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Promises To Keep

Posted on Mon Oct 24th, 2011 @ 11:33am by Captain Li Hawke & & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Connor's Quarters
Timeline: Current

Li left the Admiral's office, accompanied by Iggy. They made quite a spectacle as they entered the habitat ring, Li walking and Iggy scurrying along at her side, easily keeping pace, even though she often had to stop to breathe. But then again, Li had grown used to the station residents watching her of late. The inhibitor had finally worn off, so at least now she could communicate mentally with Iggy instead of having to speak out loud. Thank goodness. Especially since they were discussing a dead crewman.

Their destination today was Connor's quarters. He'd called wanting to see her. Li was worried about this attack on him and she hoped that perhaps she might be able to pick up some leftover emotional echoes that would help Oz's investigation. Or maybe Iggy could.

As the unlikely pair came around the corner of the corridor, one of the security officers outside Connor's quarters nodded to Li. The other, who had been dutifully examining his fingernails, first snapped to attention and then paled as he spied Iggy. "Wh...," he gasped and stumbled over a simple word, "..whaaaaat... is that?!" His hand went to his phaser and the other officer spoke up.

"That's gotta be Iggy, Zeferino's pet spider. She's been looking for it," Jeeves was calm. He'd 'met' Iggy once, back before Iggy could 'talk' to bipeds.

"How do you know?", whispered the other, even though Li and Iggy were already right there and able to hear him.

"How many black and purple, eight-limbed, half-pound critters do you see running around the base?"

"Oh... good point. Gotta be it."

Her. Oralia has been looking for her, Iggy corrected him, making both the officers turn a whiter shade of pale.

"And I brought her with me." Li crossed her arms, giving the two guards a stern look.

Jeeves turned a stricken look on Li and asked, "It talks? Since when do spiders talk?"

"It's a long story Jeeves, really. But this one talks...a lot." She reached out, ringing the chime. "And usually says something sensible when she does speak, unlike some people." She shot a glance to Jeeves' companion.

While they waited for Connor to answer the door, Iggy ignored the two officers and scaled the wall next to the door, all the way to the ceiling. She attached an anchor line near the door's horizontal frame and hung there, like some sort of living door prank. Waving her pedipalps about, she commented to Li, Oralia was here, not too long ago.

"I know," Li answered. She did not comment further, the emotions still hanging in the air were not calm and happy ones.

Inside, Connor was sitting on his couch, leaning forward with his arms resting on his legs, a small black box in his hands. "Enter" he called out, snapping the box close as the door opened, and keeping hold of it, he pressed a palm to his brow.

Letting Li enter first, Iggy slid down her anchor line to the floor. She looked at the two guards then dashed into Connor's abode before the door could shut. Moving quickly, Iggy passed Li and dashed into Connor's kitchen. Oralia was here!, she called back to Li.

"I know, Iggy," Li repeated. Her attention was focused on Connor now, along with the strong scent of scotch and the lingering echoes of anger and hurt. The atmosphere was almost overwhelming. "Connor?" It was one word but held so many questions.

Connor had pulled his hand away, slowly placing the box on the coffee table. He looked towards the kitchen, unsure of himself, unsure if he really heard what he had. "Li...?" He had his own questions.

Oralia? Iggy came back from the kitchen and joined Li in the living room. With the claws on one tarsi, she pulled at Li's pants' hem. She had one pressing question.

"She's not here, Iggy." Li spoke aloud for Connor's benefit. She looked back to Connor, taking a moment to sense him. "How are you?"

He looked up at her, considered telling her he was okay, all things considered, but he knew the inhibitor would of worn off, and she would know he was lying. That wouldn't change the fact that he couldn't just easily open up, no matter how much he was hurting, it just wasn't that simple. Averting his gaze, he ran a hand over his chin, and nodded to Iggy, "Oralia needs to know she's with you", he said quietly.

Where is Oralia? Iggy posed her pressing question and moved towards Connor, taking up a threatening pose in front of him.

Connor froze, knowing from experience as a child, it wasn't wise to intimidate a tarantula, especially a Goliath, one of the more aggressive of the species. And Iggy...he was very aware she didn't like him. How much that was increased by the crystal, he couldn't be sure. He didn't want to find out, so he remained still. That damn rock, he thought. "I don't know where she is", he said, regarding her calmly, though his stress level was very high, "but she is looking for you. Li..", he said, not taking his eyes off the arachnid, " Oralia now, please. I need to talk to you, but I can't do it this way."

"Very well." Li tapped her comm badge and sent word to Oz that she had Iggy. Once done, she kindly requested that Iggy wait outside till Oz arrived and opened the doors for her.

Iggy deflated slightly as she turned to look at Li. But..., she started to protest, then felt Li's firmness on the matter. Moving slowly, she skulked to the door and, when Connor told it to open for her, went out into the hallway, banished.

"I want to know how you are doing?" he asked as soon as the door was closed.

Li nodded slowly as she sat down. "Last night was alright. Nothing strange happened at least. I updated the Admiral on what's going on, as well as some new intell on this Enaran and the plot involving the Speaker. Iggy appeared in his office to add in her her part as well."

Connor's head dropped as he ran a hand over it. He smiled sarcastically, "That's bonza...", and he looked over to her, "Just keep me in the loop, even while I'm here recovering. I...haven't been myself 'n' I made the mistake of not being sure that if not me, someone would follow up on your need for an inhibitor. If ever, Li, I am not available, go to Natalia Bren. Will you do this?"

"I promise." she rested a hand on his arm and her voice softened. "I want you to promise me something too, Connor."

His eyes studied hers for a moment, before needing to look away. He nodded as he leaned back into the couch.

"Lose the booze. I know things are hard right now, with Oz, but this won't solve that and could make you lose more than you are willing to give up. People's lives could depend on your choices. If you need to, call me. I've been in your head, there are few secrets. I'll help all I can."

Connor swallowed, his eyes moving over to hers. "I appreciate...your offer, but I..." and he stopped, about to say he had it under control, but it began to hit him that he really didn't. There was no point in denying it to Li. "It's over between Oralia 'n' myself. I've...been here before..."..but it's never much. He looked away again, his eyes laying on the small black velvet box on the coffee table, "Please, bail now, Li. I want to be alone."

She nodded and stood. "Think about it. I need to get back to work and then go get Iggy. Take care Connor." Her glance lingered on him for a long moment, then she turned to go.

"Bye," he said, resting his head into his hands.

* * *Meanwhile, in the hallway* * *

Rubbing her eyes, Oralia padded down the hallway in thin socks that protected her feet only from getting dirty. The hem of her blue silk robe fluttered behind her as she moved. It settled against her calves as she stopped in front of Connor's door. "Iggy!", she beamed at the spider and squatted down to the arachnid's level. "I've been looking for you."

Connor said that you had.

"Well, come home now," Oz answered, a touch confused by the spider's distance.

No, Iggy refused, I have to protect Li.

"What? Li?" Oz looked up at the two Security officers watching her have a conversation with a spider. She asked them, "Has there been a report regarding a threat against Li Hawke?"

One glanced at the other and both shook their heads. "No, Ma'am, not that we've heard."


She is in danger from Rhys.

"Rhys is dead, sweety."

Not where Li goes in her dreams. I can go there, too, and I can help her there.

The news rocked Oralia back slightly. "When will you come home, then?"

I do not know, Oralia, Iggy answered and moved forward to stroke Oz's arm.

Great. First my boyfriend, now my ...companion, Oz thought as she frowned down at Iggy. Part of her was tempted to scoop the spider up and take her home. Three things stopped her: one, Iggy's fangs were out; two, she already knew how annoying Iggy's urticating hairs could be; and three, if Iggy could help protect Li from a dream stalker... so be it. "Okay, kiddo," she stroked Iggy's carapace and abdomen, "Go be Li's protector."

I'll need a bath when I get home, she told Oralia, making the human laugh.

After a moment's contemplation, Oz asked, "Wait, why will you need a bath?"

The spider twitched and answered, The male's quarters reek with bad chemicals.

Oz looked up at Connor's door and made a mental note to re-review the scans the crime scene techs had taken. "Duly noted, Iggy."

Good. Do you have a cockroach with you?

"Ah... sorry, that's not really something I carry around with me, Igster," Oralia replied.

Connor's doors slid open and Li stepped out. Once they closed behind her, she spoke, looking down at Oz.

"We need to talk."


Lt. Commander Connor McKinney
Chief Medical Officer

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer
Iggy's New BFF

Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino
Chief of Security

Ignatious J. Reilly (aka Iggy)
Willing to Tilt at Windmills


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