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Exercise in Futility

Posted on Tue Nov 20th, 2012 @ 10:46am by Lieutenant Leona Aliso

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Secruity
Timeline: Current


Leona was on subspace with a friend in the Diplomatic Corps trying to gather more information on the Orion syndicate, when the alarm klaxons sounded.
“Sorry Keval, I'll have to call you back later.”

As the Diplomatic Corps emblem replaced the Andorian's face, Leona grabbed her phaser and headed out the door.
=/\= Lt. Aliso to Security, what's the cause of the alert? =/\=

=/\= Ma'am Petty Officer Ganesh here, Admiral Wegener & Commander Hawke are missing from the station. Commander Zeferino is on her way to deck 5 to temporarily take over the XO position.=/\=

With the Commander stepping up to Command, that meant Leona was in charge of the security department in the interim.

=/\= Roger that, I'm on my way. Contact Colonel Travis and have him meet me at the security office. We're going to need all the help we can get with the search. Aliso out. =/\=

By the time she reached the main security office Leona had formulated a basic plan on how to handle the search, but needed some information before enacting it.

“Chief, what tipped us off to the disappearance?”

“The loud explosion that preceded, Lt. Beckman and Ensign Sarkozi went to investigate, and that's when they noticed. Commander Leroy has been summoned to assist with the initial investigation. Apparently there's some sort of anomaly possibly involved in the disappearance. At the moment that's all we know. Although they promised updates as they came in.”

The Chief handed her a PADD that was slated to receive real time updates just as the Colonel entered the room. Though he outranked the others in the room, the current situation fell under the jurisdiction of station security rather than the marines.

“Lieutenant, Chief.” He said by way of greeting “How may I be of assistance?”

Leona quickly filled the man in on what was known so far regarding what had occurred.
“...Even if their comm-badges are somehow deactivated or destroyed, the Admiral is an El-Aurian and as far as I know the only one on board. Therefore we should be able to detect his lifesigns, but so far they're proving inconclusive. A civilian named Suresh was also in the office with the Admiral and Commander. It's unsure if the group as a whole was targeted, or some of them were simply targets of opportunity. It's possible all this is an accident, but it seems too much like a coincidence. Even though it's unlikely they're still on board the station, I want to do a deck by deck search. We'll use the security stations as staging areas. I want to borrow your marines for extra manpower.”

The Colonel let out a low whistle.
“I'd hate to be the one to explain the Command how our top 2 officers simply disappeared. You have my full support on this one. How are you planning on handling the restricted decks?”

Restricted decks weren't something she was used to dealing with, so they hadn't been factored into her plan.
“I'll handle it personally, thanks for the reminder.”

The details were quickly worked out and joint teams of security personnel and marines were fanning out across the many levels of the Starbase looking for 3 individuals who may or may not be onboard.


Lt. Leona Aliso
Assistant Security Chief, SB 900


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