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Second Dates

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2016 @ 11:11pm by The Professor

Mission: Flight of the Valkyries
Location: Science Laboratory

Many times a ship or colony had multiple missions at once, with one of these being quite major and the others having a secondary importance. The Professor seemed to have volunteered himself for a number of these extraneous projects all the time. While he ironically sometimes complained about that, it also gave him an opportunity to always remain quite useful.

Nevertheless, that made it a little more difficult to record the log files that he was expected to provide. Recording them was not as cathartic for him as it might have been for a human or even a Vulcan officer. It was, however, something that he was encouraged if not required to do, and it was only going to take a few moments after he shimmered back into view again.

"Science Officer's Log, Supplemental!"

One thing is sort of rather ironic. I'm a specialist, with three different specialties, but they made me the head of a department. Generally specialists don't get to be heads of the department, but I guess I'm such a special one they don't mind. It sort of makes sense considering that I can do plenty of more work over what a mere organic can do.

Then again being inorganic and lacking the need to sleep means one thing, and that is the fact that I can enjoy the nightlife a lot more. My second date went great considering that she really speaks my language. That language is of course binary opcode. She can be really romantic, though. It's sort of unfortunate that my creator will never get the chance to experience this sort of sensation.

Exocomp beeps can be so poetic after all.

While history and biology were the specialties that I had mentioned last time, there is a third that I'm expected to work with too. Geology is an interesting science. Dilithium crystals are probably the one thing most people in Starfleet recognize that geologists are responsible for finding more of, and that's why it's something that comes to mind really fast.

Waste management is also a major problem on colonies, and there are trace amounts of dilithium in everything. Well, instead of merely reprocessing everything into bulk atomic material for replication, I've been searching for traces amounts in everything before reprocessing in order to beam even the smallest bits of dilithium out and then forming them into crystals.

Maybe this could net me a major trophy, but I don't know what I'd do with the money. Both the Noble Prize and the Zee-Magnees Prize come with cash, but what kind of gift does one buy for an Exocomp?

The Professor

Chief Science Officer and Still(!) Foxy Man

Valhalla Colony


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