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Setting Some Things Straight

Posted on Mon Sep 24th, 2012 @ 6:23am by Lieutenant Commander Kit'rin'e & Lieutenant Commander William Harding M.D. & Tora Sulan

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Office of Strategic Operations

Harding had returned from the short shuttle ride with Commander Zeferino and now he had one thing that he really needed to see to. After checking in on Eric, he sent off a message to Lt. Commander Kit’rin’e to meet with him as soon as possible, and wherever was convenient. It was past time to clear his mis-impressions planted by Natalia so that they could get Sulan out of the safe room and back with Kit’rin’e. Once the message was done, he got to work on updating his notes on the morning’s events.

Kit’rin’e had spent a great deal off his off duty time with his Mate, it was something at least though it was not home. She welcomed his company and at night like before held close to him as she slept. Each morning he would wake and before his morning routine and departure for work he would make sure all was well, she was safe before he walked out the door. When he arrived at Strat Ops, his console indicated to him that the Chief Medical Officer was wanting to see him.....Harding. That was a name that would never be one used in a friendly context, his Mate had a trait that was of interest to many but Harding proved to be the most persistent to find out its secrets. Kit’rin’e replied, his office was available now and would be for some hours, it was short, direct and to the point. Leaving no margin for error about what Kit’rin’e thought of the man.

When the reply came in, Harding had just returned to the station from Archadia III and was all but wiped out. It had been a long ordeal and he had never been more glad to set foot back on 900. Even so, he needed to get this out of the way and departed his office. Once he arrived at StratOps, he rang the chime at Kit’rin’e’s door then took a sip from the large coffee mug he held.

Kit’rin’e wondered when Harding would arrive, it was of little surprise that when it came to anything relating to his Mate that the man's efforts would be second to none of his current obligations. He didn’t trust Harding, there was a deep loathing of the man from what his Mate had told him about the persistent individual. Seeing him try to get past security and get to her only highlighted his already ‘dried in concrete’ opinion of him. Harding though had to know in some measure of size that if he touched Sulan, it would be the last. Few strived to be on the bad side of a creature such as Kit’rin’e fewer still wanted to push the limits even further. His career came second to his Mate, he would willingly sacrifice it to keep her safe, from anyone that would do her harm.

He had already informed his Mate that Harding was on his way to see him, he decided to keep her presence a secret for now on the computer display facing him. His Mate would be able to hear everything but see only him for the time being. Harding would be none the wiser until Kit’rin’e decided to let it be known. “Come.” He said from the chair behind his desk. From that single word irritation grew, he felt disgusted to be inviting this man, someone who was after his Mate even still into his office. He felt dirty, angry, violated by the efforts of this man to see that which is most important to him. Only problem was, Harding had to get past Kit’rin’e first.

“Hello.” Harding greeted him as he entered the office and took a seat. “And than you for seeing me. It’s been an interesting few days. You have heard of the death of Dr. Bren?”

Kit’rin’e was thankful that his introduction was brief, he almost asked him to skip the niceties. He was barely tolerating this man as it was. “What does that have to do with my Mate?” He asked, his voice unwelcoming though that no doubt was expected. He resisted the urge to look at the monitor, doing so would give away that someone was there though she could hear everything that was being said.

“It had everything to do with Sulan, actually. Natalia revealed something just before she died that Sulan needs to know about so as to correct a mis-impression she has carried for twelve years now.”

“What did she reveal?” He asked, without a doubt what was just said would peak his Mate’s interest but his position on harding had not changed so far.

“How much do you know, Commander, of what happened twelve years ago? The incident that affected Sulan and Jackson?”

As much as Kit’rin’e didn’t want to explain to Harding what he’d been told, fearing that in some hidden dark way it would serve his purposes knowing what the ‘enemy’ knew. He told him what his Mate had said during the course of the relationship knowing Harding knew most if not all already what was being said.

Harding nodded slowly. “I see she’s been fed the same line as Jackson. But what he now knows, Sulan needs to know as well. I know she thinks I am evil incarnate and that’s exactly what Natalia wanted her and Jackson to believe. It would have worked too, until she lost her head and had Jackson and Cassidy Wilde kidnapped and attempted to kill them. She almost succeeded with Jackson.”

“My Mate is not the only one.” Kit’rin’e replied in reference to evil incarnate comment. However if he understood what he was saying, Natalia was dead, she was the threat and with her dead, who left was a threat besides him.....”If Natalia is dead, what threat remains that has pushed her into a secure Intelligence area?”

“Nothing now. I’m not the problem. That accident twelve years ago that affected Sulan and Jackson was no accident.” Harding rubbed his eyes and reached for his coffee. It had been a very long few days. “Natalia admitted that she blew up that experiment on purpose. She wanted to expose herself, and them, and have it look accidental. There were four people in that lab that day and she turned them all, including herself, into lab rats.”

Kit’rin’e was not sure how to take what Harding was saying, however he did know that his Mate would know what to do. He turned the monitor around so that both Harding and his Mate could see each other. “To what end?” He asked, why turn them into lab rats, what was to be gained that was worth the risk?

“Immortality, pure and simple.” It was Sulan who spoke. “Hello Will. That’s it isn’t it?”

Harding nodded. “Exactly. She said as much in Sickbay. It’s a warped point of view, what she did, and it has me concerned.” He looked from the monitor to Kit’rin’e. “Natalia was the closest and thus got the heaviest exposure. I’m going to check the body and see if that had something to do with her attempt to kill Jackson and Cassidy.”

Kit’rin’e was a little worried that a similar thing might happen to his Mate, however regardless of what happened it would change nothing between them despite the danger that could be presented to him from her. “Are you hinting that you might need to check my Mate also?” He asked.

“I’ll know more once I’ve finished my examination of Natalia. But there’s no need to stay holed up anymore, you can get back to your normal lives.” Harding stood, taking a sip of his coffee. Too late, he realized it was cold and made a face. “If you need some corroboration of what I’ve just told you, check with Jackson. Otherwise, I wish you both a good day.” He nodded to Kit’rin’e, then departed.

Dr. William Harding, CMO
Running on Adrenaline

Lt.Cmdr Kit’rin’e
Chief of Strategic Operations

Cameo By:

Tora Sulan


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