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Kh'ali qIHchuq qeraQ'

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2011 @ 1:55pm by Captain qeraQ' & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Diplomatic Offices

Following the meeting with the Admiral and Eli, Kh'ali and Quentin returned to the office to once again tackle the mountain of arrivals and reports on contacts made by the ships exploring in the area. With Patrick's words still in mind, she dispatched Ensign Au'rel to see what she could dig up on the Divitians. They were all deep in their various projects when the main doors to the office opened.

qeraQ' strode in and examined the people working away at various files. Paperwork and Diplomacy always seemed to go hand in hand. His eyes were drawn to a distinct Klingon Woman sat at the head of the table. In his youth he may have pursued her, but she was now a subordinate. Someone to command and someone who would work for him. He still grinned at the thought of a Klingon woman being head of diplomacy, an oxymoron of sorts. Never judge a book by it's cover he thought carefully.

"yIja'!" ((Report))

Upon his entrance, Kh'ali laid her padd aside and rose, bowing her head slightly. She greeted him in KLingon, then switched for the benefit of the staff.

"A pleasure to meet you Commander qeraQ', and welcome. What might I do for you?"

"Just checking in with the Senior staff. I have found that a personal touch is sometimes better than shouting in a meeting. I have read your reports on the diplomatic situation here in the round table, very enlightening. Any immediate threats or concerns?"

Kh'ali raised an eyebrow at the question. "Beyond the impending visit of the Divitian delegation, no. That, on the other hand, could use two of my entire department." She sorted through a stack of padds on the table, chose one and passed it to qeraQ'. "Your briefing, Commander. It's a copy of what I sent to Admiral Wegener, and what will be expected of you two as Command."

"Just note the arrival protocol. And be aware that I cannot predict what their reaction to me, being female, will be. They may see me as subservient," that got a laugh from the assembled staff, "and attempt to go through you for things we should handle. Or as something to be courted, or used for entertainment, neither of which is going to happen."

qeraQ' smiled. The thought of the results of someone trying to use Kh'ali for entertainment was quite amusing. There would be a lot of blood. "I will refer any requests I receive to you, quietly of course to avoid offence. As for the other matters," he looked around the room at the staff to judge his words carefully, "I will keep an eye on proceedings as best I can, and I am sure you can handle yourself adequately."

"Have no doubt of that. And we can have Lt. Dobry be the face if they insist on a male. Thank you Commander. Rest assure we will keep you updated as things develop. It is likely you and I will be joined at the hip often while they are here since you'll need translation."

"Good, I look forward to becoming better acquainted with you and your hip!" he chuckled softly, never tiring of the strangeness of Federation Standard and some of it's colloquialisms. "If there is nothing else you wish to discuss then I will be back on my rounds."

Kh'ali joined in his laughter. "That should do it, until the reception."

"I will see you at the Reception." he turned and left, his anxiety at having a Klingon in charge of a diplomacy on the station relieved. It was at least more plausible that a Klingon in charge of the Medical department!

Commander qeraQ'
Executive Officer

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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