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Pirates' Bay, Part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2016 @ 8:34pm by Ensign Leela Carter & Ensign Reva Madhava & Ensign Six of Ten & Niro

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Alt Universe

* Pirate Bay - Alternate Universe *

“We’ve received clearance to dock,” the pilot reported.

“Good. Take us in and find Harry so he can see to the repairs. Tell him I’ll get with him later and arrange payment. I think he might like that one temporal affairs officer. She’ll settle the bill nicely.” Niro tapped the panel by his chair. “All hands, we’re docking. You can get the hell outta here in fifteen. Riley, Suresh, secure the visitors and get to my quarters. Niro out.”

A few minutes later Niro entered his quarters and crossed to the kitchen. He was still getting coffee when the doors opened to admit Suresh and Riley.

“Come on in. What did you do with them Suresh?”

Glancing at Riley, Suresh answered, “Ah... well... I sedated Six. Anything less than that and she could get the ship to do whatever she wanted. Reva...,” he glanced at Riley again, “you locked her in, right?”

Riley nodded. I did. I gave her the bed and took the sofa and she was still asleep when I left just now. I’m not so sure about dragging her to Europa yet, though. She’s getting kinda shaky.

Niro shrugged. “Is that your way of asking to keep her to yourself or are you serious?” When Riley nodded, he smiled. “I’ll think about it. Unless Europa hears we’ve landed and insists we come now. What about Six? How’s she holding up? Will she be any trouble?”

“She’ll be trouble. She’s fairly angry,” Suresh, a master of understatement, said. “We should keep her here, away from Reva and Europa.” He glanced between the two men and added, “I’m not saying that just to keep her for myself. Though she is nicer than the native Six.”

That obviously surprised Niro. “She is? Coulda fooled me. I think, given half a chance, this Six would eviscerate me in my sleep. Then again, you two haven’t seen what the Niro in her world did to her. I’d like to meet that guy.” A noise from his bedroom caught his attention. “Leela.”

Suresh nodded. “Likely all four women would be willing to do that, Niro. Including the one in there,” he gestured towards the bedroom door. “Are you keeping her?”

Niro laughed briefly. “Are you kidding? Do you really think I’d return them now and put all of us at risk? Besides, even if they do manage to reopen the correct rift and get to this universe, they’ll be looking for a needle in a haystack. My advice, gentlemen, is to settle in and enjoy, if that’s what you want. Just sleep with one eye open, especially you Suresh.”

“No kidding. Let us know if Europa summons you,” Suresh grinned, glad he wasn’t the principal of the ship. “Riley, we should keep Six and Reva apart. Get those two in the same room... woo,” he shook his head.

Riley started to nod, then shook his head instead. No. I think Reva needs her, at least so she doesn’t panic completely. Perhaps, though, that might be a good..incentive? For Six to behave?

Suresh considered that then nodded. “I can see that. When she wakes up, I’ll let her know.”

Thank you. If there’s nothing else, I’ll get back and check on her. Call me when Europa’s ready to see us. Riley nodded, then hurried from Niro’s quarters.

Niro watched him go, then turned back to Suresh. “Attached much?” He meant Riley.

“Very,” Suresh nodded. “It’d be best to hand her over to Europa. Just make sure she knows this Reva isn’t her daughter.”

“And what about Riley? He wouldn’t withstand losing her a second time. That might just give me some leverage with Europa. He’s valuable and she won’t want to ruin him.”

“She might also like a more malleable Reva. Think of the leverage that would give you with Europa. This Reva is attached to her crewmates - she’ll do anything to make sure they aren’t hurt. And then Europa is in your debt.”

Niro nodded. “Exactly. Do you know if our Reva is here on the station? Or the real Six?”

Suresh shook his head. “Far as I know, both are off somewhere else. Which will make keeping track of these two easier.”

“Good. It keeps you away from Vic too, which is even better. You will have your hands full, but I’m hoping that she’ll stick close to you since she’s lost in another world and you are her only somewhat sympathetic link and protection. Just stay armed,” Niro warned. “But a promise is a promise. She’s all yours.”

Suresh’s grin was interrupted by a chime from the comm system. He waited while Niro opened the channel. A large, heavily muscled male Orion appeared on the screen; Suresh recognized him as Robart, Europa’s top lieutenant. “Niro. Welcome back to the Bay. Your ship has changed... significantly. Europa expects you in two hours.”

Niro shot a look at Suresh before he answered. “It’s an interesting story, Robart. I assume you will be there to hear it?”

“I will be. I look forward to it,” the big man nodded. “We’ll see you then.” Robart closed the commchannel.

“Well there you go. Two hours. Tell Riley and I’ll see you both there,” Niro ordered. “Till then, Enjoy yourself.”

“Will do,” Suresh nodded and left Niro’s quarters, feeling slightly less healthy than he had before coming to Niro’s quarters.

Once the doors closed behind Suresh, Niro waited a few seconds, then called out. “You can come out now Leela. I know you’re awake.”

The bedroom door opened and Leela stepped out of the room. “I suppose I’m lucky you haven’t sedated me.” She frowned at Niro.

“You and I have a much better understanding and you aren’t likely to turn me into a drone.” Niro smiled as he crossed the room and slipped his arm around her, drawing her close. “Suresh is just being...cautious shall we say?”

“I suppose. What about Marie? You’re not going to split us up, are you? I think that’d be a quick way to cause the four of us to act... poorly.”

“Marie has nothing to fear. She is free to see the station, such as it is, with an escort from this crew. That’s mainly for her safety. This place isn’t exactly utopia, Lee, and someone like her will draw attention she might not appreciate. Riley’s right that keeping you all apart isn’t a good idea. Does that help put your mind at ease?” His smile lingered with the question and he reached up with his free hand to brush her cheek. “I hope so.”

Grimacing, she moved to just barely avoid his touch. “You know it doesn’t. But it will have to do. I’d like to have dinner with them tonight.”

“Of course. The observation lounge is all yours.” Niro paused, taking a few seconds simply to look at Leela. “I want you to go with me when I see Europa, but I should warn you. The Ray here is on the station. He’s not exactly what you might expect though.”

“And he might freak out a little bit to see me alive,” Leela said, “I don’t want to explain things.” Although, she realized, perhaps if she did, Ray might offer some help.

“He would,” Niro agreed. “He’s not exactly stable in this world. He disappeared for a long time after you...after Lee died and we had someone looking for him. They sent word just before we landed that he was here.” He wouldn’t be in it long either, Niro thought. Now that Ray had returned and was visible again. “I don’t think his reaction to you would be any help, my darling. Quite the opposite actually.”

“Fine. I’ll contact the others and tell them to meet me in Obs for dinner. Are you going to insist on being there?”

“No, you’ll be on the ship and safe enough.” He didn’t add that they wouldn’t be able to leave. “In the meantime, we have almost two hours before we see Europa.”

“We’re all going to see her?” Leela knew of the Europa in her world; she wasn’t a nice person there and Leela doubted she’d be any better here.

“No, Riley and Suresh are going with me, and you,” he answered. “And Reva of course. You’ll be back in time for dinner, I promise. But once dinner is done, you’re all mine.”

“Okay. I’m going to get dressed, appropriately, then,” she said, withdrawing from his arms and heading for the bedroom.

* Europa’s Chamber *

“Ugh...,” Reva put the back of her wrist under her nose, which was wrinkled in disgust. The place Niro had brought them to reeked of sweaty bodies, alcohol, highly-spiced foods and something far worse underlying it all. Reva looked around and realized they were in a cargo bay of a large ship. She rocked back as she spied a body strung up from a catwalk. “What is this place, Riley?”

As she asked, a coarse-haired Orion turned to look at Reva; the woman’s eyes went wide and she reached out to touch Reva’s hair. Reva dodged her, bumping back against Riley as she did so. In another moment, they were past the woman and deeper into the loud, shifting crowd.

Riley wrapped a protective arm around Reva, shielding her from the shifting bodies as they moved deeper into the hold.

Europa’s place, he answered her. We’re meeting Suresh and Niro here. Don’t worry, though. I’ll be right here with you.

Europa... I haven’t met her in my own world. Reva thought to him. Ahead, she saw Leela and, for a moment, wondered whether it was the Leela of this world or hers. Riley nudged her with a thought: the Leela of this world was dead. “Oh,” she breathed. “It’s the lack of a uniform, I suppose.” Or, perhaps, the dark leathers Leela wore. As she and Riley drew closer, she called out to Leela.

“Reva,” Leela went to her side and took her arm. “Pretty... ah... wild, isn’t it?” She glanced around.

“A little. And warm. And humid. And stinky. Gods, can you imagine living in a place like this?” Reva had never considered herself a shrinking violet, but... in a place like this, she was proving herself wrong.

Riley nodded to Leela, then scanned the crowd as Niro approached. He pointed out Suresh just ahead.

“Good, we’re all here.” Niro took Leela’s hand and they led the way through the crowd to the far end where Suresh was speaking with an Orion woman.

As Niro approached, the Orion watched him a moment then said, “Suresh tells me you have something interesting for me, Niro.” She looked over the woman with him; behind her, she could see Riley, but the woman caught her attention. “Isn’t that Carter? I though she was dead.”

Leela frowned but remained silent.

Niro glanced to her right and nodded to Robart, then began the story of the rift opening and the Korenna coming through, then the discovery of the crew and the events that followed, ending with the closing of the rift.

“I promised Robart it would be an interesting story,” Niro stated. “We brought back Leela, a temporal affairs officer named Marie, their version of Six of Ten and….” he paused and turned to nudge Reva forward. “Her.”

Reva stumbled then froze. The woman looked strikingly like her. Or, rather, Reva looked strikingly like the Orion. “Europa,” she said.

Europa’s face went through a few emotions then settled on rage. “What trick is this?”, she demanded of Niro. She reached out and grabbed Reva’s hair, hauling her closer. She ignored Reva’s cry of pain. “You know she’s banished from the Bay!”

Alarmed, Leela stepped forward but was quickly rebuffed by Robart’s massive chest. “Let her go!”

Riley stepped forward, his gaze intent on Europa. She’s not yours, not your real daughter. As Niro said, they came through the rift...another universe. Your daughter and Seren are still on Ruined Station.

“Ow... ow, ow, ow,” Reva complained as Europa looked closer at her, twisting her around to make her bend this way and that.

After a long moment, Europa released Reva’s hair. “Still part Betazoid. And she has fellow crewmembers with her here?” She looked at Niro, ideas obviously percolating in her head now. “You’re giving her to me as tribute.”

“No,” Niro answered. He fell silent now, choosing to communicate with Europa mentally. Riley has become attached to her and you know that story. We need him and losing Reva, any Reva, again would do him great harm. I can do you one better, though. We have the means now to convert your ship and make it far more powerful, should you wish it.

Europa glanced at Robart, who stepped between Reva and Riley. “That wasn’t a request, Niro,” Europa said. I’ll take her and I’ll consider the upgrade. I want to see your ship first. Robart tells me you have Borg tech on it.

“We do and it’s a marvel, I promise you that,” Niro answered.

Before he could continue, a strangled cry came from Riley. He lunged forward, around Robart to reach for Reva. Suresh moved closer in case things really got out of hand.

“Don’t do this.” Suresh’s words were directed at Europa.

Reva wasn’t sure who to side with: Robart or Riley, and it showed. She shrunk away from both of them. For his part, Robart was more on guard about Riley and Suresh than he was Reva. Around the room, several sets of eyes turned towards the group.

Europa smirked at Suresh. “Don’t do this? I will do whatever I please. And having that creature under my control pleases me.”

“Creature?” Reva objected to being referred to that way.

Niro smiled now and crossed his arms. Since you are forcing the matter, how about I tell you this: I know about Grax and I know where you keep him. I also have a former Borg in my possession that could make his life interesting if you don’t leave these women to me.

Europa’s eyes narrowed at Niro. “You and the four women will be guests at dinner, Niro. We’ll discuss this during the meal.”

“Along with their escorts,” Niro added. “And we’d be delighted. I did bring you something though, never fear.” His smile now was a very self-satisfied one. “Thank you.”

Riley looked from Europa to Niro, more than a little confused and uncertain at the spoken words since he had not been privy to the mental conversation. Niro nodded and he visibly relaxed.

Reva didn’t. She backed away from the group even more, looking at Leela as she did so. Leela, noticing the scared rabbit look, called out, “Reva!”

“Talk to her,” Niro instructed Leela. “She should not be alone and unprotected in this area. Believe me, Riley is the least of her worries and her safest course.”

Robart laughed and raised a hand in a signal. There was a commotion in the direction Reva had headed off in, then, after a moment, Reva was brought back to the group by two of the Orion’s henchmen. “Perhaps you need to have this one on a leash,” Robart said to Niro, including Riley in his gaze.

Riley’s eyes narrowed, but he did take hold of Reva’s hand. Don’t wander in here, it’s not safe.

Apparently not, Reva agreed and edged closer to him.

“Robart, show them to quarters where they can freshen up for dinner. Niro, I’ll have someone get the others from your ship,” Europa ordered imperiously. “There’s no sense in taxing your ship’s resources for now.”

“Thank you but there’s only one left on the ship and Suresh will want to see to her. We’ll be glad to go with Robart,” Niro answered. “Thanks again. Always a pleasure Europa.” He nodded to Suresh, then turned to Robart.

Grinning, Robart shook his head. “Europa is offering her hospitality. I’ll go with you, Riley and Suresh back to your ship. The ladies can go with Birch; they’ll be safe.” Robart wasn’t offering Niro another option, though he was being polite about it.

“Sure thing.” Niro looked at Reva now. “You’ll be fine with Birch and Leela. We’ll be back soon.” He motioned to Riley and Suresh and followed Robart.

When they reached the Korenna, Niro entered his code and the main hatch hissed open. “Suresh? Care to go first?”

Feeling slightly like a sacrificial lamb, Suresh went into the hatch first and led the way to his quarters, where he’d last left Six sedated. “She should still be out,” he said as he entered the code for the quarters.

The men entered Suresh’s quarters and found Six still sound asleep, stretched out in his bed. Her left hand that bore the implant dangled over the side, nearly touching the small pile of her clothes on the floor. She murmured something incoherent, perhaps sensing the disturbance in the room.

Niro snorted a laugh. “You may not wanna leave with that to come home to.”

“Exactly,” Suresh said, not caring whether Niro was being sarcastic or not. “Let me get the stimulant.” He opened a drawer with yet another code, withdrew a hypospray and went to the bed to administer it to Six. “She’ll be awake in a few seconds here.”

Riley looked at Robart and Niro then. Perhaps we should..uh...step out to the other room so she can dress?

Robart looked from one to the other then to Six. “Perhaps,” he agreed but didn’t move.

Suresh rolled his eyes. “Out, you three.” He shooed them back to the living area.

Back in the bedroom, Six murmured louder and finally the world became clear.

“Suresh….what…?” She rubbed her eyes, trying to get a handle on what had happened.

“You’ll be fully awake in a moment here, Six. You need to get up and get dressed. We’re having dinner with Europa,” Suresh quickly explained the situation.

“Europa, Reva’s mother. When did she get to the station?” Six still wasn’t fully aware as she spoke. Hearing his voice, she reached out for him, glad to hear Suresh. Maybe it had been a dream after all. “I had the strangest dream….you were you but not you.”

“She’s been here awhile, dear.” He took her hand, let her pull him in close to her and kissed her forehead. “Time to get up.”

Niro was watching through the door from the living area and now he shook his head. “This is the one we need to keep on a leash,” he mumbled to Robart. She is also the one that keeps Reva together. Watch out for them.”

“Duly noted,” Robart said.

Suresh’s lips on her forehead at first drew her even closer but then she came fully awake and recalled this was another Suresh. She pulled back with a yelp, scrambling to pull the blanket up around her.


“And there’s reality,” Suresh sighed. He stood and went out. “Get dressed. We have a date.”

“I’m replicating something decent!” she called after him.

“Hopefully not too decent,” Niro called back. “This is Europa we’re talking about and Suresh has a reputation to uphold.” He began to laugh once more and sent an image mentally to Six. “Wear that, it’ll be perfect.”
to be continued

Alt Universe

Ensign Reva Madhava
Ensign Six of Ten
Lt. Leela Carter


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