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The Interviews Begin

Posted on Wed Dec 19th, 2012 @ 12:29pm by El'Shar Blackhorse & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Galileo Center
Timeline: Current

El’shar began her day early, at 0500 hours, getting up for breakfast and gathering all of the files she’d been given access to regarding the circumstances of Wegener and Hawke’s disappearance, as well as another security officer. She had a meeting at 0700 with Lt. Cmdr. Leroy, the chief science officer of the base, to go over some of the information presented. She also wanted to speak to the female that came through during Leroy’s attempts at making contact with the alternate universe, one Aleksandra Levkova. An Ensign Levkova is already stationed on this 900, but that is of little consequence. El’Shar wasn’t sure if they should meet or not, but since it wasn’t actually a temporal event it did not appear that their meeting would cause any disturbances, however, whether they met or not was up to the Levkovas, or even Commander Sakkath.

Leaving Lt. O’Donnell with instruction to sort the information and set up more meetings with personnel that may be able to explain further the details of the disappearance, or background on the Sakkath subject, El’Shar made her way to the Galileo Center to speak with Lt. Cmdr. Leroy.

* * * Galileo Center -- Deck 210 -- Chief Science Officer’s Office * * *

Ensign Rutheridge had shown the Captain to Leroy’s office, but El’Shar stood outside to await his arrival. She understood the delay--all of the sciences staff were working diligently on finding a way to get their personnel back and she wasn’t going to do anything to slow them, other than these interviews which, unfortunately, were rather important.

Fortunately she hadn’t to wait too long as Leroy entered Science department from the main doors and covering the distance to her at a steady pace.

“Good morning, Captain.” He greeted her. “Sorry for the little delay but I had to bring Faye, er... The child from the other side, to the kindergarten.” For a man well-known to make a point on himself and his staff about punctuality was surely a difficult admission.

“Oh and sorry for this too.” he said passing the hand on his 24 hours unshaven face making him a little outside regs “These are really hard times.”

Smiling cordially she replied, “Please, Commander, don’t concern yourself. Some of our finest personnel grew nice, thick beards.”

The doors to the office swooshed open and he gently motioned the Captain inside to take a seat “What may I do for you, Captain?” he asked sitting at his desk.

“I have to begin my investigation somewhere. I thought I’d start with you, since you’re the primary researcher on this incident.” She pulled out a PADD and scrolled through the information. “I believe I have everything that is current as of my arrival yesterday.” She looked up at him. “Can you tell me if anything has occurred overnight that may help us get to our missing crew?”

Leroy heaved a sigh. “Unfortunately last night hasn’t brought any progress. In our previous experiment the only thing that has resulted very clear is the danger represented by conducting attempts on board of SB900. I have a theory on which I’m working on at the moment. But it’s too early to give a proper layout.”

Turning to the terminal Leroy quickly typed some commands on the console. “I’m giving you full access to all available information recorded until now. And, of course, I’m available for any further clarification, although I have to admit... Aside from the stress this emergency clearly generates the guests recovered in our failure are putting strain on my personal life too...”

He smiled then “Of course this is not your problem Captain. Was just thinking aloud.”

“Well, that actually brings up another issue,” she said. “I was told you could get me in contact with Ms. Levkova? The one that came through from the other side, I guess I should say--not the one already here.” She squirreled her face up, realizing how awkward that entire sentence sounded. “My apologies, Commander. I could have phrased that better, but when you have two of the same person here it gets a bit confusing.”

“It is indeed.” Leroy replied leaning back on his seat “Perhaps we should establish some sort of convention, perhaps labeling us alpha and those coming from beyond the veil beta when referring to the names. This could help even if it may sound arrogant as they could have the same point of view.”

Eyes fixed on some undetermined spot between the captain and the desk he sniffed with his own poor attempt at irony.

“The matters are getting dire Captain Blackhorse.” Leroy underlined, his eyes narrowing on that same spot, “In any case I think there’s no problem into arranging a meeting with Aleksandra... From beyond. Under suggestion of Commander Swift she’s occupying the same quarters here that she’s sharing with the other Commander Leroy on the other side... And, as highly recommended, I’m spending some of my scant free time there for the child’s sake.”

He looked up to meet Blackhorse’s gaze “I think you already have all the details... In any case anytime you want we’ll make you proceed with your investigation.”

El’Shar nodded, having read about alternate Levkova’s relationship on the other side. “Will you be able to have her meet me in an hour? I know that childcare may be an issue for her, so an hour should take care of that.” While she waited on a reply, eh hit on something else he’d said. “I’m sorry, Commander, but what did you mean by ‘matters are getting dire’? Are we nowhere closer to finding a stable walk-through for our people, and Ms. Levkova?”

She remembered that this Leroy had, in fact, brought the Levkova female, and her daughter, over from the other side. Not having taken the time to look at many of the scientific facts on it yet herself, she had hoped that the only problem was finding a power source capable of keeping the portal open for an extended period of time.

“I don’t know... I feel a sense of urgency, time is a critical factor. Aleksa... Well the other Aleksandra, has depicted a scenario of war. I feel like any second lost could be too late. The theory I mentioned before implies using starships to establish a power bridge transferring energy between the Base and the wormhole where the veil to other realities is thinner... A selected ship could be at the end of the chain able to receive the power and cross the gap.”

“But I don’t know what we could find there and how will it be possible to make the trip back.” he added then frustration evident in his tone.

El’Shar considered this. “If we are able to send one of our own ships over, even a smaller one, we could send them with the specs on how we were able to open that gap in the first place. They could then rescue our people, potentially find other ships to recreate what you may be able to do, and send them back.” Her mind raced at the possibilities. Having gone over some of the information already provided her she made some quick calculations about the amount of sustained power needed to send a ship through. “We will talk more on this later,” she finally said. “For now, I’ll speak to Ms. Levkova. She may be able to help us decide how to move on this matter.”

Standing she smiled. “Thank you for seeing me, Commander. If you can make contact with Ms. Levkova, I have been set up with an office on deck 12. I will wait for her there.”

“Don’t mention it.” He replied standing in turn. “I’m eager to find a solution and bring back our people. I’ll tell Mrs. Levkova that you desire to have a talk with her. I will arrange to have her at your office right this this afternoon. There is no time to lose.”

Captain El’Shar Blackhorse
Temporal Affairs Officer

LtCmdr Patrick Leroy
CSO - SB900


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