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A Three Hour Tour

Posted on Tue Oct 25th, 2011 @ 5:29pm by Tora Sulan & Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e

Mission: In Our Time of Need

Sulan had called earlier, asking if Kit'rin'e would meet her. The arranged spot was the main promenade. This time of day it was not overly busy and she'd stopped for some jumja while she waited. The sweet confection was her one real weakness for junk food and she was glad to see it had managed to travel to the Delta Quadrant. Relaxing on a bench as she enjoyed her treat, she observed the comings and goings of those around her, her thoughts wandering over her soon-to-arrive companion. Boy, Jackson was right, you never knew what was just around the corner.

Kit'rin'e was putting on the last of his attire before giving himself a once over look in the mirror to make sure everything was set and then departing. Most of the station was alien to him. Of course he had reviewed the specifications of the station and the last few months of activity logs to help him get to grips on what he was going to be handling but that was still two days off. Now he was on the way to the promenade where his his young female friend was waiting. Already a minute late no thanks to a group of Starfleet Junior Officers that entered his Turbolift and exited on four consecutive levels before the doors opened again on the promenade. Walking to the meeting point he saw her sitting on a bench, enjoying something it seemed.

"Forgive the lateness, I was delayed on the turbolift." He spoke as he stood next to her, looking down at her as she sat on the bench.

"Nothing to worry over, I was just indulging my sweet tooth." She smiled up at him and the sweet, fruity aroma of the treat she held in her hand drifted up, mixed with her own scent. "I hope your morning was uneventful? Believe me when I say that around here, that is a blessing...if it happens."

"Then I am blessed for another two days." Kit'rin'e replied. He could smell the sweet item that she was enjoying, it almost masked her scent. "I hope I am not taking you from anything important or from anything you had planned to do prior to my arrival." He asked, last thing he wanted to do was be a disruption to her schedule.

She stood as she shook her head. "I'm happy to be here. I don't work till late, of course, so my days are free." Taking the last bite of the jumja, she dropped the stick in a recycling bin by the bench. She neglected to mention that she normally slept much later but then again, no need to bring that up. It had been ages since Sulan had actually done something with a normal friend, and even longer since she'd done something so pleasant as take a walk with a man. Her life the past fifteen hears hadn't allowed for it. "Shall we?"

"Yes, please." He said in return. "After you." His arm out for her to lead the way. He could smell the sweetness of the item she ate. It lingered in the air and entwined with her scent as he drew in each breath. It was nice of her to do this for him, he had only been on the station shy over 24 hours and already made a friend to show him around. "If I may ask, what was that you were eating?" He asked, he was not skilled when it came to other foods, Caitian food was his main and only options.

"A jumja stick." Sulan rose and they began to walk, leading away from the promenade. It's made from the sap of the jumja tree, which grows on Bajor and it very sweet. I suppose it's a little taste of home, you might say, though it's funny that of all the things to make it tothe delta Quadrant, something that amounts to Bajoran junk food is what made the leap. And first up, we'll visit your office and get the out of the way."

He nodded as he listened to her explanation as to the item she had eaten. He doubted he'd be able to eat such a thing. He follwed closely behind her as she moved past people with the same practiced ease he'd observered when he went to the Nexus the night before. When they arrived at his office right away he could tell that some changes would have to be made, all of which would aid his capability at the role however some were more aimed towards Caitians than anything. One thing did spring to mind which he felt bad for not bringing up earlier. "I hope your mate will not mind you showing me around, I don't wish to cause trouble."

His comment brought a merry laugh from Sulan. The idea of a mate was amusing, but for reasons no one else could know or understand. She shook her head lightly. "No, there's no need to worry over that. I have no mate. I've spent the past few years travelling a bit so I was never in one place long enough to settle down." The past few? Oh but that was an understatement of rather large proportions. It suddenly occurred to her that Jackson was still a loner as well, thought she suspected it was for different reasons.

It was some welcome relief to hear that he was not keeping her away from a mate. "I see." Twas unfortunate however that a kind and considerate woman such as her was not fending off the male suitors at every opportunity. After some final glances about the office and the things in it, he turned to her and asked. "Where next?"

"One of my favorite places." She led the way and before long, they arrived at the Arboretum. A quiet hush surrounded the greenery that stretched out before them. A holographic waterfall filled a grotto at one end and pathe criss-crossed throughout. Isolated benches ddotted the landscape as well, and over it all hung adamp, earthy smell. "It's a little paradise hanging in space. Peaceful, a nice change from all the hardware. I come here often." She slipped her hand around his arm as they stepped onto a path and began to move forward.

Kit'rin'e was mildly surprised when she took hold of his arm, honoured by the fact that she felt comfortable enough to be such with him. "It reminds me of the dense woodland areas outside my home province. My father and I used to go hunting there." It brought back fond memories, his tail visibly taking a more gentle grace to its movements reflecting his mood. "Do you come here often to get away from the rigors of day to day station live?"

"In a manner of speaking. It reminds me of --" She paused a moment, debating on how far to go. "Of home." That would do for now. Looking up at him she smiled gently. "Makes it easy to forget, for a time, that we are floating in space."

He caught her looking at him. "You seem comfortable around me, not many of my species in Starfleet and most people are afraid of us." He said, wondering why or how she'd come to be so relaxed around him compared to his academy days when the females were in fear of him.

"You're not the first Caitian i've been acquainted with, as you likely guessed. But it's a long story. Oh look." She turned, leading him off the path to a tree growing just off the path. "The jumja tree."

He remembered this was the tree which related to that sweet item that she was eating prior to his arrival. The tree had many branches, a thick trunk. He smiled, he used to climb such trees when he was younger. "This is the tree for that sweet item you were eating before." He commented. His hand came to rest on top of hers that held his arm. He'd seen such an act many times with other couples walking along. He was not sure if it was a sign of something or simply proper.

"The one." She pointed up into the tree wiht her free hand. "About halfway up, the branches separate and leave a perfect seat. I climb up in there to read sometimes, or think. It's hidden from down here and a great place when I want some quiet. Ready to wrap up with the mess hall? I thought you might want to meet the chef's staff, then we can eat if you're hungry."

Kit'rin'e smiled, a grin growing across his face. "I see." He looked up, judging various things. He crouched onto his hands and knees, a quick build up in the legs and propelled himself to the first branch seemingly with ease and grace. Then made his way upto the branch she mentioned which appeared to offer suitable seating. "Care to join me?" He asked, leaves falling around her as he moved through the foliage.

"Best offer I've had in ages." Slipping off her shoes, she scaled the tree trunk, vanishing among the leaves with Kit'rin'e.


Tora Sulan
House Manager & Resident Distraction
The Nexus Club

Lt.Cmdr Kit'rin'e
Chief Flight Control Officer
Starbase 900


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