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A New Adventure, A New Beginning

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 3:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Admiral Wegener's Office

Kit'rin'e took his first steps onto Starbase 900, standing on the steps from the docking bay back where he disembarked. A container in the right hand and another slung over the left shoulder neatly tucked under his arm. He felt right away the familiar feel of eyes washing over him, it was not often that a Caitian left the Homeworld, especially one in white fur and just shy of seven feet tall. He looked around and already had a sense of ease similar to that which he felt during his last posting. He took a few steps towards a nearby kiosk and asked where his quarters were, he'd already asked for some in advance especially since there were a few Caitian things that he wanted to prepare prior to starting his duties at his new post and meeting his new Commanding Officer. He'd heard some about Vice Admiral Wegener, but mostly more about Starbase 900 and its operations. Kit'rin'e had spent much of the 2 week transit reviewing the last three months of operations where it came to ship travel, ship movements and local activity.

He was directed to his assigned quarters by the lights on the walls and verbal instructions from the computer. The quarters were bigger then he expected, he did not expect his new posting to be so accommodating to his needs, few understood Caitian requirements and some, Kit'rin'e was adverse to revealing to none Caitians or 'Outsiders'. He unpacked his personal effects, placing them with great care making sure that the most private of items were hidden from view by drapes and fabrics he brought from Cait. It took almost an hour before he was unpacked and underwent some grooming to make himself presentable prior to his report into the Admiral. Kit'rin'e made sure to arrive 3 days ahead of schedule, he wanted to become familiar with the station and its many facilities first, he felt it would better aid his to conduct his duties.

Preparations done he left his quarters and headed for the Admiral's location with the intent of reporting in and then perhaps with some suggestions from the Admiral, visit areas of the station that might make his new life on board easier to adapt to. He took the Turbolift to the required deck, moments later, he stood outside the Admiral's door, chimed and waiting to be granted entry.

Lieutenant Beckman knew the Caitian had been expected, and had seen a Caitian or two during her time in Starfleet, but she just never got used to the way they looked. So lean, so powerful, so...odd, but she was simply fascinated by them nonetheless. She had let the Admiral know that he had arrived.

=^= Send him in, Hope =^= came the Admiral's directive over the comm. At that, she touched the terminal and remotely opened the doors.

Standing in front of his desk, Ricky waited for Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e to cross the floor. His large frame even made him look short in comparison. "Commander," Ricky said, "welcome to Starbase 900. I hope you found your accommodations acceptable?"

"Would you have any suggestions as to suitable locations to start with?" Kit'rin'e asked. "I spent much of my trip here reading up on the last 3 months of operations here to get an insight as to what I might expect." He added observing the Admiral's behavior and body language.

"I guess it would depend upon your preferences for entertainment. There are varying degrees of food establishments in the promenade section, many of which, I'm sure, would be able to cater to any dietary needs you may have." Ricky stopped for a second. "And I'm sorry, Commander, but I'm not completely up-to-date on Caitian customs so if I recommend something that goes against your beliefs or customs, please accept my apologies in advance." He continued with his suggestions on dining, entertainment and just places of interest, such as the extremely large arboretum. "I enjoy just walking through there quite a bit. It's nice to have something so real on a base so large and...well, lifeless."

Kit'rin'e listened and heeded the options listed by the Admiral. "I have information available should I require anything more suited to my needs, also, I will at some point require a leave of absence for private, personal requirements of Caitian origin." He was not prepared to tell a man he'd only just met the intricacies of Caitian cycles.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with your duties, I see no problem with that. I think you'll find that I'm not as strict as most other COs. I prefer my staff to feel comfortable in approaching me as well as being comfortable in their current posting. If that requires some flexibility from me, so be it."

The Admiral's reply was exactly what he was expecting, the same reply he got from his previous commanding officers and supervisors. "I am afraid it will, three weeks every six to seven months." Kit'rin'e said. With some difficulty he reached for a padd on the Admiral's desk, on it he brought up the information about the Caitian shedding season, it was not something to discussed with non Caitians, only with the mate, if applicable.

Ricky looked at the PADD briefly. "This is not an issue," he said, placing it back on the desk. "You have subordinates that can do your job when you will need the time off and I can ensure that any matters of importance for my senior staff are forwarded to you so that you can be kept up to date on it." He looked at the large feline in front of him, wondering just what he'd look like in a shaggy, unkempt state. "If you prefer that I not discuss the issue with the XO, that is also acceptable. Just send your LOA request to both myself and the XO and it will be authorized. Just let know that is regarding the issue that we spoke about on your first day here--if that suits you?"

"It will, thank you, and I would like it if this was kept private." Kit'rin'e asked. "Where would you suggest I get something to eat?" He asked. It was a relief however to know that the Admiral was accommodating to cultural and racial needs of others.

"There's a new place that just set up shop," Rick replied. "It's called Cravings. I and the Klingon General posted here had the opportunity to eat there a few nights ago. Very nice cuisine, something for just about everybody. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

"Thank you for your suggestions Admiral, I will be sure to stop by the many locations you have mentioned." Kit'rin'e did not feel completely uncomfortable as he expected to considering he would be working under an Admiral instead of a Captain. It was widely accepted that Starfleet Admirals to tend to have much higher standards than most, while that was not a problem for Kit'rin'e, it would develop a new understanding of Starfleet Admirals at least, since now he'd be working with one full time. The conversation lasted for nearly five minutes more between the pair of them before Kit'rin'e was dismissed. With the meeting concluded he decided to follow some of the advice that the Admiral parted with him and visit some of the locations he mentioned.


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