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Eli's Having a Bad Day

Posted on Thu Nov 1st, 2012 @ 5:13am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Leona Aliso & Elijah "Eli" Samuels

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Saturnalia

Eli sat on the floor as the bar security ran toward him. Groaning, he just stayed where he was, knowing the real base security had to be somewhere close behind.

Looking over, he saw the big Orion was still moving, laying in a puddle of blood. He didn't know how much longer he’d stay that way, but live or die, this couldn't end well for everyone’s (or at least Eli’s) favorite haggard smuggler. He figured the fleeters that ran this joint couldn't be happy to have an ex-Maquis with blood on his hands, and he knew the Syndicate, in general, and the Syndic clan in particular, would not view the stabbing of one of their members favorably.

But, as they say, “when going through Hell...”, so Eli pasted a smile on and looked up at the bouncers.

“Boy am I glad you guys got here. For a minute there I thought I was gonna have to fight that huge ass with the gun all by myself.”

Leona had been off-duty but at a nearby establishment when the call came in for security. Tossing a few slips of gold-pressed latinum on the table to cover the bill and a tip, she hastily made her way to Saturnalia. A dark green top and navy blue pants were not part of the normal Starfleet uniform, but a quick flash of her ID was enough to allow entrance. Taking in the scene she noticed an Orion male sprawled on the floor in what she assumed to be a puddle of his own blood. Nearby a somewhat scraggly looking human male seated on the floor with a bouncer standing guard.

The two men had apparently been involved in an altercation, that was easy to determine. The root cause however, might take longer to unravel. As she was still processing this information, the regular security patrol arrived.
"Let's make sure we do this by the book, if there's even a remote connection to the Syndicate I don't want them accusing us of favoritism. And if there's no connection, than we still did a thorough investigation."

As the others moved off to question the patrons about what they saw, Leona moved towards the human in an attempt to get some answers. She wanted to question the Orion as well, but was unsure he'd even make it.

"Lt. Aliso, Starfleet security. I want to ask you about what happened here. As a reminder, you do have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights?"

Eli gave a long, slow gaze up the Starfleet officer, nothing moving but his eyes. Finally making eye contact, he gave a slight exhaling of breath that might have been a laugh.

"Bit outta uniform there, ain't'cha Lt.?" Not awaiting a reply, he continued on. "And yeah, I understand my rights. Don't figure I need a lawyer. Last time I took one's advice, I ended up with a plea deal that left me in a penal colony for 5 years for doing Starfleet's job." He nodded over toward the Orion that medics were attending to and shrugged. "Figure I can do that good on my own and save myself the creds."

"I see, well Mr..." Leona paused briefly as she scanned the man's record as it appeared on her PADD. She was still a kid when the Maquis were active, but her previous host had held some pretty strong opinions on the subject. Regardless of that, or her own personal feelings, the man had just stabbed a fellow station occupant and justice had to be served. "... Samuels, you appear to be quite the traveler. What was your particular business here on SB 900?"

Eli gave a slight shrug. "Just trying to make an honest credit. Had some deliveries here, and figure this'd be a good staging area to try getting in good with some folks in both the Delta and Beta Quadrants.

Then I stopped by here for a drink and a bite to eat and that...", he nodded toward the Orion who medics were calling for an emergency beam out to sick bay for, "....big boy decided to stick a disrupter in my face."

The Trill studied the man's face in an attempt to discern if he was telling the truth. It was an inexact science, but it gave her something to go off of. So far he appeared to be honest, but she still had a few more questions.
"Did you have any idea why someone, or a group of someones might have it out for you?"

Considering Eli's past, it was highly probable the Orion either worked for the syndicate or was a mercenary.

Samuels considered lying, but then gave a mental shrug and told the truth.

"I make my living making deliveries for people, on time and with few questions. Six months ago, the Syndic Clan hired me to make a delivery that I dropped off on Nimbus III instead of where the shipment was going."

Now things were starting to fall into place. Leona's next question needed to be asked, even if the answer may not be desirable. "What was the delivery?"

Eli lowered his head a moment, looking back at the Trill by just raising his eyes that had become the grey of an impending storm, showing a depth of anger that could easily lead one to see how he'd been able to best an alien strongman twice his size.


The security officer did her best to keep a neutral expression. She wasn't fully surprised the Orions were dealing in slaves, she just never expected to encounter it. "I see. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'd like to contact my boss."

Eli gave a half shrug and sat back.

"Figure I ain't got nowhere else ta be."

Stepping off to the side, Leona tapped her commbadge. "Lt. Aliso to Commander Zerferino. Your presence is requested at the Saturnalia."

=/\= Be there shortly, Lieutenant. =/\=

The Trill returned to where Eli was sitting after receiving a response.

Sitting back, Eli cocked his head and continued on.

"While we're waiting on your boss. Mind telling me what the rules are 'round here on carrying? I mean, obviously, ginormous Orion thugs can. But, can I? Make it a heck of alot easier this ever happens again."

"Just because he was carrying doesn't mean he is allowed to. Generally speaking station occupants are not to be carrying weapons. If you feel you should have one for personal protection, you can submit an application. Of course that assumes you aren't convicted of any charges stemming from the current altercation." If half the station's occupants went around armed, it would make security's job that much more dangerous.

Minutes ticked by, then Lt.Commander Zeferino entered the scene. She wrinkled her nose at the smell in the place - not just the Orion's blood, but also the general stench of the place. Saturnalia seemed to have gotten seedier in the few weeks since she'd last been down here. "Lieutenant Aliso, report," she ordered, glancing at the Lieutenant then looking around to take in the details, including the man sitting on the floor. As Aliso filled her in, she listened and nodded, stopping when slaves were mentioned. Her blue eyes flashed with irritation. "If the Orion survives, put him in the Brig. We can't have his kind just running around with weapons like that."

Hearing the Commander's comment, one of the medics looked up from working on the Orion. "Think he'll make it, ma'am. We've got the bleeding controlled, waiting on a surgical team to prep, and we'll be beaming him directly to surgery."

Sure enough, no sooner had the words left his mouth than his communicator beeped, indicating the team was prepped. With a nod, he called for emergency site to site beam out and disappeared in a cascade of transporter effect.

With a slight harrump, Eli watch the entire event unfold, knowing that the big man's survival just meant this wasn't over. With a slight raise of his eyebrows he took in the two 'fleeters, especially the commander. The silent question of what this new chain of events meant for him evident from his expression.

Oralia heard the man's grumble of discontent and turned to look at him. "Don't think we're ignoring you. You'll have your very own cell in the brig, at least until we get a few questions answered," she said, briefly nodding once to her officers. They hauled him up from the floor as she continued her orders, "Get him cleaned up, have medical see him."

"Yes, ma'am," came the answer as Eli was pulled from the bar.

"Lieutenant, since this is technically your arrest, I'll leave it to you if you want to interview him or leave it to Darwin," Oralia addressed her Assistant Chief. "Looks like you were enjoying a night out, though. Go back to that; the trader can chill out in the brig overnight."

Oralia Zeferino
Leona Aliso
SB900 Security

Elijah Samuels
About to be Chillin'


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