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Table For One

Posted on Fri Oct 14th, 2011 @ 6:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Tora Sulan

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Early evening and the Nexus was just winding up for its usual crowded gaiety. The show, starring Janice and Eli, would begin in an hour. Until then, the early-arriving patrons were at their tables enjoying drinks and conversation, others with reservations were arriving and waiting at the front podium where Sulan was in attendance. Her haid was down tonight, in long waves, and she wore a strapless black velvet formal dress. Around her neck was a wide gold chain that bore a deep-blue iridescent stone. She was directing a waiter as he escorted those waiting to various tables. Those without reservations moved on past and into the bar area. Apparently it was a full house tonight.

Kit'rin'e decided to return to his quarters following being dismissed by the Admiral, the station was indeed large and inspiring to see from within as well as outside. He changed into a two piece robe set. The jacket was a long one almost to the double joint in his legs, the trousers were loose for ease of movement should it be required and his tail poked through the special cuts or openings to aid him in walking and balance. He'd run down a list of available locations that proved popular on the station with its population. Something called Nexus proved to be just such a location highly spoken about.

He decided to leave and make his way there.

"Good evening, Mr. Chan." Sulan smiled to an older man arriving just before Kit'rin'e. The small old man patted her arm and insisted she show him to his table with a smile. He was clearly a regular and Sulan's smile was indulgent. "Of course, right this way." Her gaze moved past him to the tall Caitian just stepping in and she began to search her memory. She didn't recall seeing a Caitian name on the list for tonight but maybe Eli had taken in. She smiled to Kit'rin'e." I'll be right back, excuse me." Turning, she led the little man away through the tables.

Kit'rin'e observed the exchange between the young looking woman, whom clearly was doing her best during a busy time and the rude little man. He never understood how a race, or any race could survive if it treated females in such a way. When she spoke to him, he smiled, not knowing if she saw it under the fur but understood her need to 'deal with' this rude individual. Part of him wanted to speak to the man but felt it would be unwise to cause a stir on his first day on board. He patiently waited for her return, taking in the view around him, the people from a variety of races and cultures. He smiled, glad to be apart of such a station.

"There now, my apologies and welcome to the Nexus Club." She scanned the list quickly, noting the names, all of which were known to her. "If you'd like a table, I have one reservation that is late. Five minutes more and they will give it up, if you don't mind waiting a few minutes?"

He saw the young woman make her way over, he thought he could see the relief on her face in some way as she was done with the clearly annoying man. When she arrived to speak to him, he smiled again, hoping to lighten the mood following her last client ordeal. A slight bow, as granted to all females. "That's alright." He answered, his voice clearly very feline even over the UT. "I do not mind the wait, I have no reservation however, this is my first day on the station and the Admiral suggested I tour the many establishments available." He said, not averting his eyes from hers.

"Then you've come to the right place. Welcome to the Nexus, Mr....?" She let the question linger.

"Kit'rin'e." He spoke softly, "Just Kit'rin'e." Since Caitian's often had just the one name, only when married would they possibly take a second.

"Kit'rin'e. My pleasure." She inclined her head. She'd had some contact with Caitians in the past and recalled that touching a strange female was a no-no unless she offered first. With a quick glance at the pad before her she smiled once more. "I tell you what, it's close enough. I'll see you to your table if you like."

"I would be honoured." Kit'rin'e replied, he was slightly surprised at her behavior towards him, either house rules prevented physical contact between employees and the clients or she knew something about Caitians. He'd learned the hard way at the Academy about what females could be like, 'Cute' and 'Cuddly' were often terms applied to him. Kit'rin'e didn't mind being touched, especially by females so long as the touch was in a kind way, not the way those in the past subjected him to, and only if they offered the touch first, such as a hand. Kit'rin'e would never offer his to anyone bar the mate.

Sulan led him through those moving about, then through the tables. The tall Caitian got more than his fair share of looks as they moved along. "Don't mind the locals, Kit'rin'e. You are now our only resident Caitian I believe and many out in his quadrant have not had the pleasure of seeing one of your race before."

It was something that he'd come to accept, at nearly seven feet tall, weighing in at a touch over 500lbs he was a sight hard to miss. In the past that worked for and against him, a double edged blade that would stay with him for the rest of his life it seemed, especially now since leaving the Homeworld. "It is alright, I am used to people not being used to seeing one of my kind." He replied as he followed her, her movements clearly with some well practiced ease as she swayed and moved with considerable grace around tables, chairs and clients.

"Here we are." They reached a table just one row back from the semi-circular stage that held a piano, tall string bass, drums, and a rack with several horns and a saxophone. "I hope you enjoy the show, and welcome to 900." She removed the 'Reserved' sign with one hand, offering her other to Kit'rin'e.

Kit'rin'e watched as she removed the sign, observed the stage setup then noticed her hand out towards him. "Thank you." He said, softer than before, she'd been the first to touch him in over a year. "I hope so as well." His large hand encased her ever so gently, he feared for catching her on his claws or causing her any discomfort or harm in any way. "You have been most kind to me."

"Again, my pleasure. Now you just settle in and enjoy yourself. I"ll send someone over to take care of you."

A slight bow, a thank you for what she did for him before sitting down. He was glad he was able to move the table forward slightly as his frame needed it. His tail coiled about his waist to make sitting easier but also to prevent it being sat or stood on. He could still feel the eyes of others on him, trying to make something of him, the guessing. He patiently waited, such a pleasant woman he thought to himself.

Su motioned to a waiter to come over. "Enjoy and if there is anything I can do, just let me know." She smiled one last time, then turned to go.

"Might I ask your name?" He asked, perhaps the only thing a Caitian male could ask for from a female.

"Tora Sulan. Have a wonderful evening Kit'rin'e."

"Thank you." He said, a smile gracing his feline features. "I'm sure I will." He added, not wanting to draw her away from her duties any longer lest he get her in trouble with her superiors.

She slipped away, pausing here and there to speak to those seated at the various tables. Moments later, she was swallowed up by the crowd.

Kit'rin'e watched keenly those around him, the many species present, the decor of the establishment. He brushed his whiskers between two fingers and that's when he noticed it, strong and clear. He wondered briefly what it was and then it struck him, it was Tora. He remembered shaking her hand, though gentle his own hand nearly encased hers, her scent was on his hand. His hand clenched shut, no, this was not what his mind was telling him. It was an innocent gesture, a friendly welcome, nothing more.

The waiter appeared finally. "Good evening, what might I get for you?"

Kit'rin'e ordered a Caitian delicacy for a small meal to eat, something to take the edge of and a drink to suit it. He hoped it was not too much, Caitian meals were not that easy to prepare. He smiled briefly, hoping not to scare the waiter with the daunting order.

"No trouble at all." The waiter moved away, leaving Kit'rin'e to his observation of the crowd. It was not long before the band appeared, and the music for dancing began.


Tora Sulan
House Manager & Resident Distraction
The Nexus Club

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer
Starbase 900


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