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Nobody's Girls - Conclusion

Posted on Mon Jun 27th, 2016 @ 10:36pm by Niro & Ensign Leela Carter

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: EFS Korenna - Alternate Universe

* EFS Korenna Ready Room - Alternate Universe *

“Transport her now,” he ordered as he stood. “To my Ready Room. I’ll be there if I” am needed.” He turned and crossed the bridge, then stepped through the doors and waited for Leela.

After a moment, Leela appeared in a haze of transporter lights and harmonics. Spitting mad, she glared at Niro and demanded, “What the hell do you want? In my world, you’re a low life piece of scum living in the Station’s prison. It seems that you’re not that much better here.”

“I see a different universe hasn’t calmed your fire, and I’m glad.” Niro smiled slightly as he sat on the front edge of his desk. “I understand your people are cooperating? Not that they had much choice, given the alternative.”

“Felt like Reva wasn’t cooperating a little bit ago... engine troubles?” She smirked, nearly smiling. “She has a habit of disabling ships when she doesn’t want to go where it’s going. Or with whoever is on the ship.” She looked him up and down. “She might actually prefer being caught by the Borg.”

“If that’s the case, I’ll be happy to toss her out in an escape pod and she can sit and wait for them,” he shot back. “Any more troubles, and that will be her next move. I thought, though, that you all would appreciate getting back into your own universe. I could just as easily turn around and you can kiss whoever is at home waiting goodbye. Well, not literally.”

“No. To both options. We can’t take you into our world. For many reasons. The one that should matter most to you is that you’re a wanted man in my universe. There’s a number of people who’d like nothing more than to end you. If they don’t get you then you’ll end up in a Starfleet prison, just like your counterpart.”

“Not likely, since they have the one they want and I’m not him. But, your choice. What’s it going to be Leela? Getting you back or keeping you for good?” He shrugged slightly. “I don’t mind if you stay, just so we’re clear. It would be far better for your version of Ray if we do turn around.”

“Not go through the rift? Why? What do you intend to do to Ray?”

“Well, if we turn around, that rift will close before long and you and yours will be stuck here. Not that my crew would mind. You are all something we’ve lost, you might say. As for Ray, you have the memories now of what the one here did to my Leela. He isn’t exactly in reach at the moment, so yours would do nicely to ease the urge for revenge.”

“Fine. Let me talk to Reva and Six, get them on board for getting us through that rift. The Kohana goes ahead of us,” she bargained.

A slow smile spread over Niro’s face. “I have no issues with that. Give your orders, then we can kick back until they catch up….at the rift. Not before.”

“I’ll go to Engineering, then,” she turned towards the door.

“Very well, then come back here. We’re not done.” Niro crossed his arms, watching her. He intended to have a few words with the men on the bridge while she was away. “Tell Suresh I intend to keep my promise.”

Pausing briefly, she glanced back, wondering what he had promised Suresh. “Yeah, right.” She headed for Engineering.

An hour later, Leela returned to Niro’s Ready Room. She didn’t want to, not after having talked with Reva and Six, and with N’Riss and Seren. Her crew knew the score and what they each needed to do - Leela didn’t really know what they would do; she couldn’t or else Niro would know. “The Kohana knows the plan,” she said in greeting.

Niro immediately searched her thoughts. He could see no subterfuge, which made him curious but whatever happened, he would deal with it. He reached out, taking hold of her arm and pulling her close. “So how are the men holding up? Frantic to ride in and save the day?”

“Without being in the same room with them, I can still tell that their testosterone is running high,” she said. “They’ll meet us at the rift. Reva will make sure the engines stay online to get us there.”

“Excellent.” He rose from his chair and rested his hand on her shoulder. “Care for some dinner while we travel? You’ve nothing better to do.”

“Girl’s gotta eat,” she said, shrugging and stepping away from him and his hands. “But just dinner, Niro. I’m not the Leela you know.”

“Of course.” He opened the door and stood aside to let her go out first. Not yet.

Lt. (j.g.) Leela Carter
Niro (Alt)


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