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Temporal Affairs Has Arrived

Posted on Mon Dec 10th, 2012 @ 9:42pm by Commander Sakkath & El'Shar Blackhorse

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Starbase 900 -- Command & Control
Timeline: Current

"May I help you?" Hope asked as two women entered the temporary offices of acting base CO, Commander Sakkath.

"Captain Blackhorse and Lieutenant O'Donnell for the acting base commander, please," the younger of the two spoke up. "We were sent by Temporal Services to investigate the disappearance of your CO and XO."

Wegener's office was off limits due to the unexplained phenomena there, so the whole operation had been moved down the hall to an office that had been reserved for VIPs or diplomats that required the use of offices. It wasn't as impressive as the Admiral's office, but it would do.

"That would be Commander Sakkath," Hope replied, standing. "He is out of the office. If you'll come with me I can show you to him. He's just down the corridor."

Hope eyed the Lieutenant and gave a quick smile. She was probably the same age as Beckman and was beautiful, to say the least, but what really caught her eye was the Captain with her, who had, as of yet, said nothing.

Captain Blackhorse, as she had been introduced, stood at least six feet tall, had very long, black hair in a single braid down her back and was incredibly beautiful. Something about the color of her eyes, her hair, those high cheek-bones and her complexion made her look much more exotic, but along with those features she had the pointed ears of a Vulcan.

Hope took them to Command & Control where she found Sakkath reading through reports in the Admiral's other office there. It had been a constant string of reports for the past several days over the investigation and all that had gone with it. But Hope had to give the Commander kudos--Vulcan or not, even with this amount of pressure and workload he had not taken any time off to sleep. And he still seemed to be chugging along at one hundred percent.

"Pardon me, Commander," she said as she stood in the doorway, "there are some visitors from Temporal here for you."

Sakkath looked up from his bevy of PADDs at the sound of Hope's voice, his passionless green eyes shifting immediately to their two visitors, processing the details that presented themselves. As the Lieutenant finished speaking, he stood.

"Thank you, Miss Beckman," he said, raising his hand in the ta'al to greet his guests. "Peace and long life. Forgive me, Captain," he apologized, directing his remarks at Blackhorse. "Had I been made aware of your arrival, I would have greeted you upon coming aboard. I am Commander Sakkath, acting commander of this base. I invite you to sit. May I get you anything?" he offered as he gestured to the interior of his command office.

As she and her Lieutenant sat, El'Shar replied, "Thank you, Commander, but we require nothing for now. I am Captain Blackhorse, this is Lieutenant O'Donnell, both from Temporal Affairs. We were sent here to investigate the disappearance of one..." she looked at her own PADD, "...Vice Admiral Wegener, Commander Hawke and one civilian through some anomaly in the Admiral's office. While it's not certain that this is, in fact, a temporal event it still requires investigation from our section. The only requirements I currently have is access to a moderate office, quarters for myself and Lieutenant O'Donnell and all information your personnel currently have on this incident, what lead up to it and all subsequent data taken since it was first discovered."

Sakkath retook his own seat, noting for a moment how agreeable it was to deal with someone who dispensed with pleasantries. After entering a few commands on his terminal, he nodded. "VIP Quarters are available for you both on Deck Ten. I have released to your personal command codes, Captain, all relevant logs and data." He folded his hands upon the desk that had been afforded him, regarding the two ladies.

"My Chief Science officer assures me this phenomenon is spatial in origin, not temporal, but you shall have any access you require."

El'Shar nodded. "Thank you. Unfortunately, even spatial anomalies, especially those that disappear our staff, fall under the purview of T.A. If that is the case, however, it will be a much shorter investigation." She had accessed the information authorized by Sakkath while they spoke. "Hmmm," she said with a frown. "Initial attempts at bringing them back brought someone from the other side over?" She looked back up. "I would love to speak with those subjects, Commander. Getting information from them may help us understand better what our people may be facing on the other side."

Sakkath quirked a brow at the Captain's choice of words, but said nothing for the moment. He had been guilty of some emotional lapses in his time, he knew. "I feel certain that can be arranged, at least in the case of the mother. Our counselor has recommended that we shield the child as much as possible until such time as they can be returned."

"I can understand that," she replied. "Well, the Lieutenant and I will take up no more of your time, Commander. It's been a pleasure meeting you and I'll be around if you need me. Otherwise, I will begin with interviewing some of the crew tomorrow, depending upon their schedules. No need to take them from their duties, or take up all of their off-duty time either."

She stood, as did Lieutenant O'Donnell, and with a curt nod to Sakkath she walked out of the offices.

Sakkath stood as they exited, a gesture of formality, but as he retook his seat in the absence of his guests, a line from the human Bard rang through his mind. "'Speak low if you speak love...' indeed," he thought as he quirked a brow after the Captain before returning to his mountain of paperwork and other, greater concerns.


Captain El'Shar Blackhorse
Not Your Average Vulcan Mix

Lieutenant Marie O'Donnell
The Quiet One

Lieutenant Hope Beckman
Still Aide to the CO...even the acting one

Commander Sakkath
Acting the Part


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