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Arrival of the Divitians

Posted on Fri Jun 17th, 2011 @ 11:49am by Admiral Ricky Wegener & Captain qeraQ' & Master Chief Petty Officer Daniel Brooke & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: SB900 - Command Center

"Admiral Wegener."

Rick turned to Ensign Cortel, the flight control officer. "How far out?"

"At their current speed, forty minutes," he replied. "I'm sorry, sir, as I'm unfamiliar with their vessels but they appear to have one larger vessel about the size of one of our Galaxy's and two smaller support vessels, about the size of a Danube class but they have weapons signatures somewhat like our fighters."

"Escort vessels, I assume," Wegener replied. "That's to be expected. They've not had much contact with us and they're just taking extra security." He walked around the command center and checked the screens and stopped at the dispatch for the 3rd fighter wing. "Send a message to Captain Smith. Give him the ETA for the Divitians and advise of their vessel configurations. And reiterate that they are to remain at a non-threatening distance to give the appearance of routine patrols."

"Aye, sir," came the reply.

"Admiral Wegener to Commander qeraQ' and Master Chief Brooke, report to transporter room one to meet the Divitian delegation in thirty minutes."

** Transporter Room One **

Admiral Wegener, Commander qeraQ' and Master Chief Brooke all stood in the transporter room awaiting the arrival of the Divitians to the base proper. They had arrived just five minutes prior and instructions were being relayed to their personnel on the coordinates to beam over.

"I know I don't have to remind either of you that this is a big deal. We've had limited contact with the Divitians and need to have a good showing from our end. You're both my go-to guys and I know I can count on the both of you for this."

"We'll make 'em feel welcome, Admiral, no worries there," Brooke nodded in affirmation.

"I have discreetly asked security to provide some additional patrols around the station Admiral. I understand we want to be welcoming but they won't know our standard protocols. I considered raising the Marine's alert level but felt that might cause a few too many loose tongues."

"You're probably right, Commander," Ricky replied. The three made small talk as they waited. Rick was always a bit apprehensive of meeting a race they'd had very little dealing with, wondering if he were actually suited for the job or if someone else with more experience would have done better.

=^= Admiral, the Divitian delegation is beaming over now. =^=

Ricky didn't acknowledge as he didn't want to be talking to someone else while the Divitians materialized. As the transporter pad filled with personnel, all three of SB900's personnel straightened up out of reflex. Once transport was complete, Ricky let out a deep breath to calm himself at his first encounter with this species.

In perfect silence eight Divitians positioned themselves in front of the welcoming committee weapons in their belts. Tall and lean they shielded a couple of others with their bodies and scanned the audience relentlessly with their black pupilless eyes.

"Welcome to Starbase 900," he said. "I am Rear Admiral Ricky Wegener, the base commander and Commanding Officer of Task Force 38, assigned to the Delta Quadrant." He turned to his right as the Divitians began to leave the pad. "This is the base's Executive Officer, Commander qeraQ' and the Command Master Chief, Daniel Brooke."

A Divitian in particularly rich uniform stepped forward bypassing the guards gave a brief nod to the Admiral and Master Chief Brooke then turned to Commander qeraQ'.

"You, the Executive Officer. I demand to have all plans of security devised for the Speaker's protection delivered at once for our estimation and possible variation. I'll have the final say on every aspect of the plan."

Temperature dropped abruptly as the Divitian officer and Commander qeraQ' stared into each other eyes for long seconds. qeraQ' could feel his anger welling up and had to stifle the gutteral growl that welled up in him. Calming himself to stop some of his base instincts from taking over.

"Now, now..." another figure dressed in rich flowing silk came up from behind the Divitian soldiers. "I think we can skip this part of the procedures Captain. We are guests here and I'm sure we are in no peril."

The captain turned to face him and bowed his head: "Speaker. I'm sure that this people mean no harm bu it is my duty to ensure...*" started the captain felling silent with a single gesture from the Speaker.

"I am Zee'Hrai, Admiral." The Speaker said addressing to Wegener "I'm the Appointed Speaker of Divitia come here by will of the Republic to contact formally the great conglomerate known as Federation and to establish long-lasting relationships."

He then nodded to Brooke "Master Chief." And to qeraQ' "Commander. I beg your pardon for the rudeness of my bodyguards but I assure you they have no ill-feelings... my safety is their only concern."

"I can assure you, Zee'Hrai," Ricky said, making an attempt at the Speaker's name, "that second only to your own personnel, your safety and security is of the utmost concern to us. I will have the security chief meet with your...Captain, I believe it was?" Ricky asked. "She will be more than happy to make any modifications to our security plan as are necessary."

"For your immediate piece of mind we have provided you with a secure deck and will be posting security to all entry and egress points. Rest assured that we take the security of our guests very seriously. Within that deck your security staff are free to provide additional checkpoints if they feel it is necessary. I would ask that you inform me of any such checks so we know what is happening."

"Hate to butt in, but why the concern for security in the first place? You have some reason to believe there's a threat here on the station, or is this more of a 'planning ahead in case someone comes' scenario?" the Master Chief asked.

The Divitian captain scolded him but the Speaker intervened before he could get further with some comment.

"These are difficult times. And the Republic has had proof that not all those who had benefited of her protection and welfare with smiles on their faces and kind words are friends."

"We understand completely, Captain," Ricky said. "And if you'll walk with me," he said to the Speaker, "I will show you to the conference room, unless you'd rather see your quarters first?"

"If it is not too much disturb I would appreciate to get acquainted with my quarters for a little rest before getting to work. I'm also curious to get a closer look to this new place."

"Quarters it is," Ricky announced as they walked to the closest turbolift. qeraQ', Brooke and Ricky entered to the rear followed by the Speaker, the Captain and two of the security staff. It wasn't long before they were in front of the Speaker's quarters and they were joined by the rest of the Divitian security staff soon after.

"Are the rooms you assign to dignitaries always this spacious, Admiral?" the Speaker asked.

"We always make every attempt to take only the best care of our guests," Ricky replied. "We want you to feel as comfortable as possible while still able to get your work done. All of the adjoining rooms are for your staff and can be assigned however you wish. As stated earlier, my security staff will be located at all access points to this area of the deck and will not allow anyone, save myself, the Commander or the Master Chief, access unless you request it." He turned to the Captain. "If you will follow Commander qeraQ', he will escort you to base security so that your security needs can be met."

Without a word, the Klingon exited the room, followed by the Divitian Captain.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Admiral. I will notify you when I am able to begin our talks."

Ricky smiled. "I am available any time you are ready, Speaker."

"You may call me Zee'Hrai," he replied, "as that is more close to my name and title."

Ricky nodded curtly. "Understood. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few things to attend to while you are preparing." With a glance to the Master Chief, they excused themselves leaving the Divitians to their secluded area on Starbase 900.

A joint post by:

Commander qeraQ'
XO, SB900

MCPO Brooke
Command Master Chief, SB900

RADM Wegener
CO, SB900

Divitian Speaker
(written by LCDR Leroy)


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