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Blurred Lines

Posted on Thu Sep 29th, 2011 @ 7:53am by Captain Li Hawke

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Hawke/Sakkath Quarters

* *Hawke/Sakkath Quarters * *

Li entered the quarters she shared with Sakkath and not for the first time, wished him home. Their connection didn't function with them so far apart and she felt lonelier by the day. Soon. That word had become her mantra with the Away Team's absence. She ran a hand over his desk as she passed, feeling a bit closer, but not much.

"You're tired and getting maudlin, Li," she said aloud. "What you need is sleep." Indeed, she and Nenita had worked through the night following Kh'ali's disappearance. Now that the Speaker had been informed, she had time for a short nap at least.

Her thoughts ran back over her conversation with Zee'Hrai. She'd sensed no duplicity in him, nothing hidden. He'd said he had no idea where she was and that was true. She'd also read deep worry in the man and Li was sure he suspected it was tied to him, just as she did. Unknowingly, she repeated Oz's words.

"Kh'ali, where are you?"

Kh'ali didn't answer of course, so Li stopped in the kitchen and poured herself some juice. Just a drink and then bed. Closing her eyes as she sipped the cool liquid, she let the silence of the quarters wrap around her. Calming. Safe. Just what she needed after a long night. A soft touch along the side of her throat brought a sigh of pleasure from her...then a yelp as she dropped the empty glass and whirled around.

Nothing was there.

Easy, Li. Nothing's here. You're exhausted, missing Sakkath too much. Put the glass away and get some rest.

That seemed like sound advice and moments later, she was curled up on Sakkath's side of the bed sound asleep.

* * *

She was drifting down, down into dreams that felt far too real. Warm sun on her face. Floating. Landing on the soft fur of the rug in her old quarters before she had acquired a husband and furniture. She was surrounded by her orchids in full bloom, a large bright orange blossom among them. She knew that flower, there was something about it, something familiar...

"Li." The voice was a soft whisper, one she knew well, one that to many was always all business, but with her, alone, became filled with passion.

"Here." So real. Had he come home? A thrill ran through her as the whisper continued, so many things shared, so many emotions overwhelming her. Touches replaced the words, feather-light, gliding over her, intimate and familiar. "I missed you."

"I know. I always know what you feel, we are tied together you and I...forever."

"Yes. Don't go again..."

"I won't, Imzadi. Never, you brought me back..."

She did? Something seemed off about that, surely? A faint alarm sounded in her thoughts but the feel of lips on hers pushed it aside.

"I'm glad. I love you."

"I know. I"ll always be here, never leave you no matter what. No one can take me away...."

No one... The alarm grew louder as the whispers continued.

"No one...not ever. Not even the false lover you call a've always been mine..."

She felt the heat of his body pressing her down and the touches became restraints, strong hands holding far too tight. Fear rose in her, the taste sharp metal in her throat.

"Let me go!"

"I can't. You brought me here and now, I'll never go. You're mine....and he can't touch me....."

The echo of a scream awoke her and as she sat up in bed, trying frantically to catch her breath, she realized the scream was her own. The disorienting haze of the dream slowly left her and she scurried from the bed. There would be no sleep this morning, that was certain.

It was not until she stood beneath a hot shower, letting reality take hold, that she recalled that orange blossom. It had been delivered when she was recovering from the Connor and Oz rescue.

Sent by Rhys.

She dressed hurriedly, then put a call through to Norval. "I need to see you. Now."

Lt. Commander Li Hawke

All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams. ~Elias Canetti


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