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Of Science And Diplomacy

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2011 @ 5:06am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Commander Patrick Leroy
Edited on on Tue Jun 14th, 2011 @ 5:07am

Mission: In Our Time of Need

Kh'ali stood before the mirror in her quarters, giving herself one last going over. Her hair was down, the long dark waves falling to her waist. Tonight she wore a flowing silk skirt in a soft turquoise and a sleeveless silk top with a wide scoop neck. It would do, she supposed. Around her neck was the heavy necklace that the other Quentin had given her, the Security chief on the Berkeley. She debated its presence, took it off, then put it back on, deciding it looked just right. Good enough. A soft chime rang, telling her it was time to leave. She was going out to dinner.

"So here I am..." Said Patrick when the doors of the restaurant hissed open and Kh'ali entered, his words cut short for a moment.

"Something wrong?" asked Kh'ali. An amused look in her eyes. Once again, she noted that human tendency to cut off sentences, to be at a loss for words.

"Er... No. Not at all. Just... Seeing a Klingon officer outside uniform or outright battle armor is an uncommon sight... And not unpleasant in some cases, I should say."

"I hope this is one of those cases and I'll take that as a compliment." She glanced over the diners seated at the various tables and seeing no familiar faces, one in particular, she relaxed. When the hostess arrived to seat them, she looked to Patrick to lead the way. According to what she knew, Human males liked to do that sort of thing.

"I think we can start with a portion of stuffed deviled eggs with caviar, some oysters..." He promptly told to the hostess "And chilled white wine."

"And for the main course?" asked the girl.

"I think that a beef tenderloin in red wine sauce would just do that." Patrick responded then turning to Kh'ali. "Maybe you wish some Klingon dish along? Take your pick, but I warn you gladst is as far as I can go with klingon food."

"Actually, I think what you've ordered is just fine. Thank you." She nodded to the waitress and the girl departed. "So tell me, is it better without an audience?"

"Well I think everything can be more relaxed if I take what you mean..." Patrick started to answer but as if on a cue the chirp of Kh'ali's communicator stopped him.

=^= Hey Kh'ali, Aleksa here. Dropped by your quarters but you're not there. Had a bit of time off shift why don't we have a drink? Maybe I can get Norman too to join us. =^=


Kh'ali groaned aloud and drummed her fingers on the table a moment. "Maybe we should've had dinner in your quarters or mine, Patrick." She reached up to touch her communicator.

" Hello Aleksa, I'm sorry I missed you but I have a dinner date. Am there now actually."

=^= Oh... Well... It will be another time, Enjoy your dinner then... =^=

"I will, thanks." Kh'ali ended the transmission.

"Now I see what diplomatic skill stands for..." smiled Patrick as the hostess delivered the eggs and the wine.

"Perhaps, though I suspect my diplomatic patience may soon run thin and stop seeing the need to avoid the subject with her. She will see how fierce I can be." She smiled at Patrick, his tongue-tied moment back on the Berkeley over that same subject coming back to mind.

"I have no doubt on that." He replied tasting his food. "By the way, rumor has it that a great political figure of the Arm is underway to 900. Have you heard it? Think that has something to do with the current crisis striking the Divitian Republic. If that is true, after all formal exchange of pleasantries with the high brasses the matter will be under the Chief Diplomat jurisdiction." Said Patrick smiling back to her "You'll become very important people on SB900."

"He is. In fact, just before I left to come here I sent you a briefing for Science. Your "Guide to Divitians', at least all we know. Lt. Commander Hawke has included pertinent intell that you'll need to know as well. I'll tell you Patrick, they are...interesting. And they've been somewhat divisive among their own alliances. A proud people that I suspect may not like coming to us with their hats in their hands." She lowered her glass and dig into the oysters. "These are incredible."

"And do not fight back while you eat them. Easy." Replied Patrick picking one too.

They sat in silence for a while as Kh'ali enjoyed the oysters and Patrick, discreetly, observed her. In his experience with the Klingon race he had never thought possible for the words strength and gentleness to go along together, being the first one a prevailing characteristic for that race. Still Kh'ali seemed to blend both qualities in a subtle mix that fascinated him.

"Are you lost somewhere?" She said bringing him back to reality "The main course has arrived." She added while the hostess put the plates in front of them.

"Well... Yes. I'm sorry, I was distracted."

"A good distraction or a bad one?" She paused a moment, held by the intent gaze of his green eyes. "If it is Aleksa, I'll handle her. No worries. If it's our upcoming visitors, well, the same sentiment applies."

"Not good nor bad. Was just drifting in space.," he answered lowering his eyes realizing he'd been staring. "And I've no worries about Aleksa or anything else at the moment... And I'm curious to see a Divitian maybe exchange some scientific speculation." He ended changing the subject.

"My first instinct is to warn you that they may play everything close to the vest. Coming to us at this point strikes me, and I am sure it will them, as admitting their own failure to solve the problem. Not an easy thing for such a proud, commanding race. Some might see it as a chink in their armour, perhaps an opportune time to make a move." She took another sip of the wine as she watched Patrick. "We could be sitting on a potential time bomb here."

"I would rather be more optimistical, we're still a new presence here in the Arm and our neighbours are watching us as guests. This could be a great opportunity to make ourselves known and well-accepted doing what we do best: supporting and helping those in need. We could be more respected from now on."

A moment passed in silence as Kh'ali just watched him.

"Hm... I'm quite the dreamer huh?" he smiled "Well you know... Scientists never read intel reports or listen to political crisis news... We do live in a perfect world full of discoveries." He ended winking at her.

She smiled warmly at him. "I envy you that. I have to live in a world of 'what ifs' and thinking one step ahead of everyone. And making sure I always say the right thing at the right time. The pressure is enormous."

"Someone long ago on Earth has said something about that: when we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and under pressure... diamonds are made." Patrick replied filling her glass again "And now I'm quite certain of it."

If she'd been more human, she might have blushed. The thought occurred to her that whoever thought Patrick was interested only in ships and science and didn't have a romantic bone in his body was very wrong.

"Thank you." She raised her glass, and as she met his gaze, her Klingon side wanted to growl, fling the glass aside and drag him across the table. Her human side spoke instead. "You flatter me."

"Flattery is a skill for thespians and troubadours of old, I'm just a humble observer of facts, like any good scientist should be." He replied jokingly "To your success then. May Divitia become a long-standing partner of Federation." He added raising his glass too.

She klinked her glass to his gently. "To partnerships then." Raising her glass, she sipped from it, her dark eyes still on Patrick.

"To partnerships." He agreed.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Chief Science Officer


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