temporary medic to replace Jarad. We should, since he needs to stay unassociated with us.” She rallied suddenly, shaking her head and, looking at Suresh, said, “Wait... wait... how much are you offering for this? Is it even worth our time?”

“I already promised you that you could keep the Ning.” Suresh smiled, then pulled a small padd from his pocket and passed it to Isa. “Is that enough?”

“Don’t consider the Ning part of this nego..tia...oh,” she’d looked at his number as she hit that word. Still, she was cagey: “And what are you paying Kaeli?”

“That is for you both. Consider that there’s a big helping of satisfaction in this for both of you as well.” Suresh smiled once more. “I can send one of my men as your medic. He’s Cardassian, which should help you out.”

“Just what Rafe would love: another Cardie on the ship,” Isa muttered to Kaeli. She showed her the number on the padd.

Kaeli’s eyes widened and she nodded to Isa. “If we are to do this, we are not taking the Ning. We’ll use yours, Suresh. It’s a Romulan ship and one unknown to them. It’s likely faster as well.” She turned now to Isa. “We cannot tell Drekkar.” Briefly she related her earlier conversation with him at Saturnalia. “I don't want to risk his warning Boroca.”

“Faster?” Isa took false insult on the Ning’s behalf. “How dare you say that?! Don’t repeat that near Rafe. We’ll need bunks for Zarv and Rafe; are we taking Ronin or our stowaway? Joe?”

“You would be better to take no one,” Suresh advised, “though Joe would be useful. You should slip off, get the job done and get out before the Council on Cardassia begins to raise hell with Romulus.”

Isa turned a severe look on Suresh, “How do you know Joe?”

“You’ve been here on the station for a while and you two were gone, what? Three weeks?” Suresh asked. “Joe is no stranger to Saturnalia or the Pit. I have my ways. As for your stowaway, you might want to keep a closer eye on her. She’s attracting attention down there.”

Isa exchanged a glance with Kaeli. “Is she? How so?”

Suresh shrugged. “She is young, innocent, and a little on the wild side. A dangerous combination wouldn’t you say?”

Kaeli nodded. “I’ll make sure Ronin has her well in hand while we are gone.”

“Seems like the Pit attracts young, innocent, slightly wild females. Usually they aren’t lucky and get eaten alive down there,” Isa gave Suresh a reproachful look, blaming him for that particular culture. The Pit was, after all, his purview.

“Hey, it is what it is, Isa. I’m sure Ronin will, ah….do very well with his hands where she is concerned.” He laughed shortly. “So are we agreed? If so I’ll notify Patch. You can leave in two hours. I have instructed Nyyar to call Boroca to let him know she is alive and well so he is more inclined to agree to your terms, Kae.”

“Got it. Isa?” Kaeli turned to Isa, her expression expectant.

Isa nodded. “Two hours... I have a lot to do,” she said, standing abruptly. “Kaeli?” She nodded towards the door and set out.

“We’ll call you once we are underway. Ciao, sweetie.” Kaeli patted his cheek and hurried out after Isa.

Cap’n Isaura Panossian


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