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A Break in The Case

Posted on Fri Sep 9th, 2016 @ 12:59pm by Suresh & Eldren Tohr

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Saturnalia

* Saturnalia - The Cherry Pit *

Suresh was not in a good mood and everyone in Saturnalia knew it. As such, once he reached his usual table, they left him alone so as not to unintentionally draw his ire. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of Suresh lashing out. And while they wondered about the cause, the fact that Six hadn’t been seen in the Pit in over a week had them all very curious. Asking about her, however, was the last thing any of them would do. They may be curious but they weren’t suicidal.

Shelly didn’t have that luxury. She approached the table and set his drink before him. “You just call if you need anything at all.”

Her soft tone was effective and he looked up with a brief smile. “I will, thanks Shell.” He sipped from the glass as she wandered away, then turned his attention to the main doors. Eldren was due in and Suresh was looking forward to seeing him. It might be a much-needed distraction. Eldren was, in Suresh’s opinion, a lucky man. His woman wasn’t involved in things that took her off the station and put her in danger like Six (conveniently forgetting Nyyar’s recent adventures). Her double life in Intel was becoming less and less to his liking, but there was little to be done about that. He shoved that thought away as fast as it came and settled in to wait.

The doors opened at last revealing the big bajoran figure. As usual he scanned the locale thoroughly before stepping in, out of habit. Then spotting Suresh at his fave place he quickly made his way to the table and took a seat.

“I’m here.” he said more to start the conversation than to underline the obvious.

Suresh had to laugh at that, and those sitting at the nearby table visibly relaxed a little. “So I see. How’s Nyyar?”

“She’s fine. Had some business to see through, what’s up?”

“An update on our situation,” Suresh responded. “Commander Nalas has been released from prison on Archadia and is back on the station. According to Marla, it was one of the official guards who killed that bartender and framed Nalas. She doesn’t know why. We found no trace of Seyla yet.”

“So what now? Are we going to make a stronger move or leave things just as they are, waiting to see if they solve up themselves?”

“I intend to go down and hit a few pressure points, like that guard and see what turns up,” Suresh answered. “I am in no mood to be messed with, so let’s hope she has the good sense not to do so.”

“Going down alone? Or want company?” Eldren asked with a slight wave of denial directed at Shelly who was about to come take an order “The whole thing could be a ruse to get you out of SB900.”

They’ve had plenty of chances if that’s what they were after,” Suresh reasoned. “I”ve been to Archadia a lot in the past week. It should only take an hour or so but you will be with me. Which reminds me, how’s Frank’s watch over Nyyar going? No trouble?”

“They’ve had plenty of chances recently and maybe they were not ready. Perhaps they are now.” Eldren argued, his paranoid side coming forth “And no, no trouble about Nyyar so far. I think Frank is motivated enough into doing a good job or will have to deal with me if something goes wrong.”

That got a smile out of Suresh, though a brief one. “Frank is no idiot.” He turned his glass slowly on the table, watching the dregs of whisky. “How is she holding up down here? You had some concerns when we last discussed your situation.”

“She seems very determined.” Eldren answered after some instants “Always thought of her as a frail, delicate thing like a precious crystal object… But I have to remind myself that my idea of her was borne of a scant observation from afar many years ago and couldn’t be verified.” He breathed then “The real Nyyar seems strong enough.”

Suresh snorted laughter. “Considering what you two have been through recently? I’d say that is an understatement. Desperate circumstances can bring out surprising courage and strength. Six is a good example of that, given what Niro did to her. I trust that now your mind is at ease and you can focus on business?”

“I’m never at ease.” Eldren grinned “But I’ll focus on business.”

“That’s what I need to hear. As for your recent….trips...we won’t speak of that in public. I suspect that recent events are causing some...concern shall we say? In the Alpha Quadrant.” Suresh motioned to Shelly before he continued. “Our little secret.”

“Yes, think it’s best to keep a very low profile on the subject. Do you think that the Security Commander of this base will be asked to send someone nosing around here?”

“Because of the deaths of a Cardassian and a Romulan? With no evidence to tie it to anyone here?” Suresh shook his head. “I wouldn’t think so. Officially, Boroca was killed by a wild animal and Rekar’s death was reported as a heart attack at a most inopportune moment. He should have known better at his age.” Shelly brought his drink and he nodded to her as she departed.

“I expect the Cardassians are not going to drink the story of the animal and even if Boroca wasn’t loved by his people the one who’s going to succeed him has to do something. If only to pass the message that the culprit of such move won’t live to tell the tale. For the Romulans I can just guess… Don’t know them much but they seem to be nasty and subtler than Cardassians.”

“They are,” Suresh agreed. “Take it from me.” What Eldren said about the new directors being required to take action was something Suresh wasn’t so sure about. It meant a big step up for them so even if they did need to act, he suspected it would be only an appearance of doing so and nothing more. He hoped. The last thing he needed was to have his own part in such matters known. “Even so, I should see the girls and warn them don’t you think?”

“I think so. It would be even wiser for them to get scarce for a while, but I do not know their agenda so …” He said with a shrug.

“I’ll see what they intend to do. Till then, we have this --” Suresh stopped as Farco rushed up to the table.

“You need to come home,” Farco mumbled so only Suresh and Eldren could hear. “It’s Seyla. I got to your quarters and found her lying on the floor. She doesn’t look good.”

It took only a moment for the news to sink in and Suresh rose, motioning to Eldren. “Let’s go.”

Sooo Not In The Mood

Eldren Tohr
Enemies Everywhere


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